Please contact our distributors for details. Posted By Laurent Chazoule on 6 mars 2020 . Join the Weekly Newsletter to keep up to date on all things motorcycling. Shoei JO Jet Helm Off white 63/64-XXL Jethelm Scrambler Cruiser Retro. Instead, Shoei presents the RF-1400 as a refinement of its predecessor. The new face shield uses a centrally located lock that evenly distributes forces for easier opening and closing, and actuation is far smoother. Im Test von konnte das Shoei-Modell über mehrere Wochen beweisen, was wirklich in ihm steckt (16.05.2012). Notably, the Pinlock posts are positioned behind the helmet’s beading, creating unobstructed peripheral vision. Shoei NXR. … SHOEI QWEST has ECE REG 22.05 safety certificate. Feature. Günstig The forehead center vent now has two ports to allow air in to cool the rider. While this does not happen in DOT, as it is a mandatory certificate, it is tested in an honor system of testing helmet. With the key changes to the RF-1400 noted above, I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out a few features that make Shoei one of the premium helmet manufacturers. Long time friends of Shoei, Laurence & Seb from the Lucky Cat Garage start a custom project, based on the new SHOEI Glamster and a '94 sportster. Persönlichen Testsieger auswählen 3. Sélection Tests 24 avril 2018 24 avril 2018. A Shoei RF helmet was my most worn line of helmet until the Neotec convinced me that it was the perfect helmet for daily around town rides. Get the latest motorcycle news first by subscribing to our newsletter, It doesn’t have to be big to be an Adventure. ASIA. We use cookies to improve your experience on this website and so that ads you see online can be tailored to your online browsing interests. The Shoei RF-1200 is, without a doubt, a superb full-face helmet. After living with the newest version for about a month, the Shoei RF-1400 continues that trend with its further refinement of the company’s popular and versatile helmet. XL Open Face Helm Jethelm Motorradhelm mit Visier . Jetzt vergleichen 2. First are the protective qualities, which combine to make – at 3.65 lb. (Well, at least for folks with a medium-to-long oval head, that is.) Klassisch. Favorite Rides & Destinations Digital Edition, Nelson-Rigg Commuter Tank Bags | Gear Review, Dunlop Roadsmart IV Tires 10,000-Mile Test, Riding 740 Miles in 2 Days on a 34-year-old 250, Ride For The Children Charity Event Rescheduled, Honda Announces Android Auto for Africa Twin. Long time friends of Shoei, Laurence & Seb from the Lucky Cat Garage start a custom project, based on the new SHOEI Glamster and a '94 sportster. Perfektion ist eben der Kern von Shoeis Firmen-Philosophie. For me the biggest downfall is the 3 star SHARP ra… © 2021 VerticalScope Inc. All rights reserved. Produkte von Shoei. Mehr. Learn more about how this works. Glamster A l´aventurine. The GT Air is Shoei’s answer to need for a sporty looking helmet for commuters and sports tourers. Wind tunnel testing was used to make the shell shape even more slippery in the wind, with a 4% reduction in drag and a 6% reduction in lift. NORTH AMERICA. Glamster A l´aventurine. Before the end of its production cycle in 1995, thanks to saving me in one crash, I owned a couple of them. 4998. am 8. Avec son style rétro associé à la technologie Shoei en matière de sécurité, ce casque semble avoir mis toutes les chances de son côté. SHARP provides advice on how to select a helmet that fits correctly and is comfortable, and information about the relative safety of helmets to help motorcyclists to make an informed choice. Sizing ranges from XS to XXL and uses four individual shell sizes (XS-S; M; L; XL-XXL). Sie haben Ihren Sitz in Deutschland, haben wettbewerbsfähige Preise, eine gute Bewertung und … 260 Artikel -10%. The redesigned cheek pads assist with the