However, that speed is a trade off for sufficient armor and payload, of which they are lacking. On the 5th of March, 1943, the Battle of Ruhr was begun; a campaign of strategic bombing that took place during the Second World War. Planes - USA ; By mexicanmuscel; 103.0MB ; 170-- Join the largest modding community . AV-8A Harrier Pack. Saying they are more realistic now as … Free + SAVE SG$12.45 Verdun ... War Thunder - German Starter Pack. Emily’s answer has some good choices, but everyone’s playstyle is different, so I’m going to offer what worked well for me in case the Fw 200 and Me 264 aren’t your thing. Do 17 E-1. War Thunder German Fighters and Heavy Fighters Guide ... With the bomber destroyer version of the Me410, your role is to intercept as many bombers as possible, your 4x MG151/20 cannon will instantly vaporize any fighters coming in for a head on pass. Do 17 Z-2. More mods Explore all mods. This file contains the clean skin file, and the damage model file. There are a lot of aircraft to choose from in War Thunder. They've recently found their median in patch 1.43, though, and, dare I … They're pretty great, giving consistent results for grinding out RP and SL. Few aircraft were designed specifically for ground attack, the Il-2 Sturmovik being the definitive example; other Attackers in War Thunderinclude the German Hs 129 and American A-20 Havoc. I Rank. Updated: Dec 23 2018 Tabs at bottom for rockets & torpedoes Tiering determined by top BR in the match, not plane BR. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Other. Just as with strike aircraft, there are many different kinds of bombers in War Thunder. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO … Press J to jump to the feed. SG$14.40. Du gamla, Du fria, Du fjällhöga nord. This campaign was planned as an assault on the German industrial area of Ruhr, and both British and American forces took part. 0:00 / 16:21. German bombers are above average in terms of defensive armament and speed. SG$8.70. YES NO. Summary: War Thunder is … This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. They don't have enough defense to protect themselves from fighters. Log In Sign Up. planes, World War II, Bomber, German Army, Me 264, War Thunder | 3840x2160 Wallpaper Such aircraft are able to perform as both energy fighters and dogfighters. For other versions, see Do 17 Z-2 and Do 17 Z-7. In War Thunder, apart from a stealth solo bomber or a high flying heavy bomber, being a lone wolf is dangerous and will usually result in being shot down quickly be a group of enemy fighters. do-217 bombers: in air RB they are like a toilet paper, it good for one bombing run in the begining and return to airfield, but after that dont bother to take off, they dont have climb speed, nor useful defensive weapons, and the maneuverability of the 217 bombers also hot garbage, but at least they have good bombload, its best if you use them in tank RB. Bombs Created by: IGN: Nyito. Play Now! The JU-87 Stuka was the standard ground attack plane and dive bomber of the German Air Force at the beginning of WWII. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO … Press J to jump to the feed. Home. Do you want a bomber that is fast and can fight back, like the American B-34. ju-188: its like a mini me-264, fast, ok bombload, good max speed, only the defensive weapons lacking. me-264: monster bomber, you can WEP all the time in the battle, you have three 20 mg151 gun with good firing arc, good bombload, and good max speed, and its rip speed above 800km/h. Archived. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Die D.XXI war ein Kampfflugzeug aus der Mitte der 1930er Jahre, das von der bekannten Firma Fokker entworfen wurde und sich vor allem bei den finnischen Streitkräften im Zweiten Weltkrieg einen Namen machte. In This Wiki Guide. Overall, the aircraft of the Luftwaffe are a deadly force to be reckoned with when a skilled pilot is behind the controls. Some may be struck by the sheer novelty of helicopters and their support functions in an aerial raid. Search query Search Twitter. Others will be besotted with the singular explosive potential of bombers, wreaking havoc on the ground forces that lie vulnerable below. I started playing War Thunder recently and heard bombers where vital to winning, but it seems to me that the only way bombers can help win is to either take down both carriers or all ground/naval units. Reddit: /u/Nyito. We’ve got you covered on all these fronts, with our picks of the very finest aircraft War Thunder offers collected here in one simple list. ju-88: bombers are fast and they have decent bombload, they are fine, just keep up the speed. the bombers i not mentioned are useless garbage, or they are to painful to play it regularly. War Thunder: The 10 Best Aircraft In The Game, Ranked. SG$87.00. 