That opera was Don Giovanni, with Lorenzo da Ponte again providing The opera begins as Don Giovanni is leaving the bedroom of his latest paramour, Donna Anna. A group of peasants are celebrating the engagement of Zerlina and Masetto. Illustration (c. 1914) of a scene from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera. Today it may seem inconceivable that authentic acting was no matter of course on the opera stages in Mozart’s time. The statue of the Commendatore looms over his grave. As Giovanni dances with Zerlina, Leporello forces Masetto to dance, allowing Giovanni to drag Zerlina away. She urges Masetto to beat her if he wants, as long as they make up (“Batti, batti, o bel Masetto”). Atto Secondo, Scena Diciannovesima. Mozart classified Don Giovanni as an “opera buffa”, a genre characterized by comical scenes and roles in identifiable, everyday situations, as opposed to “opera seria” which generally treats historical or mythological topics. Linda Cantoni has worked with the Regina Opera Company in various capacities -- onstage, backstage, and offstage -- since its inception forty years ago. Giovanni, at first reluctant, accepts the challenge and proceeds to kill the old man, whereupon he and Leporello escape. Using Leporello as a shield, Giovanni escapes. Unsurprisingly, rehearsals were strenuous, with the orchestra and singers struggling with the challenging music to meet Mozart’s expectations. For example, in an aria midway through Act I (the “Catalogue Aria”), Giovanni’s servant, Leporello, reads delightedly from his little black book, listing the many women who have been conquered by Don Giovanni in each of several nations—1,003 women in Spain alone! Don Giovanni, opera in two acts by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Italian libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte) that premiered on October 29, 1787. As she berates him, the dismayed Giovanni sneaks off. LA STATUA Don Giovanni a cenar teco m’invitasti e son venuto! W.A.Mozart. The opera’s subject is Don Juan, the notorious libertine of fiction, and his eventual descent into hell. Learn more about Don Giovanni. Yet Anna has realized, from his voice, that Giovanni was indeed her attacker. He invites everyone to enter his castle to eat and drink. Inside the ballroom of Don Giovanni’s castle. Other clever musical touches can be found in the well-known duet “Là ci darem la mano” in Act I. The music by which the ghost appears is some of the most formidable that Mozart would ever write. Masetto relents. Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” premiered and was celebrated by the audience in Prague. A masterpiece by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Leporello, curtly explaining to her that she is not his master’s only victim and will surely not be the last, relates the catalogue of Giovanni’s conquests to her (“Madamina, il catalogo è questo”): 640 in Italy, 231 in Germany, 100 in France, a mere 91 in Turkey, but 1,003 in Spain! The audience should feel, laugh and suffer with the characters – an approach unheard of and revolutionary in contemporary opera. Delighted, Giovanni orders a huge party (“Finch’han del vino”) and goes off to prepare for it. When Giovanni, pleased at the prospect of another conquest, approaches to comfort her, she recognizes him as the man who had abandoned her. Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter; Share Every woman wants him, every man wants to be him: Mozart’s version of the irresistible rogue who brings excitement with him and leaves destruction in his wake has always attracted top singing actors, as … He refuses and is dragged into hell. 1959 Preview SONG TIME Don Giovanni, K. 527. Don Giovanni, K. 527: Overture. Mozart's Don Giovanni, in the beautiful staging by legendary Franco Zeffirelli is a spectacle with a strong aesthetising component, a feast for the eyes. The performance marks an impressive beginning indeed for the project. Leporello, servant to Don Giovanni, serves as lookout and waits impatiently as his master daringly breaks into the house to seduce the Commandant’s daughter. Suddenly, Giovanni and Donna Anna rush out of the palace. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1973 Vinyl release of Don Giovanni - Höhepunkte on Discogs. For Mozart, it was an unusually intense work, and it was not entirely understood in his own time. The English translation of the haunting final Commendatore scene of Mozart's Don Giovanni. Lorenzo Da Ponte crafted the Italian libretto. Don Giovanni - Don Giovanni - Act II: Scene 1. Directed by Paul Czinner. Ottavio, left alone, reflects on his love for her (“Dalla sua pace”). When Zerlina’s screams are heard, interrupting the party, Masetto and the others rush to help her, but the door is locked. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, portrait by Johann Georg Edlinger; in the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin, Germany. Don Pedro, Commandant of Seville and Anna’s father (, Donna Elvira, Don Giovanni’s former lover (soprano). Peasants, musicians, dancers, chorus of demons. Librettist Lorenzo da Ponte and Mozart had a further opportunity to work together. This statue starts speaking to Don Giovanni, inviting him to the grave. Giovanni promises to marry Zerlina (Duet: “Là ci darem la mano”). Don Giovanni. It was a great success. Don Giovanni is an intense and emotion laden opera and showcases the darker side of Mozart's persona." Mozart deftly underscores the action with his music. Won over, Zerlina agrees. Wilhelm Furtwaengler conducts the Vienna State Opera Chorus and Philharmonic Orchestra performing Mozart's famous opera. The work bored him and again his big rival, Antonio Salieri, had beaten him: he became court bandmaster with an annual salary of 1,200 guilders. Don Giovanni Song, W.A.Mozart. Browse through all arias from Don Giovanni by Mozart. Don Giovanni is set in and around Seville (now Sevilla), Spain, in the 17th century. Tirso de Molina, a Spanish poet and dramatist of the Baroque era, created this famous personality Mozart's opera Don Giovanni, first produced in 1787, is a retelling of the story of Don Juan, the famous seducer of women. After the plunge of Don Giovanni into the inferno, all acting characters appear a final time: Donna Anna and her fiancé Don Ottavio; Elvira, who retires into a convent; and Zerlina with her husband Masetto. Within a generation, however, it was recognized as one of the greatest of all operas. Firmly grounded in the tradition of the Italian commedia dell’arte, … Don Giovanni! Anna and Ottavio arrive. Take advantage of our Presidents' Day bonus! Leporello, having made Giovanni promise not to punish him for speaking freely, tells him that his life is scandalous. Mozart decided to process the material of the seducer of women, Don Juan. Don Giovanni agrees against the advice of his servant Leporello. In the garden outside Don Giovanni’s castle. The great popularity in Prague of Mozart’s previous opera, The Marriage of Figaro, led the theatre’s impresario to commission a new work from the composer. Her father appears, brandishing a sword, and challenges Giovanni to a duel; Anna runs to get help. By the time he and Constanze left for Vienna on February 8 he had secured a commission to write a new opera for Bondini. Once they have left, three masked figures enter the garden. Don Giovanni is an Italian opera in two acts. The statue demands that Don Giovanni repents. From the audiences' perspective, it's no secret Don Giovanni is quite the womanizer. The story goes like this: Mozart was out drinking with friends October 28th, 1787, the night before “Don Giovanni’s” premiere, when one friend remarked that Mozart had not written the overture for his opera yet. October 31 – November 9, 2019 | Past Production. Singer Josepha Duschek and her husband, the composer Franz Xaver Duschek, welcomed him to their house and spoilt him with good food, entertainment but most importantly: perfect working conditions. Don Giovanni brushes them off and tells Leporello that he tried to seduce one of Leporello's past girlfriends. Anna screams and unsuccessfully tries to discover the masked Giovanni’s identity. Mozart composed this for her, which turned out to be one of the great jewels of the opera. Leporello quickly departs, leaving Elvira even angrier and bent on revenge. Outside Donna Elvira’s house. Leporello is not amused, but Don Giovanni laughs heartily. Pictured: Kyle Ketelsen, and Marlis Petersen perform as Don Giovanni, Leporello and Donna Anna, the theatre de l'Archeveche in Aix-en-Provence as part of the 62st lyrical art festival. Mozart left finishing Don Giovanni until the very latest deadline; legend has it that the scores handed to the orchestra minutes before curtain call were still wet. Giovanni renews his attentions and tries to draw her aside into the very place where Masetto is hiding. They hide as she rages at her betrayal at the hands of a scoundrel who had seduced and then deserted her (“Ah! Giovanni and Leporello see them from Giovanni’s balcony and, not recognizing them, invite them to the party as well. THE RECITATIVE AND ARIA Left alone, and having been betrayed yet again, Elvira struggles with the realization that Don Giovanni is going to be