snug-but-comfortable fit. SINGAPORE Helmets Line-up Options & Parts Support. There is a total of three ports on the helmet, with two located on the front, and one in the back. 07.08.2020 15:05 . More than 30 years after Shoei’s first helmets made their way into the marketplace, I bought my first Shoei, an RF-200, during the initial year of it’s production in 1989. Previously, when comparing helmet noise among different helmets, the RF-1200 has always been my standard by which I compared all other helmets I’ve tested. We are also, at this point in time, the only retailer to have test ridden the helmet. To say that I am a fan of the model line would be an understatement. Yes, if you’ve upgraded from an RF-1200, as I did, you’ll have to contend with some muscle memory for a bit (while also shedding a tear for any extra visors you may own for the RF-1200 since they won’t fit), but Shoei’s reasoning for moving the latch is sound. AVAILABLE THIS FALL AT A DEALER NEAR YOU. Vor allem in Punkto Sicherheit ist der Helm sein Geld wert.Das schnelle Öffnungssystem bei Unfällen ist einer der wichtigsten Punkte. Chong Aik International Pte Ltd. Showroom. Every helmet that passes Sharp te… Shoei’s removable, washable and fit-customizable 3D Max-Dry interior is extremely plush and comfortable. SHOEI NORTH AMERICA. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. lll Jethelm Vergleich 2021 ⭐ Die 11 besten Jethelme inklusive aller Vor- und Nachteile im Vergleich + Tipps & ultimativer Ratgeber Jetzt direkt lesen! The redesigned chin vent is easy to open with a gloved hand, and it wraps around the new, centrally-located visor release button. Riderstyle hat den Shoei Glamster getestet. Wenn man erst einmal drin ist, nimmt sich die leicht ovale Passform auch nicht viel. Müssen Shoei-Klappmützen-Freunde nun das Portemonaie zücken? Die Classic Bike-Szene wird immer größer, was angesichts der wunderschönen Umbauten, die immer öfter gesichtet werden, kaum verwundert. Shoei NXR Test [DEUTSCH] | Motorradhelm TestMotorradhelm Test: Herzlich Willkommen zu unserem HJC R-PHA 10 Plus Motorradhelm Review. In just a month, the RF-1400 has already made it to the top of the list of helmets I reach for when I go for a ride. Et cette année c’est le Shoei Hornet ADV qui est passé sur le grill. Become a insider. Wir benachrichtigen Sie kostenlos bei neuen Tests zum Thema Shoei Motorrad-Helme. Since being launched in 1984, the versatile RF series has become Shoei’s most successful line of helmets. Verarbeitung, Haltbarkeit, alles Top. If you are familiar with the Shoei RF-1200, you’ll immediately recognize the RF-1400. Der Name Shoei bürgt für höchste Sicherheitsstandards, hervorragende … Alle … Who said left? The visor latch is centrally located instead of on the left side. Neue Helmmodelle stellte Shoei für die Saison 2021 bisher nicht vor, dafür gibt es jede Menge neue Farben für sechs bereits bekannte und bewährte Motorradhelme.. 7 neue Farben für Shoei X-Spirit 3. An emergency quick-release system is standard. Vergleich 2021 auf 1. Maxi test Shoei Hornet ADV, un an et 20 000 km. Revue et test sur route du Shoei Glamster Salut c'est Sebastian de Champion Helmets et nous sommes enfin en compagnie d'un des casques intégraux Shoei les plus attendus de l'année 2020. Shoei GT-Air II . Folgende Merkmale werden positiv hervorgehoben; - bester Helm im Test in Sachen Aerodynamik, Lautstärke und Passform - äußerst zufriedenstellende Schlagdämpfungswerte - perfekt justierbare Sonnenblende - … Persönlichen Testsieger auswählen 3. Motorradhelm Neotec II von Shoei im Test; Ihre Suche in FAZ.NET. Die konsequente Weiterentwicklung des beliebten Jet-Helms von Shoei. Günstig online bestellen. And when I say all day comfort I mean you can wear this thing for a full 10 hours plus, without complaints. Shoei Helmets North America Official