[5] Koch y Meir siguieron la histórica caminata con otras dos caminatas femeninas en enero de 2020. Yes, yes, it certainly is. Known Cities: Scott City MO, 63780, Cape Girardeau MO 63703, Scott City MO 63780 Possible Relatives: George Frankli Collins, Stacey Ann Forck, Deborah L Koch. Ich wurde in Ludwigsburg geboren. fax: (815) 844-4810. NetGalley Badges. (* 3. máj 1940, Wichita, Kansas, USA – † 23. august 2019, Southampton, New York) bol americký podnikateľ, filantrop, politický aktivista a chemický inžinier.Spolu so svojim starším bratom Charlesom vlastnil a riadil nadnárodnú korporáciu Koch Industries, konglomerát, ktorý je druhou najväčšou súkromne vlastnenou spoločnosťou v Spojených štátoch. [7] Guy Sebastian and Jessica Mauboy unite for a private dinner in Sydney ahead of … En el otoño de 1999, cuando estaba empezando a estudiar Dibujo en la facultad de Arquitectura, conoció a Danny, un germano-estadounidense. Are you Jessica Koch, PT? [36], On 6 February 2020 Koch, alongside Soyuz MS-13 crew members Aleksandr Skvortsov and Luca Parmitano returned to Earth, following which Meir, Skripochka and Andrew Morgan transferred over to Expedition 62, due to delays with NASA's Commercial Crew Program, most of this increment was spent as a crew of three. Shortly after finishing school, she met Danny, a German-American dual citizen. [30][31] On October 18, 2019, Meir performed her first spacewalk alongside her colleague Christina Koch, replacing a faulty Battery Charging Discharging Unit. Born: 1977 (age 43–44) Wichita, Kansas, US. Portato in urgenza in ospedale, i medici rivelano al ragazzo che è stato scoperto il motivo del suo malore: la malattia è degenerata e gli restano quindici mesi da vivere, con possibile perdita della vista e un probabile ictus. Get the latest updates on NASA missions, watch NASA TV live, and learn about our quest to reveal the unknown and benefit all humankind. Jessica Koch was born in Ludwigsburg, Germany and began writing short stories when she was still in high school - but never submitted her work to publishers. [6] On October 18, 2019, Meir and Christina Koch were the first women to participate in an all-female spacewalk. English 6 245 000+ articles. In Germania, Vicino all'orizzonte è stato distribuito a partire dal 18 settembre 2019[1]; in Italia la pellicola è stata distribuita il 24 ottobre dello stesso anno, da M2 Pictures[2]. [2] She completed training in July 2015. Jessica Koch, Make Up Department: Neo Magazin. Il giorno seguente Danny mette in guardia Jessica, perché ritiene che sia troppo pericoloso avere un contatto fisico e ha paura di poterla contagiare. This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total. Koch realizou a primeira camiñada espacial exclusivamente feminina con Jessica Meir o 18 de outubro, como parte dunha longa serie de actualizacións aos sistemas de enerxía e observatorios de física da EEI. Shortly after finishing school, she met Danny, a German-American dual citizen. Ma Jessica non è d’accordo e intende spronare Danny a lottare per prolungare la sua vita curandosi in ospedale in modo che possano stare più tempo assieme. After spending 15 years in various telecommunications and technology consulting and sales positions, her passion for connecting people … The Expedition was commanded by ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano, who became the third European and first Italian astronaut to command the ISS. The Basics. La storia narra dell’incontro casuale tra Jessica e Danny e tra i due scoppia la scintilla, ma ben presto la protagonista dovrà guardare un altro volto dell’amore e farà di tutto pur di rimanere con Danny. ISS-61 Jessica Meir and Christina Koch work inside the Columbus lab.jpg 5,568 × 3,712; 2.39 MB ISS-61 Jessica Meir dines on fresh Mizuna mustard greens inside the Unity module.jpg 5,568 × 3,712; 1.9 MB Jessica Koch was born in Ludwigsburg, Germany, and began writing short stories when she was still in high school - but never submitted her work to publishers. kesäkuuta 1955) on yhdysvaltalainen entinen maastohiihtäjä.Hän oli ensimmäisiä hiihtäjiä, jotka käyttivät virallisissa kisoissa luistelutyyliä.. Koch harrasti ensin yhdistettyä, mutta sittemmin ryhtyi keskittymään täysipainoisesti hiihtoon. La trova in fin di vita e la porta all’ospedale, ma la ragazza non riesce a sopravvivere e muore la notte stessa. Danny wurde von seinem Vater schon im Alter von 11 Jahren schwer misshandelt und vergewaltigt. These experiments included physiological studies (bone loss, muscle control/atrophy, lung function, etc.) The IMDb editors have selected the films they're