574K subscribers. Sign-in to your account. Das Besondere ist, dass neben 2 Modellen auch noch ein Bonus-Code für das Online-Game "War Thunder" dabei ist. 87B-2. World of Tanks War Thunder - USA Pacific Campaign Pack . WAR THUNDER - UH-1C & MI-24D. Values in the range of 1.0 are only average and below are already reveal too weak vehicles. They use primitive gunpowder weapons - iron flasks filled with gunpowder - that they throw into the enemy ranks. However when I go to all the missions they are prop missions. Was this guide helpful? Saved searches. Posted by u/[deleted] 6 years ago. In This Wiki Guide. War Thunder is a legendary combat game with realistic and spectacular battles with the involvement of aviation, armored vehicles, and naval ships. War Thunder. As many other guys have already said, bombers are generally difficult to play. The Ar 234 C-3 is an all-in-one jet bomber that I have loved to fly in and complete ground attacks with. Entries are listed below in alphanumeric order (1-to-Z). You may play War Thunder on Pc, Xbox, and Ps4. American Bomber vs German Bomber. BUY. Die Hauptbewaffnung dieses Jagdflugzeugs besteht aus zwei 12,7-mm Ho-103 und zwei 7,7-mm Typ 89 MGs. This is a Night Fighter Skin for the Typhoon Mk 1b Late. War Thunder Gameplay - War Thunder - B-17 Flying Fortress Bomber Formation in Historical Battle. as a British bomber or escort fighter pilot, or climb to the skies as a German defender and face the overwhelming odds. General technique is to point yourself at a hapless tank/pillbox/artillery emplacement, shoot it with rockets or cannons, then pull up before you smash into its charred ruin; that last bit is particularly important. PREVIOUS. Remove; In this conversation Jump to: navigation, search. Live. The German Dive Bomber: The Ju. The resulting explosion causes panic and confusion, as well as death and injury. Apr 5, 2019 - Explore Steven Jones's board "WW2 German Bombers", followed by 341 people on Pinterest. Home. Even in RB where you start in the air the fighters which start on the airport can climb to you pretty quickly, sometimes even before you reach the base and drop the bombs and they somehow always fly in the spot your rear gunners can't shoot them at. That's easier in the earlier tiers where bombers can, with their high altitude start, achieve an altitude where most fighters won't bother with them, before the fighters can reach them. Frontline bomber. White or transparent. 1 year ago. Fighters. War Thunder - British Starter Pack. Bomber Crew Deluxe Edition. Bomber … 87B-2. Ignore any fighters below … 1 War Thunder: Kurztipps und Einstiegshilfen. Also, bombing formations without fighter cover had significantly higher losses in the war than those with fighter cover, which is somewhat understandable. Get up to 50% off. The problem is bombers in general, not German bombers. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. The German bombers are fine - they have probably the best bombloads overall of any country, and their defensive turrets are (relatively) ok. In War Thunder arbeiten Flugzeuge, Kampfhubschrauber, Bodentruppen und Marineeinheiten in realistischen Konkurrenzkämpfen zusammen. War Thunder German Fighters and Heavy Fighters Guide ... With the bomber destroyer version of the Me410, your role is to intercept as many bombers as possible, your 4x MG151/20 cannon will instantly vaporize any fighters coming in for a head on pass. For dr… Though the world knows German aircraft to be light, agile, and deadly, I believe the German firepower lies within the bombers on War Thunder. If their performance in War Thunder was even remotely realistic, they never would have bothered using bombers in WWII at all. War Thunder. However, no matter how high up I go, fighters (which have a lower spawn point) manage to magic their way up to my level in a fraction of the time I sluggish climb my way up. •. Speaking of german mine shells. Fighters, as the name suggests, are designed to fight other aircraft. Unique War Thunder Stickers designed and sold by artists. Do you want a bomber that is fast and can fight back, like the American B-34. German Aircraft The planes of the Luftwaffe are somewhat middle-of-the-road. F-84F (Germany) F-86K (Germany) Flegel's Bf 109 A; Fw 189 A-1; Fw 190 A-1; Fw 190 A-4; Fw 190 A-5; Fw 190 A-5/U12; Fw 190 A-5/U2; Fw 190 A-8; Fw 190 C; Fw 190 D-12; Fw 190 D-13; Fw 190 D-9; Fw 190 F … Sandbox mode leaves players free to define rules, limits, and goals on these servers. Attackers are ground attack aircraft that operate at low altitude, armed with cannons, rockets and/or bombs. NEXT. There are a total of [ 87 ] WW2 German Bombers entries in the Military Factory. Their only real defense is to climb / side climb and hope enemy doesn't bother to climb up to them (for German bombers, heaven help you in the … World of Tanks 0:00. The German bombers are fine - they have probably the best bombloads overall of any country, and their defensive turrets are (relatively) ok. Bring the noise. With an excellent rate of climb and versatile velocity, you can fly this aircraft like a fighter with the armament of a long-range bomber. His main areas of interest are British Naval Aviation in the First and … Pages in category "World War II heavy bombers of Germany" The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total. So far, therefore, in accordance with the kill/loss ratio the following vehicles (with an indication of the Battle Rating = BR) are the most effective ones in Realistic Land Battles.. War Thunder. Unique War Thunder Stickers designed and sold by artists. The heavy German tank ‘Maus’ is with 1.9 kills per loss one of the most effective vehicles in War Thunder. 