Website. Shoei Helmet Graphics 2021. The vortex generators on the trailing edge of the visor were borrowed from the X-Fourteen and help the air flow more quietly past the sides of the helmet. Ich trage seit 2001 Shoei Helme und kann nicht klagen. ADAC Online. Shoei erweitert seine Neo-Classic-Serie um einen Helm, der Retro-Design mit moderner Technologie verbindet. Once the rider’s head is in the pads wrap themselves comfortably around the rider’s head. Un intégral qui devrait faire parler cette année. We earn commissions from purchases you make using the retail links in our product reviews and other articles. Red. MORE GRAPHICS COMING SOON! Long time friends of Shoei, Laurence & Seb from the Lucky Cat Garage start a custom project, based on the new SHOEI Glamster and a '94 sportster. Every helmet that passes Sharp test has this certificate. To make best use of our advice, try on as many as helmets possible that are in your price range. Important factor other than stars is impact zone diagramswhich is colours. Damit dürften sich besonders Retro- und Classic Bike Fahrer angesprochen fühlen, die das Fahrgefühl von Freiheit lieben, aber … Get the latest motorcycle news first by subscribing to our newsletter here. Die besten SHOEI GT AIR Artikel haben wir euch hier verlinkt: ... Der beste bewerteste Ort, um einen SHOEI Helm zu kaufen? Plus . Following the shell, Shoei’s Dual-Layer, Multi-Density EPS liner varies the foam density to absorb impacts while still allowing for channels that flow cooling air. The RF-1400 has stepped in to take its place in side-by-side tests. Seit 1958 entwickelt Shoei Helme für den Motorrad- und Automobilrennsport. HELM von SHOEI TXR in weiss ,Grösse L 59-60. Bike Datenbank 65.000+ Produkte ⭐ Ratenkauf möglich MSRP is $499.99 for solid colors and $599.99 for graphics. O bringt der japanische Helmhersteller Shoei seinen ersten Jethelm im Vintage-Look mit Innenvisier auf den Markt. The new CWR-F2 shield mates to a newly designed base plate system, which Shoei claims allows for smoother opening and closing. SHOEI JAPAN. The redesigned base plate pairs with the new beading to keep out wind and weather, for a quieter, drier ride. C’est-à-dire que comme les BMW R1200GSet les Peugeot 3008 il a tout du SUV. Like all Shoei helmets, the Neotec has been subjected to a series of tests inside the wind-tunnel in order make it as aerodynamic as possible, which is extremely important, since modular helmets generate more noise that its full-face counterparts. Sa visière lui confère un look de baroudeur et l'écran façon casque intégral lui confère une fermeture totale. Well, with the vents closed, the RF-1200 is no longer the champion. Kostenloser Versand. Image/Test Copyright Sharp | SHOEI QWEST@8.5m/s This model is tested in Sharp laboratories and received 5 stars. Interview. Alle Helme. En novembre dernier, Shoei annonçait la sortie de son nouveau casque néo rétro, le Glamster. In total, the RF-1400 has six intake vents and four exhausts while not negatively impacting the interior noise level. 2020 Ducati Superleggera V4 Review – First Ride, Two Ways to Skin a Knee: 2021 Honda ADV150 vs. 2021 Honda Trail 125, 2021 Triumph Tiger 850 Sport Review – First Ride, 2021 Harley-Davidson Revival Certified by EPA, 2021 Harley-Davidson Street Bob 114 and Restyled Fat Boy 114 Headline Softail Lineup, Discontinued: The Motorcycles that Won’t be Returning After 2021, 2021 Ducati Multistrada V4 Review – First Ride. Still, on most sporting rides, where I’d don a non-modular helmet, the RF-1200 was still at the top of my list. Shoei s'entretient avec le champion du monde MotoGP blessé Marc Márquez au cours de cette saison plutôt étrange. And the price has gone up by only $10. Marc Márquez – Locked down. Die Schwächen der Helme laut Tests, Visier der Motorradhelme, Stärken der Motorräder, ADAC Motor Test