most excited to see in 2021. Jessica se ne innamora all’istante e chiede a Danny di frequentarsi, ma il ragazzo rifiuta l'invito, facendo credere a Jessica che non sia un ragazzo intenzionato a intraprendere relazioni serie. Jessica C Koch, age 38, Scott City, MO 63780 View Full Report. Redirected categories should be empty and not categorised themselves. [18], Meir did post-doctoral research at the University of British Columbia, raising bar-headed geese so their tolerance of high altitude and low oxygen levels during flight over the Himalayas could be studied in a controlled environment. I Fred C. Koch no rainy. Yeah. [20], After getting her master's degree, Meir worked from 2000 to 2003 for Lockheed Martin Space Operations as an experiment support scientist for the Human Research Facility at the NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas. Hazard identification and risk assessment, This page was last edited on 21 February 2021, at 03:30. [10] Meir has visited Israel twice: the first time as a teenager with her parents and her brother, and the second time in 2016 for work as an astronaut where she gave a talk in Haifa at the International Space University summer session. Jessica Schwarz und Hamza Jeetooa auf dem roten Teppich "Der Koch".JPG 3,000 × 4,000; 4.02 MB Jessica Schwarz Österreichpremiere Heiter bis wolkig - … If I'm correct this book is influenced on true events that took place in the authors personal life. Coch was born on November 4, 1979 in the city of Puebla, Mexico. Danny non trova in casa Tina e corre a cercarla nel posto in cui la ragazza conviveva con altri tossicodipendenti prima di conoscere Danny. Dopo la sconvolgente notizia Jessica per un istante è dell’idea di lasciare Danny, ma poi, capendo di essersi perdutamente innamorata, decide di tornare dal suo amato e passano la loro prima notte insieme. Charles Chase Koch (/ ˈ k oʊ k / ; born June 15, 1977), is an American businessman, and the son of Charles Koch, the co-owner, CEO, and chairman of Koch Industries. Eine Folge davon war, dass er ihn mit HIV infizierte. Add a bio, trivia, and more. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. [31] [41], Meir played flute, piccolo, and saxophone as a youth, and enjoys reading classical literature. Jessica Koch. Alla fine Danny si suicida e lascia una lettera di addio a Jessica, dicendole che ha paura ad aspettare che la sua malattia progredisca e di non riuscire più a suicidarsi. Biography of Jessica Koch Last update: May 11, 2020. [6] Koch e Meir seguiron a histórica camiñada con outras dúas camiñadas femininas en xaneiro de 2020. Eric Koch. "Albatross" on 2011. aastal valminud Briti draamakomöödiafilm, mille režissöör on Niall MacCormick ja stsenarist Tamzin Rafn. [9] Although her mother did not convert to Judaism, Meir identifies as culturally Jewish, attended synagogue while growing up, and had a Bat Mitzvah. She was the lead capsule communicator for Expedition 47, the BEAM mission, and a HTV (Japanese Space Agency cargo vehicle) mission. Ed Koch, Daniel Paisner: Citizen Koch: An Autobiography. ... Impressum: Jessica Koch: Startseite: News: Bücher: Autorin: Links: Begrüßung. Don’t Miss Out On. 2019ko urriaren 18an soilik emakumez osatutako lehen ontziz kanpoko ibilaldia egin zuten Jessica Meirrek eta biek. Any content should be recategorised. [27], Meir, Skripochka and Al Mansouri launched aboard MS-15 on 25 September 2019, marking the final flight of the Soyuz-FG rocket and final launch from the Gagarin's Start launch pad, both of which were retired following launch of Soyuz MS-15. Jessica Koch, PT is a Physical Therapist (PT) - General practicing in Pontiac, IL She has not yet shared a personalized biography with Doctor.com. ISS-61 Jessica Meir inside the Kibo lab during interviews.jpg 5,568 × 3,712; 2.59 MB. The mission was delayed due to Hurricane Isadore, forcing National Undersea Research Center managers to shorten it to an underwater duration of five days. Bücher. Dopo che Danny riesce a riprendersi dalla scomparsa di Tina, comprende di non essere stato presente per Jessica, e così la invita a passare una vacanza in America, luogo dove Danny è nato e cresciuto da piccolo. Shortly after finishing school, she met Danny, a German-American dual citizen. NASA.gov brings you the latest images, videos and news from America's space agency. [14] She received her PhD in marine biology from Scripps Institution of Oceanography, studying diving physiology, in 2009. [1][2] She has studied the diving physiology and behavior of emperor penguins in Antarctica,[3] and the physiology of bar-headed geese, which are able to