Jane Seymour, (born 1509?, England—died October 24, 1537, Hampton Court, London), third wife of King Henry VIII of England and mother of King Edward VI. Aside from her beauty and status, Seymour's timid and reserved nature is thought to be what attracted the king to her — a stark contrast to his previous two wives. Updates? Born: 1508 or 1509 Possibly at Wolf Hall, Wiltshire. Test your knowledge of some of the weirder facets of the British monarchy with this quick quiz. Unlike her predecessors, Seymour never underwent a coronation, thus was never officially crowned queen. 1. Corrections? Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Jane had Mary brought to court and worked to get her named as Henry's heir after any of Jane and Henry's offspring. Jane’s family enjoyed Henry’s favour until the end of his reign. Life: Jane Seymour, Henry VIII’s third wife, was born in around 1508. The wedding took place just ten days after they were engaged and eleven days since her predecessor lost her head. In September of the year that Henry VIII married Boleyn, he visited the Seymour home. and Margery Wentworth (c. 1478 – 18 October 1550).His family rose to prominence following his sister Jane's marriage to the King in 1536. https://www.biography.com/royalty/jane-seymour. It has been argued that Henry VIII was waiting for Seymour to deliver the son he desired so desperately, but this hasn't been proven. Jane Seymour, die dritte Frau von Heinrich VIII. (Getty) Jane's arrival in court. Yet for all she is celebrated for finally giving Henry VIII a son, people know little else of her. Nice and mainly inoffensive, but… well, she had a … In May 1537, it was announced that Seymour was pregnant. Jane Austen was a Georgian era author, best known for her social commentary in novels including 'Sense and Sensibility,' 'Pride and Prejudice' and 'Emma.'. Omissions? Oktober 1537 im Hampton Court Palace, London) war die dritte der sechs Ehefrauen des englischen Königs Heinrich VIII. That determination undoubtedly helped bring about Anne Boleyn’s downfall and execution (May 19, 1536). She was the mother of Edward VI of England, who died a the age of 15. On 24 October 1537, Henry VIII’s third and favourite wife – Jane Seymour – died shortly after giving birth. Sie heiatete er am 30. When it comes to British royalty, nothing is what you’d expect. Not only did he reportedly wear black for months after her death, but he also waited until 1540 to remarry. The young woman wasn't well educated, only knowing how to read and write her own name, she was proficient in household tasks and other hobbies, such as gardening and needlework. Born to a wealthy family, Seymour was a descendant of Edward III and offered quite a bit as a member of such a prestigious family, including more than 100 manors in 19 countries and five castles. More importantly to Henry, she gave birth to his first male heir, the future King Edward VI. Today, in 1536 Henry VIII and Jane Seymour were married in the "Queen's Closet" at Whitehall Palace. "Jane Seymour (c. 1508 – 24 October 1537) was Queen of England from 1536 to 1537 as the third wife of King Henry VIII. Sir John Seymour, patriarch of the Seymour clan, was knighted by Henry VII around the same time that Henry VIII was born, and he would go on to serve in the latter’s court as well. After having incited controversy for divorcing his first wife, Henry VIII had Boleyn executed on May 19, 1536, and privately married Seymour 11 days later. Lady Jane Grey is one of the most romanticized monarchs of Tudor England. Demütig und sanftmütig, wo seine zweite Ehefrau Anne Boleyn stolz und kühn gewesen war. Seymour acted as a lady in waiting, or maid of honor, for King Henry VIII's first wife — Catherine of Aragon — and his second — Anne Boleyn — in 1529 and 1535, respectively. Jane Seymour was born as Joyce Penelope Wilhelmina Frankenberg in 1951 in Middlesex, England, to a nurse mother and gynaecologist/obstetrician father. Diese Ehe dauerte insgesamt 17 Monate an. © 2021 Biography and the Biography logo are registered trademarks of A&E Television Networks, LLC. That’s how his daughter Jane first became a lady-in-waiting for Henry VIII’s first two wives, Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn. Jane Seymour. They were married in 1536. The only time she ever disobeys his wishes is when she begs him to restore and keep the abbeys. Jane Seymour- Henry VIII's Third Wife. Mary was a Roman Catholic, and some scholars have interpreted Jane’s intercession to mean that she had little sympathy with the English Reformation. Buried: 13 November 1537 St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle Heinrich VIII., der sich immer mehr um einen fehlenden Thronerben von Anne Boleyn sorgte, lernte die ruhige und fromme Jane im Jahre 1536 kennen