und Sport Ratgeber. By slicing through the air more efficiently, the helmet saves the rider effort, whether simply holding the helmet steady or rotating their head to check a blind spot. Diese Perfektion in der Verarbeitung wirst du spüren, genau wie die zahlreichen Innovationen, die in jedem Helm von Shoei stecken. The GT-Air II looks a little like a fixed-front version of Shoei’s flip-front Neotec. – the lightest Snell-approved helmet in Shoei’s line. Top aktuell. Die zahlreichen … MORE GRAPHICS COMING SOON! With less turbulence around the helmet, important noises, such as traffic sounds, are easier to hear over the diminished background noise. Finally, the standard clear shield comes with Pinlock posts, and a Pinlock visor is included with the helmet. When donning the RF-1400, the initial slide into the interior is just a smidge tighter before your head pops into the ergonomically-shaped interior. There are lots of reviews of the Shoei Glamster out there, but ours is the only one based on firsthand, riding experience. Still, on most sporting rides, where I’d don a non-modular helmet, the RF-1200 was still at the top of my list. Shoei gleich bei POLO Motorrad kaufen! Improved aerodynamics help offset a slight increase in weight compared to the RF-1200. To further improve aerodynamics, the RF-1400 shield gets vortex generators like those on Shoei’s race-ready X-Fourteen helmet. You have entered an incorrect email address! Bereits ab 349,00 € Große Shopvielfalt Testberichte & Meinungen | Jetzt Shoei Hornet ADV günstig kaufen bei There’s a huge amount of technology and craftsmanship in a motorcycle helmet. The shape of the vent makes it much easier to open/close with a gloved hand. August 2019 um 22:13 . Avec son look de baroudeur, le Hornet se place à mi-chemin entre le casque intégral routier et le tout-terrain. Im Motorrad Helm Test vom ADAC 2018 gibt es folgende 3 Testsieger: Shoei NXR, X-Lite X-803 Ultra Carbon und HJC RPHA 11 Carbon Lowin. Preislich liegt er nur unwesentlich unter dem sportlichen NXR, Doppel-D-Verschluss haben beide Helme, auf eine Sonnenblende verzichten sie. Der Aha-Moment kommt beim ersten Reinschlüpfen. Il est à la fois un casque intégral et presque un casque cross. Since being launched in 1984, the versatile RF series has become Shoei’s most successful helmet line. ), unter den japanischen Herstellern ist Yamaha mit seiner Sport Heritage-Reihe ein absoluter Trendsetter. Shoei J.O Classic-Jethelm 2016 Praxistest Der innovative Retro-Helm im ersten 1000PS-Test! Ex-Zero Action in Meta Magazin. Vergleich 2021 auf 1. The Shoei Neotec was one of the world’s leading flip-front motorcycle helmets, and this new version takes much of what made the original such a success, then builds on it. Become a insider. Test: Shoei Neotec II. Now would be the time to point out what is perhaps the RF’s biggest change for the user. SHOEI EUROPE. Der Scorpion ist ebenfalls super geeignet und mit seiner Optik einzigartig. Die besten Motorradhelme 2021 im Test. JAPAN. Répondre. Moreover, the snell certificate is optional and is issued by the local organization. All six of the adjustable air intakes are easy to operate with gloved fingers. A Shoei RF helmet was my most worn line of helmet until the Neotec convinced me that it was the perfect helmet for daily around town rides. This improved aerodynamics also affects the quietness of the helmet’s interior. On warmer days, with the vents open, you’ll still want plugs, but the noise level is still lower than before. In summary, the Shoei RF-1400 is a great update to its predecessor, the RF-1200, and provides iterative changes to all of the features that make the RF line so popular. Das Ergebnis kann sich auch in diesem Fall sehen lassen. Also, installing the included chin curtain helps to mute outside noise at speed. Wer trotz des Jethelms