punished by heaven (presumably still through the agency of Don Ottavio and the others trying to kill him, as far as she knows). Just then, Elvira comes in and warns Zerlina against him. She tells Ottavio what happened to her on the night her father was killed and again begs him to seek vengeance (“Or sai, chi l’onore”). Masetto stalks into the garden, ignoring Zerlina’s entreaties and accusing her of infidelity. Editors' Notes Sony’s Mozart cycle culminates with this tremendous production, one that witnesses Greek-Russian conductor Teodor Currentzis evoking fear, trembling, and desire from the great Don Giovanni.. “Fin ch’han dal vino” is demonic, a fitting cherry on top of this controversial interpretation that forcefully demonstrates the extreme range of Mozart’s talent. Although there were hurdles and delays in bringing the opera to the stage, Don Giovanni was a great success in Prague and remained in the repertoire there for years. His opponent is the Commendatore, Donna Anna’s father, whom he murders in a duel. They exchange clothes. Although Vienna’s audiences were less enthusiastic than Prague’s, Don Giovanni was appreciated by sophisticated music lovers there. Buy Tickets. He has come to demand repentance of the villain; otherwise he is prepared to take Giovanni to hell. Giovanni and Leporello admire the girls, and Giovanni is very interested in Zerlina. In December 1787 Mozart’s dream came true: he was appointed imperial court composer, but he was not particularly thrilled. Mozart and his wife travelled there in January 1787, and it was from Prague that the composer wrote to Jacquin. Second Act, Scene Nineteen. Finally he discovers Zerlina at a peasant wedding… He constantly falls freshly in love and leaves his current lover to leap into the arms of another. Don Giovanni MP3 Song, W.A.Mozart. Looking at it today, perhaps Don Giovanni is something in-between. Ötödik kép: Don Giovanni lakosztálya.Giovanni fényes lakoma előtt ül, zenészek szórakoztatják (a zenekar korabeli – 18. század végi – zenét játszik, közte a Mozart Figaro házasságából Non piu andrai-t), Leporello pedig felszolgálja az ételt. Early morning the next day, in a square outside Seville. Anna returns with her fiancé, Don Ottavio, to find her father dead; she makes Ottavio swear to avenge her father’s death. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. The opera is based on a legendary fictional character called “Don Juan,” who is a seducer and libertine. Don Giovanni is an unscrupulous seducer of women in Seville. Don Giovanni (titolo originale: Il dissoluto punito ossia il Don Giovanni, K 527) è un'opera lirica in due atti di Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.. È il secondo dei tre drammi giocosi che il compositore austriaco scrisse su libretto di Lorenzo Da Ponte (che era al servizio del Sacro Romano Imperatore), il quale attinse a numerose fonti letterarie dell'epoca. The three—Anna, Ottavio, and Elvira—are determined to expose Giovanni to everyone. Don Giovanni song from the album Opera In Rock - I is released on Mar 2001 . Even Emperor Joseph II said of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s masterpiece: “… this is no treat for my Viennese.”, Marrying Constanze and Abduction from the Seraglio, The Obligation of the First and Foremost Commandment. Corrections? Giovanni reunites the two and invites them to his castle to join the party. With links to: the scene itself (with movie, libretto and more information), the roles, the composer and the opera. Omissions? Mozart. Leporello is looking for a new master. Mozart wrote about his own salary of 800 guilders: “… too much for what I actually do and too little for what I could truly do.” Furthermore, “Don Giovanni” was not a success in Vienna. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Mozart Don Giovanni. Please select which sections you would like to print: While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The two women leave together. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. This song is sung by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Don Giovanni MP3, Download W.A.Mozart. Mozart's 'Don Giovanni' Many have called Don Giovanni the finest opera ever composed. Masetto, furious, jumps out of the foliage and surprises him, but Giovanni recovers his composure and blithely says that he and Zerlina were just looking for Masetto. Mozart wanted to keep the same librettist, da Ponte, for the new work. Mozart matches musical characteristics to various adjectives, so that petite women are portrayed with short notes and ladies of more grandeur are described with longer note values.