migrate over the Himalayas. [16], Meir earned a Ph.D. in marine biology in 2009 from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography for research on the diving physiology of emperor penguins and northern elephant seals. Links www.pymblemedicaldentalcentre.com . Koch heitti henkilökohtaisen ennätyksensä 70,76 metriä vuonna 1989. This is an alternative cover edition for ASIN B074 … More. Career. Koch melakukan misi spacewalk wanita yang pertama bersama-sama Jessica Meir pada 18 Oktober 2019, sebagai sebahagian daripada siri peningkatan jangka panjang kepada sistem kuasa dan fizik ISS. The End of the F***ing World is a British dark comedy-drama television programme. Learn more about Jessica Hanke, Stan Koch & Sons Trucking including contact information, career history, news and intelligence. Danny è stravolto: si chiude in se stesso e si allontana da Jessica, ma la ragazza cerca di stargli accanto comunque. Archives . O 18 d'octubre de 2019 realizó de conchunta con l'astronauta Jessica Meir a primera andada espacial d'a historia formada por solament mullers. Bücher. The reason for this was to allow for Al Mansouri's flight, in which he became the first person from the United Arab Emirates to fly in space. Name. You need to be logged in to continue. [1] Jessica Meir tien a dople nacionalidat estatounitense y sueca asinas que ye oficialment tamién a primera muller astronauta sueca. Egli vuole porre fine alla sua vita e ha deciso di lasciare tutti i suoi averi a lei e alle persone che si sono presi cura di Danny, tra questi il suo tutore e l’allenatore di kickboxing. "And it might have had something to do with the fact that the stars shone so brightly in rural Maine", Meir added. [21], Apart from English and Russian (required for astronaut training), she also speaks Swedish. ISS-61 Jessica Meir and Christina Koch work inside the Columbus lab.jpg 5,568 × 3,712; 2.39 MB. Buy Dem Horizont so nah by Jessica Koch from Waterstones today! Eure Jessica Facebook. This file contains additional information, probably added from the digital camera or scanner used to create or digitize it. Der Film zum Buch ab dem 26.03.20. The story is about a girl, Jessica, and a guy, Danny. About TMDb; Contact Us ; Support Forums; API; System Status; Get Involved. Estate 1999. Expedition 60 ended on 3 October 2019 when Al Mansouri, alongside Soyuz MS-12 crew members Aleksey Ovchinin and Nick Hague undocked from the station and returned to Earth, returning the ISS to normal six-crew operations during Expedition 61. View Phone # Call Now. Get in Touch. The Soyuz capsule carrying Jessica Meir and fellow astronauts Andrew Morgan and Oleg Skripochka touched down on Friday April 17, 2020 near the town of Dzhezkazgan, Kazakhstan, at 11.16am local time. This tag should be used on existing categories that are likely to be used by others, even though the "real" category is elsewhere. to determine if any bodily processes were altered in the spaceflight environment. Meir and her crewmates spent five days saturation diving from the Aquarius habitat as a space analogue for working and training under extreme environmental conditions. [10] Among other things, she also took pictures of Israel from space. La diciottenne Jessica conduce una vita semplice, lavora con la sua famiglia ed è circondata da amiche che le vogliono bene. Un giorno Jessica, lavorando come cameriera insieme ai suoi genitori, incontra casualmente Danny che lavora come fotomodello e finalmente il ragazzo le chiede di uscire. Patterns of muscle oxygen depletion during dives of emperor penguins", "A Season at the Penguin Ranch in Antarctica", "Jessica Meir, Emperor Penguin Researcher in Antarctica", "Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates: Jessica Meir", "NASA's Newest Astronauts Complete Training", "NASA Announces First Flight, Record-Setting Mission", "Final Soyuz-FG rocket delivers ISS crew", "In-Space News Conference to Review First All-Woman Spacewalk", "NASA to Televise First All-Female Spacewalk, Host Media Teleconference", "NASA TV is Live Now Broadcasting First All-Woman Spacewalk", "2 female astronauts politely corrected Trump midspacewalk after the president made a galling error", "Russia conducts first Soyuz 2.1a human launch; MS-16 crew arrives at Station", "Human Research, Crew Departure Preps aboard Busy Station – Space Station", "Maine astronauts host historic conversation from space", "Touchdown! [25], During her time in the astronaut office, Meir has served as the capsule communicator for various missions. Biography; Awards; Photo Gallery; Filmography (by Job) Trailers and