auf das Thema Sicherheit achten möchte, sollte sich für den Shoei J.O entscheiden dieser Helm ist mit Abstand einer der sichersten Helme in unserem Test. My best venting helmets tend to be noisier, and one of Shoei’s stated goals for the RF-1400 was noise reduction. Frontal bone, coronal suture, parietal bone, lambdoidal suture, squamous suture and temporal bone regions passed the test with green colour. Shoei J.O schwarz glanz Gr. The new location allows for opening and closing forces to be evenly distributed between the spring-loaded base plates for more uniform opening/closing effort and a tighter seal. Motorrad News. I’ll go on record here and say that it is inferior to the slightly more expensive Shoei GT Air in most every department. The four always-open exhaust outlets were enlarged, further improving air exchange. Günstig online bestellen. If you’re looking for all day comfort, this should be a serious contender. Fazit zum Shoei NXR Motorradhelm: Preislich liegt der Motorrad Helm zwar in der oberen Klasse, jedoch hat er einiges zu bieten. llll Der aktuelle Integralhelm bzw. Much of the credit for the RF-1400’s improved quietness must go to the snugger bottom opening. Since the visor is a place where noise can be generated, this was a major focus of the RF-1400’s update. The tried-and-true RF series of full-face helmets takes its next evolutionary step with the new RF-1400. L, 59-60cm Shoei NXR Philosopher Gr.L >> SHOEI … Was selbst nach heutigen Standards verblüfft ist das Tempo, mit dem SHOEI Helme überall in der Welt bekannt wurde: Von den späten sechziger Jahren an verbreitete sich SHOEI’s Ruf als Topqualitätsmarke zunächst über die U.S.A, und dann über die Motorradmärkte Europas. d. We are committed to finding, researching, and recommending the best products. Fitment is slightly snugger due to more voluminous cheek padding, which has helped reduced noise. With the D-ring strap cinched down and barreling down the road, it’s clear that the Snell and DOT certified RF-1400 is a notable advancement over the RF-1200. Mit den japanischen Helmen komme ich … AVAILABLE THIS FALL AT A DEALER NEAR YOU. Der Motorradhelm Glamster von Shoei ist ein Integralhelm alter Schule mit frischer Optik, der in zahlreichen lässigen Designs erhältlich ist. Finally, there is the removable, washable, adjustable, and replaceable 3D Max-Dry Interior System II, which is responsible for much of the RF-1400’s comfortable, premium fit. Ex-Zero Integralhelm 459, 00 € 1 412, 90 € 1-10%. Ebenso ist der Tragekomfort sehr gut, genauso wie die Lärmdämmung durch Ear Pads.. Auch bei der Optik kann der Helm … We use data about you for a number of purposes explained in the links below. Shoei work hard to make their helmets both light and strong, but also quiet and aerodynamic too. Mehr. Deswegen werden alle Shoei Helme immer noch in Japan hergestellt – trotz hoher Produktionskosten. One key area for noise to penetrate the sanctity of the helmet interior is the large hole required to insert the rider’s head. EUR … Feature. This improved slipperiness affects the rider in two key areas. And if the helmet is failed in this system, it will not take to the marketplace by the owner. We earn commissions from purchases you make using the retail links in our product reviews and other articles. Es gibt viele Tests für den SHOEI GT AIR. Ex-Zero Action im Meta Magazin. Since the eye port opening is a source of both wind, weather, and noise ingress into the helmet, the beading that seals the visor interface was redesigned and even features dual drains on the outer bottom edges. Antworten. Suche abbrechen. Review of the Shoei RYD full face crash helmet (Shoei RF-SR in the US) The RYD is Shoei’s full face street helmet, designed to look both sleek and minimalist.. It’s also designed to be a jack of all trades – Shoei say it’s suitable for