1 year ago. 1.2k. Germany’s Luftwaffe has a strong reputation amongst the air forces of the world. From War Thunder Wiki. Archived. I enjoy the Me 264, but it has B-29 syndrome. Register Already have an account? Bombers have always been a source of contention in War Thunder, one patch they fall apart with a single cannon shot, the next they take three German bomber killers unloading their guns to bring down. 1.2k. User account menu. When Britain and France declared war on Germany in September 1939, the RAF had no heavy bomber. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The fighter line is very capable at all tiers and both the Bf 109 and Fw 190 series fulfill more than just a fighter role. Summary: War Thunder is … Alle verfügbaren japanischen Motoren waren relativ leistungsschwach, so dass beschlossen wurde, den Motor eines Ki-49-Bombers einzubauen. Das Amerikabomber-Projekt war eine Initiative des Reichsluftfahrtministeriums (RLM) zur Entwicklung eines Langstreckenbombers für die Luftwaffe, der in der Lage war, die USA von Europa aus anzugreifen. Nation,Bomb Name,Bomb Mass,Filler (kg TNT) ,Damage Value,BR 1.0-2.0 (.75 HP),BR … Their only real defense is to climb / side climb and hope enemy doesn't bother to climb up to them (for German bombers, heaven help you in the Fw200, which is truly one of the worst climbing planes in the game). White or transparent. My father took this photograph from the waist gunner position. He 111 H-3 and Me 264 are great for their tiers judging from my personal experience. NEXT. However simulator battles is the best mode for bombers if you have the time. War Thunder Dynamic Campaign . SG$8.70. Ihr könnt dabei aus über 1700 Fahrzeugen und einer Vielzahl von Kampfsituationen wählen, von denen viele exklusiv sind. Close. The problem is bombers in general, not German bombers. This is NOT a historical skin. Irl it took 15-20 shots of 20mm to take a heavy bomber down or 3-4 hits from 30mm. Chutai "Kawasemi Buntai" ), die 1942 in den Kämpfen in Malaya einegsetzt wurde. Includes V-2 rocket, V-1 cruise missile, German seaplanes , transport, Avia S. 199 and Avia S. 92. They've recently found their median in patch 1.43, though, and, dare I … Captured specimens are also listed as are fighter-bombers. War Thunder - T-72AV (TURMS-T) Pack. PREVIOUS. We may also expect the next generation consoles will feature the game, and we will have a chance to play War Thunder Xbox Series X and Ps 5. Apr 2, 2013 - B-17 in formation in route to bombing target in Germany in 1944. War Thunder ist ein Free-to-play-Computerspiel des russischen Spieleentwicklers Gaijin Entertainment.Das Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) ist eine Flug-, Schiffs-, Hubschrauber- und Panzersimulation, auch mit kombinierten Fahrzeugtypen (Schiffe … War Thunder. The German Dive Bomber: The Ju. May 13, 2020 - Here are Luftwaffe fighter pilots and Luftwaffe X Planes and Luftwaffe fighter aircraft and bombers. Yep. Other. Do 17 E-1. The 1.81 War of Thunder update, known as “the Valkyries” by Gaijin Entertainment, brought many novelties into the game with vast improvements of simulation elements and implemented turboshaft engines and flight control systems. The fighter line is very capable at all tiers and both the Bf 109 and Fw 190 series fulfill more than just a fighter role. he-177: long time not played with this bomber, the only thing i remember is i spaded out fast, and its engines are like to overheat fast, the bombload is very good, and the defensive weapons also worked fine for me. Also it cannot slow down. Bombers in this game, especially in AB, are food. The German bombers are fine - they have probably the best bombloads overall of any country, and their defensive turrets are (relatively) ok. SG$21.75. 1.2k. This page is about the German bomber Do 17 E-1. Compared to the existing He 177, the Me 264 offers a more ‘slow and steady’ approach, due to its larger size and rather cumbersome flight characteristics, but retains excellent defensive capabilities as well as payload options. User account menu. 1.1 Einsteiger-Tipps: Jagdflugzeuge 1.2 Zerstören von Schiffen mit Bomben 1.3 War Thunder effizient spielen War Thunder est un jeu de combat MMO dédié à l'aviation militaire, aux véhicules blindés et aux flottes de la seconde guerre mondiale. War Thunder - USSR Starter Pack. A squadron of Avro Lancasters bombing a village. American Bomber vs German Bomber. sums up German Minengeschosse nicely, but they were built to kill bombers, after all.