Videos; Filmography. Jereo koa. She is the daughter of an Argentine professional soccer player Jorge Coch and a Mexican mother, Martha Montes de Oca. Christina Hammock Koch (Grand Rapids, Michigan, 28 de gener de 1979) és una enginyera i astronauta estatunidenca.D'ençà del 14 de març de 2019, participa com a enginyera de vol a l'Estació Espacial Internacional en les Expedicions 59, 60 i 61, preveient-se una estada en òrbita fins al febrer de 2020, uns 328 dies en total, eclipsant el rècord de 288 dies establert per l'ex … Bei Fragen und Anregungen einfach bei mir melden .... Eure Jessica Jessica Koch was born in Ludwigsburg, Germany, and began writing short stories when she was still in high school - but never submitted her work to publishers. The crew successfully reached orbit and rendezvoused with the ISS only six hours later. [24] For the next selection group in June 2013, Meir was chosen as one of eight astronaut candidates for training in NASA Astronaut Group 21. Want to Read; Currently Reading; Read; Add New Shelf; Done. Jessica Ulrika Meir (* 1. července 1977) je americká astronautka NASA, mořská bioložka a fyzioložka.Dříve působila jako odborná asistentka anestezie na Harvardově univerzitě a po disertaci jako výzkumnice v oblasti komparativní fyziologie na Univerzitě Britské Kolumbie.Studovala fyziologii potápění a chování tučňáků císařských na Antarktidě a fyziologii … Want to Read; Currently Reading; Read; Add New Shelf; Rate it: Book 2. Click and Collect from your local Waterstones or get FREE UK delivery on orders over £25. Empezó a escribir cuando todavía iba al colegio. Jessica Schwarz und Hamza Jeetooa auf dem roten Teppich "Der Koch".JPG 3,000 × 4,000; 4.02 MB Jessica Schwarz Österreichpremiere Heiter bis wolkig - Urania-Kino Wien 2012 a.jpg 1,049 × 1,730; 566 KB Jessica Koch : Right? Meir launched on September 25, 2019, to the ISS onboard Soyuz MS-15, where she served as a flight Engineer during Expedition 61 and 62. Biography. Die 18-jährige Jessica Koch verliebt sich Hals über Kopf in Danny Taylor, einen gut aussehenden und erfolgreichen Kickboxer und Model. Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO) Scholar Award (2008); Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Fellowship (2006); Lockheed Martin Space Operations (LMSO) Special Recognition Award (2002); NASA JSC Space and Life Sciences Directorate Special Professional Achievement Award (2002); Lockheed Martin Technology Services "Lightning Award" (2002); Honorary Doctor of Technology from Luleå University of Technology, Sweden (2020). The Soyuz capsule carrying Jessica Meir and fellow astronauts Andrew Morgan and Oleg Skripochka touched down on Friday April 17, 2020 near the town of Dzhezkazgan, Kazakhstan, at 11.16am local time. Christina Koch; Jessica Meir; Andrew Morgan; Expedition 61; Usage on ja.wikipedia.org 国際宇宙ステーション長期滞在一覧 ; View more global usage of this file. Kyle Marshall & Jessica Borutski Whitney Wetta Sarah Johnson 2019. október 26. Jessica started studying at the Centro de Educación Artística (CEA) of Televisa in the 1996 generation with only 16 years of age. 5.9m Followers, 144 Following, 1,384 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Jessica Garcia (@jessicathivenin) Then, three days into their underwater mission, the crew members were told that Tropical Storm Lili was headed in their direction and to prepare for an early departure from Aquarius. 日本語 1 252 000+ 記事. ISS-61 Jessica Meir reviews robotics procedures in the Destiny lab.jpg 5,568 × 3,712; 2.5 MB. As an AHPRA accredited Registered Psychologist, Jess is a … Vicino all'orizzonte (Dem Horizont so nah) è un film del 2019 diretto da Tim Trachte, tratto dall'omonimo romanzo di Jessica Koch.La storia narra dell’incontro casuale tra Jessica e Danny e tra i due scoppia la scintilla, ma ben presto la protagonista dovrà guardare un altro volto dell’amore e farà di tutto pur di rimanere con Danny. Explore books by Dr Jessica Koch with our selection at Waterstones.com. [21], In 2009, Meir was a semi-finalist for selection to NASA Astronaut Group 20. Update information for Jessica Koch » Quick Links. Ms Jessica Marie Koch Qualifications Master of Professional Psychology, Bachelor of Science - Psychology (Honours) Occupation Psychologist Gender Female. She enjoys recreational cycling, hiking, running, skiing, soccer and scuba diving, and holds a private pilot's license. by Jessica Koch. [32] The three other scheduled spacewalks scheduled to install the new batteries had to be postponed in order to perform this spacewalk. Alla fine della lettera le dice che un giorno si incontreranno nell’orizzonte, il