short street rides or long tours – it’s also designed to be quiet, stable and aggressive/mean-looking. Shoei. Mit dem Neotec II stellt Shoei den Nachfolger des beliebten System-Helms in die Regale. SHOEI X-14(X-SPIRIT III) has ECE REG 22.05 safety certificate. When it comes to ventilation, the RF-1400 follows its predecessor. oder Preisvorschlag. Frontal bone, coronal suture, parietal bone, lambdoidal suture regions have passed this test with green while squamous suture and temporal bone regions passed the test with yellow colour. Veröffentlicht von André Gbiorczyk | Jan 6, 2019 | AKTUELLES, BEKLEIDUNG & ZUBEHÖR. Japanese brand Shoei has been one of the leading helmet manufacturers for close to 60 years, and the Shoei Hornet ADV is their flagship adventure-styled helmet, taking over from the Hornet DS. PS - Das Sport-Motorrad Magazin. M 56/58 Motorradhelm SHOEI NXR 1200 Größe XL Shoei Neotec II Klapphelm XL Shoei X-Spirit 3, Marquez, Motorradhelm, Gr. The Multi-Ply Matrix AIM+ Shell construction utilizes a six-ply matrix of fiberglass with lightweight organic and high-performance fibers to create a strong-yet-elastic protective layer. SHOEI widmet sich seit 1958 der Entwicklung von Spitzenhelmen. Die Zeitschrift PS testet in der Ausgabe7-2019 neun Sporttouring-Helme. Le Hornet ADV de Shoei est un casque typé aventure. Tourenfahrer. NEW GRAPHICS 2021 Available This Fall Note the notch for the drain on the bottom beading. One of the key comments from the press is around the excellent stability the GT Air provides even at speed. address: 45 Desker Road, Singapore 209576 TEL: +65 6 294 2532 … Our medium-sized test unit tipped the scales at 3 pounds, 9 ounces. Die Sportskanone unter den Shoei-Helmen – der X-Spirit 3 – wartet mit insgesamt sieben neuen Dekoren auf. Shoei Helmet Graphics 2021. Shoei im Gespräch mit MotoGP Weltmeister Marc Márquez über die denkwürdige Lockdown Saison. Erschienen: Juni 2019. Der Klappmechanismus des Helms überzeugt ein weiteres Mal, darüber hinaus weiß auch der doppelte Sonnenschutz mit seiner Leistung zu überzeugen. Kostenloser Versand. Erschienen: April 2019. Airflow is good but not class-leading, which I think is a conscious choice. Like the RF-1200 it replaces, the RF-1400 uses Shoei’s proprietary Multi-ply Matrix Aim+ construction, a shell made up of interwoven layers of organic fibers and fiberglass that surrounds a multi-density EPS liner. Plus. Jetzt vergleichen 2. Francesca ha scelto un DDS SHOEI GT-AIR SHOEI ITALIA Srl - Via Bisceglie 74 - 20152 Milano - P.IVA 07445690964 tel +39.02.89054628 - fax +39.02.48928522 - Shoei Neotec II. EUROPE. Helmets / Casque Shoei Glamster à l’essai; Casque Shoei Glamster à l’essai . Testsieger der Fachmagazine Aktuelle Shoei Motorradhelme Testsieger. Erschienen: Mai 2020. Der Shoei GT-Air II wird TESTSIEGER und mit SEHR GUT bewertet. Erschienen: September 2019. By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of data and cookies. Specification and products line-up of SHOEI helmets vary depending upon country or area. Motorcycle Leasing: Is It Even An Option. Image/Test Copyright Sharp | SHOEI X-14@8.5m/s This model is tested in Sharp laboratories and received 5 stars. Retro Bikes schießen aus dem Boden wie Schwammerln (Pilze, Anm. Shoei. The center forehead vent has an additional hole and a much less fidgety slider that is easier to manipulate with gloves. Jetzt alle Bewertungen im Jethelm Test bzw. Glamster A l´aventurine. Beim ersten Kontakt ist der Ryd gar nicht so einfach in der Shoei-Palette einzuordnen. Glamster heißt der Kopfschutz aus dem Hause Shoei, den ich einige warme Sommertage ausprobierte, um mir einen ersten Eindruck zu … EUR 339,00. Heute ist Shoei eine nicht mehr wegzudenkende Größe in der Motorsport-Welt. The shield seals tightly against the helmet’s beading, which is now thicker and has more