und verliebte sich in sie. Her nine-day reign was an unsuccessful attempt to maintain Protestant rule. Though she was not able to influence his policies, she was able to reconcile him with his Catholic daughter Mary from whom he had been estranged following the divorce from her mother Catherine of Aragon. She succeeded Anne Boleyn as queen consort following the latter's execution for high treason, incest and adultery in May 1536. She succeeded—where Henry’s previous wives had failed—in providing a legitimate male heir to the throne. With Keith Michell, Anne Stallybrass, Patrick Troughton, Sheila Burrell. Jane Seymour was the maid of honor for Henry VIII's first two wives—Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn—before marrying the king herself. She succeeded Anne Boleyn as queen consort following the latter's execution in May 1536. Da sie niemals offiziell gekrönt wurde, war sie für die 17 Monate ihrer Ehe offiziell lediglich Royal Consort von England und Irland. Jane Seymour was the third wife of England’s King Henry VIII. Will she provide him with the peace and comfort he needs and, even more importantly, a male heir? Sir Henry Seymour was born around 1503, probably at Wulfhall, Wiltshire. She is very good to her ladies in waiting and all servants in general, not ordering them to do deeds and treating them the way she, as a queen, would like to be treated. Having given Henry the son that he had craved for so long, she was the only one of his six wives to be given a full Queen’s funeral, and was later buried beside the King. Jane Seymour is an interesting character because she is remembered chiefly as Henry VIII's most beloved wife who gave him a son. Jane Seymour was born circa 1509 in England, as the daughter of Sir John Seymour and Margery Wentworth. But, Anne Boleyn… Emmy Award-winning British actress Jane Seymour starred on the dramatic TV series Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman, and was in the James Bond film Live and Let Die. As the mother of his heir, Henry VIII took the death of his wife hard. On May 30, 1536, Henry and Jane were married privately. Jane’s father was Sir John Seymour of Wolf Hall, Savernake, Wiltshire. Henry VIII’s third wife Jane Seymour, whom he married in 1536, was an ardent and pious Catholic and was horrified by the reforms. Directed by John Glenister. The King is embroiled with the Reformation, and after the execution of Anne Boleyn he marries the kind and loving gentlewoman Jane Seymour. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. von England. Anne Boleyn. Henry VIII, king of England, was famously married six times and played a critical role in the English Reformation, turning his country into a Protestant nation. As you may or may not recall, Jane Seymour was at the very bottom of my list of Tudor queens – she has just always seemed so boring to me.To my surprise, while researching this article, I began to uncover a woman who was a … … This challenge cost her the throne and her head. She was executed on charges of incest, witchcraft, adultery and conspiracy against the king. Sie wurde im Gegensatz zu ihren Vorgängerinnen niemals offiziell gekrönt. If you see something that doesn't look right, contact us! She chose the screen name Jane Seymour, after the English queen Jane Seymour, because it seemed more saleable. Anne and her… Jane Seymour (1509-1537) was the third wife of King Henry VIII of England. Died: 24 October 1537 Hampton Court Palace. Seymour died only nine days later of puerperal fever, an infection that can occur post childbirth. Jane died the following year, shortly after giving birth to the son that King Henry had wanted for so long. The third of Henry VIII’s wives, Jane Seymour, is mainly remembered as the one that Henry liked the most (which is kind of damning, with faint praise) and erm… that’s kind of it. Did You Know? Jane Seymour (c.1508 – 24 October 1537) was the third wife of King Henry VIII of England and queen consort from 1536 until 1537. She died of postnatal complications less than two weeks after the birth of her only child, a son who became King Edward VI. She succeeded—where Henry’s previous wives had failed—in providing a legitimate male heir to the throne. On the accession of Edward VI to the throne, Jane’s brother, Edward Seymour, earl of Hertford, became regent as lord protector with the title duke of Somerset. She is remembered as being a good, quiet and conservative wife. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Considering that Henry's two previous wives were abandoned due to the inability of having a male child, Jane is the one who succeeded where her predecessors (and successors) have failed. During her brief reign as Henry's queen, Jane Seymour had worked to bring peace between Henry's eldest daughter, Mary, and Henry. Jane Seymour (c. 1508 – 24 October 1537), also known as Jane Semel, was Queen of England from 1536 to 1537 as the third wife of King Henry VIII. Another brother, Thomas Seymour of Sudeley, was lord high admiral from 1547 to 1549. Many wonder what Henry saw in Jane, who has been described as plain, and boring. Jane Seymour was the Queen of England and was married to King Henry VIII. She died of childbirth complications less than two weeks later, on October 24, 1537, in London, England, after having been queen for only a year and a half. Married to King Henry VIII: 30 May 1536 Queen's Closet, Whitehall Palace. Jane Addams co-founded one of the first settlements in the United States, the Hull House in Chicago, Illinois, and was named a co-winner of the 1931 Nobel Peace Prize. Her kinsman, the courtier Sir Francis Bryan, secured a place for her in the service of Queen Catherine of Aragon. On October 12, 1537, she gave birth to Henry VIII's first male heir, King Edward VI, the future king of England. Jane Seymour sexy pictures will make you skip a heartbeat. Of the king's six wives, Seymour was the only spouse buried with him in the same tomb after his death. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Jane Seymour was practically an unknown figure at the Tudor Courts, as she was merely a lady in waiting to both of Henry's first two queens. Young Edward VI was born at Hampton Court Palace. We strive for accuracy and fairness. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Jane-Seymour, English Monarchs - Biography of Jane Seymour, History Learning Site - Biography of Jane Seymour, Jane Seymour - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Jane Seymour - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Jane Bolin was a trailblazing attorney who became the first African American female judge in the United States, serving on New York's Family Court for four decades. Ehefrau 3 Jane Seymour. 1501-1536): The Union That Sparked Reformation, Beheaded. Jane was a very compassionate and kind woman. "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); Subscribe to the Biography newsletter to receive stories about the people who shaped our world and the stories that shaped their lives. Edward was the only male child of King Henry VIII to survive infancy. After Henry VIII's wife, Anne Boleyn, was executed, Jane Seymour and Henry married on May 30, 1536. The future Edward VI was born on October 12, 1537, but, to Henry’s genuine sorrow, Jane died 12 days later. The date and month of her birth are not known. Jane Seymour by Hans Holbein More Images. Family. She’s sort of seen as the wet flannel of his wives. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The third and possibly least known wife of Henry VIII, Jane is the wife he claimed to love the most and who he is buried with at Windsor Castle Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Mary of Teck became Queen Mary, consort of King George V. She was the mother of kings Edward VIII and George VI, and the grandmother of Queen Elizabeth II. Heinrich VIII. Jane also loves to smile, as she is seen grinning several time… She was noted for having inner beauty and noble character, and despite not being exceptionally foolish she was very subservient to Henry. By 1535, Jane was in her late twenties, with few marriage prospects. Anne Boleyn's successor, Queen Consort Jane Seymour, was Henry VIII’s third wife. They were married in 1536. Jane Seymour is the ‘golden girl’ of Henry VIII’s wives, the favourite, all because she gave Henry his long awaited son and then died before he could get bored of her. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Jane Seymour, (born 1509?, England—died October 24, 1537, Hampton Court, London), third wife of King Henry VIII of England and mother of King Edward VI. Jane Seymour (geboren 1509) war die dritte Ehefrau von Heinrich VIII. Jane Goodall is known for her years of living among chimpanzees in Tanzania to create one of the most trailblazing studies of primates in modern times. Jane Seymour, c.1536, the third wife of King Henry VIII. Seymour was educated at Tring Park School for the Performing Arts in Hertfordshire. Obwohl sie nicht so viel Einfluss ausübte wie ihre Vorgängerinnen Katharina von Aragón und Anne Boleyn, war sie als gläubige Katholikin die große Hoffnung der konservativen Partei bei Hofe, die Reformation einzudämmen und Prinzessin M… Jane Seymour (* um 1509; † 24. His six-year reign was filled with factional infighting. Henry probably became attracted to Jane in 1535, when he visited her father at Wolf Hall, but, though willing to marry him, she refused to be his mistress. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. He was the third son of Sir John Seymour (c.1474 – 21 December 1536.)