confine che separa la terra e il cielo; lì sarà il posto in cui Danny e Jessica si congiungeranno per sempre. Ms Jessica Koch (Psychologist) From Healthpages.wiki. Meir knew no one who worked for NASA or for the space program. Ed Koch, Wendy Corsi Staub: Murder On Broadway. Shortly after finishing school, she met Danny, a German-American dual citizen. [15] In 2000, Meir graduated with a Master of Space Studies from the International Space University in Strasbourg, France. Jessica Koch, Art Department: Fremde. Join the Community. Get the latest updates on NASA missions, watch NASA TV live, and learn about our quest to reveal the unknown and benefit all humankind. [44], Meir has received numerous awards including:[21], NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations, "Penguins continue diving long after muscles run out of oxygen", "Sky's No Limit in High-Flying Goose Chase", "Astronaut from Maine prepares for takeoff", "Astronauts return to Earth after watching coronavirus outbreak from space", "Astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir: The 100 Most Influential People of 2020", "Swedish-Israeli NASA astronaut Jessica Meir gets ready for space", "No Risk, No Reward Says Fearless Jewish Astronaut Jessica Meir", "Astronaut from Aroostook County will soon go on her 1st spaceflight", "Journey to Mars: Meet NASA astronaut candidate Jessica Meir", ":: NASA Quest > Space :: Meet Jessica Meir", National Aeronautics and Space Administration, "Three I's of ISU Influential to 2013 NASA Astronaut Candidate Jessica Meir", "What triggers the aerobic dive limit? 2019: Close to the Horizon … Novel: Clear; All Movies 1; TV Shows 0; Department Writing 1; URL. : Subcategories. Az Artemis-program egy amerikai űrprogram, amelynek célja az "első nő és a következő férfi" eljuttatása a Holdra 2024-ig.A Hold déli sarkköri régiójában fog landolni. [15][17][18] Meir performed field work at Penguin Ranch on McMurdo Sound in Antarctica to study the diving abilities of the emperor penguin while scuba diving alongside them under the ice. Bei Fragen und Anregungen einfach bei mir melden .... Eure Jessica Facebook. She was previously Assistant Professor of Anesthesia at Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, following postdoctoral research in comparative physiology at the University of British Columbia. Beate Koch (s.18. 17 editions. 2019. november 1. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern und Schauen. La ragazza però non è intenzionata a interrompere il rapporto e decide di trasferirsi da Danny cercando di condurre una vita apparentemente normale. The eight-part first series premiered its first episode on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom on 24 October 2017, after which the following episodes were released on All 4. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events Misions. Español 1 659 000+ artículos. 2020. január 14. Con él vivió la historia que cuenta en Tan cerca del horizonte. 9. This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total. [42] Although she is American, due to also holding Swedish citizenship by virtue of her mother's country of birth, she is technically the first Swedish female citizenship-holder in space and the second Swedish citizenship-holder in space overall after ESA astronaut Christer Fuglesang. On October 18, 2019, Meir and Christina Koch were the first women to participate in an all-female spacewalk. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events Want to Read. [29], During Expedition 61 Meir was scheduled to perform three spacewalks during this mission to help install new lithium-ion batteries on the Port-6 truss structure of the ISS, although this schedule was later changed. by Year; by Job; by Ratings; by Votes; by Genre; by Keyword; Personal Details. Shelve So Near the Horizon. O 18 d'octubre de 2019 realizó de conchunta con l'astronauta Jessica Meir a primera andada espacial d'a historia formada por solament mullers. Jump to: navigation, search. [38] On 13 April Meir and Cassidy, both Maine natives, participated in a live conference with several students from around Maine;[39] the two, joined by Andrew Morgan, also participated in a segment of Some Good News, an internet show hosted by American actor John Krasinski to spread good news during the COVID-19 pandemic. [21][22] Meir coordinated and supported human space life science experiments that were performed by astronauts on Space Shuttle and International Space Station (ISS) missions. Fortunately, Lili degenerated to the point where it was no longer a threat, so the crew was able to remain the full five days. [5][23], At the time of NEEMO 4, Meir was leaning toward pursuing a PhD in a field related to evolutionary biology and/or life in extreme environments (astrobiology). Dem Ozean so nah (138) Erschienen am 16.12.2016. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. Misión Calendata Durada Comentarios Expedition 59/60/61 14 de marzo … Jessica Raye Koch, age 39, Haughton, LA 71037 View Full Report. January 2, 2018 in Book Review, Books, Jessica Koch, Posts, Reading, Romance, Young Adult. In 1947 word sy een van die eerste prominente Nazi's wat deur die Amerikaanse weermag verhoor is. We don't have a biography for Jessica Koch. Expedition 62 Returns to Earth, Completes Station Mission – Space Station", "Jessica blir första svenska kvinnan i rymden: "Trodde det var kört, "מת"א ועד הכוכבים: התמונות של ג'סיקה מאיר מהחלל", "Jessica Meir, Honorary Doctor of Technology 2020", National Science Foundation (NSF) Discoveries - Into Thin Air, Modern "Mother Goose" Attempts to Unravel the Flight of the Bar-Headed Goose, LiveScience, Skavlan interview after return from ISS (May 2020), NASA Astronaut Group 21, "The 8 Balls", 2013, Cleaning and disinfection of personal diving equipment, Swimming at the 1900 Summer Olympics – Men's underwater swimming, Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques, Fédération Française d'Études et de Sports Sous-Marins, Federación Española de Actividades Subacuáticas, International Association for Handicapped Divers, Environmental impact of recreational diving, Table Mountain National Park Marine Protected Area, Finger Lakes Underwater Preserve Association, Maritime Heritage Trail – Battle of Saipan, Use of breathing equipment in an underwater environment, Failure of diving equipment other than breathing apparatus, Testing and inspection of diving cylinders, Association of Diving Contractors International, Hazardous Materials Identification System, International Marine Contractors Association, List of signs and symptoms of diving disorders, European Underwater and Baromedical Society, National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology, Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory, Royal Australian Navy School of Underwater Medicine, South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society, Southern African Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Association, United States Navy Experimental Diving Unit, List of legislation regulating underwater diving, UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, History of decompression research and development, Basic Cave Diving: A Blueprint for Survival, Bennett and Elliott's physiology and medicine of diving, Code of Practice for Scientific Diving (UNESCO), IMCA Code of Practice for Offshore Diving, ISO 24801 Recreational diving services — Requirements for the training of recreational scuba divers, The Silent World: A Story of Undersea Discovery and Adventure, List of Divers Alert Network publications, International Diving Regulators and Certifiers Forum, List of diver certification organizations, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, World Recreational Scuba Training Council, Commercial diver registration in South Africa, American Canadian Underwater Certifications, Association nationale des moniteurs de plongée, International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers, International Diving Educators Association, National Association of Underwater Instructors, Professional Association of Diving Instructors, Professional Diving Instructors Corporation, National Speleological Society#Cave Diving Group, South African Underwater Sports Federation, 14th CMAS Underwater Photography World Championship, Physiological response to water immersion, Russian deep submergence rescue vehicle AS-28, Submarine Rescue Diving Recompression System, Artificial Reef Society of British Columbia, Diving Equipment and Marketing Association, Society for Underwater Historical Research, Underwater Archaeology Branch, Naval History & Heritage Command, International Submarine Escape and Rescue Liaison Office, Submarine Escape and Rescue system (Royal Swedish Navy), Submarine Escape Training Facility (Australia), Neutral buoyancy simulation as a training aid, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jessica_Meir&oldid=1008016690, Scripps Institution of Oceanography alumni, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2019, Wikipedia articles with ORCID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Semantic Scholar author identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.