prominent gutters to shed water. Construction is hand-laid interwoven layers of fibreglass, carbon and resin, carefully put together to be strong, flexible and aerodynamic. Important factor other than stars is impact zone diagramswhich is colours. Although I would never recommend riding any real distance without earplugs, I have found myself riding without them more around town than I typically do – even when that ride includes a quick blast of a couple of exits on the freeway. llll Der aktuelle Jethelm bzw. First, rider fatigue is reduced thanks to the lessened force placed on their head. This review has been a long time coming, but like the people who’ll most likely be investing in the Neotec II, … The two side vents remain the same, but the exhaust outlets were enlarged to allow the negative pressure behind the helmet to better draw out hot air. Motorradhelm-Test Shoei Glamster ; Motorradhelm-Test Shoei Glamster . You’ll find everyone from touring riders to cruiser riders to track day jockeys wearing the RF-1200, and I expect the same from the RF-1400. Suchen. Since that time, I have owned at least one of every single RF model that Shoei produced. Der Shoei Glamster hat vielleicht nicht den coolsten Namen, schwingt sich aber dennoch zur neuen Referenz unter den Retro Motorrad Helmen auf. That said, it is still a superb helmet with outstanding fit and finish and it does carry the Snell rating whereas the GT Air does not. Shoei Jethelm Neotec Gr. Another visually apparent change to the RF-1400 is the ventilation system. Who said left? The quietness of the RF-1400 bears mentioning. Additionally, the first notch on the visor is a new vent position that allows for quick de-fogging. Ich habe einen Shoei-Kopf, keine Frage. Feature. In the press documents delivered with the helmet, the concept of kaizen, a Japanese term for “continuous improvement,” is referenced, and anyone who is familiar with the RF-1200 can immediately see the heritage in the RF-1400’s profile. Sonderseite: Coronavirus Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport und Kultur. A massive change for the RF-1400 is the all-new CWR-F2 face shield and baseplate system. EUR 305,10. We are committed to finding, researching, and recommending the best products. Lieferung an Abholstation. Shoei has produced motorcycle helmets since 1958. Jetzt alle … Shoei J.O. Mit dem Umbau zu einem Integralhelm sicher auch ein guter Kompromiss. Shoei J.O matt schwarz Jethelm Motorradhelm Rollerhelm Chopper Halbschalenhelm. Der Einstieg … The first thing to consider with an established – and popular – model helmet , like the RF-1200, is that Shoei didn’t need to create a new helmet out of whole cloth. Even the snell’s experiments are more rigorous, but the private administrations test them. Ventilation is kicked up a notch with a relocated forehead vent featuring an additional intake hole, increasing positive airflow. Post navigation ← Le porte clés S-Key. Klapphelme, Jethelme, Retrohelme, Klapphelme, Kinderhelme, Cross/Endurohelme und Damen Motorradhelme im Vergleich. Wenn Sie beim Kauf einen guten Eindruck machen wollen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, im FC-Moto Shop zu kaufen. The Shoei RF-1400 is available at retailers, starting January 1, 2021, and is priced at $500 for solid colors and $600 for graphics. SHOEI QWEST is one of the h… Jeu concours Kytone X Chazster sur Instagram → This article has 32 Comments Said dit : 5 mai 2016 à 12 h 18 min merci pour ce CR au top, ce casque à l’air très bien ! Ca va devenir une tradition, à chaque fois que je change de casque vous avez droit à un maxi test ! It features an integrated sun visor, a huge amount of ventilation and intercom ready. Posted in Helmets Tagged avis casque shoei, casque avec écran rétractable, néo rétro, shoei j-o, shoei jo, teste casque shoei jo, vintage.