Fittingly for a film about the awkward alienation of the teenage years, Akiz is aiming for a visceral and palpable reaction to his dark tale of a 17-year-old girl plagued by a grotesque, sprite-like creature that seems to be following her around and who nobody else can see. If you like your films open to interpretation, then this is one for you. The enduring popularity of TV crime dramas, The best counting cards films of all time. Much like Tina’s decision to embrace her freaky friend, it’s better to just accept the film for the bizarre curiosity that it is rather than examine its intentions.”, For those who need to comprehend the film, Akiz’s directorial efforts open up other avenues for debate. Nachtmahr - Damon Lyrics. Ein Nachtmahr lastet … The title and themes are inspired by the otherwise unrelated painting The Nightmare by Swiss painter Henry Fuseli. After attending a rave party, a teenage girl forms a bond with a strange monster as she suffers a slow chaotic mental breakdown. Akiz places them firmly within the perspective of Tina, and Clemens Baumeister tries keep the visuals disorientating.”. A teenage girl, Tina (Carolyn Genzkow), attends a rave-like party ripe with insanely loud dance music, drugs, and barely-dressed fellow teens. Like a gruesome twist on E.T., its intentions are a mysterious, as are its origins. Dream logic, after all, often lacks any logic.”. Meanwhile, the title music from A Clockwork Orange (1972) plays as everyone looks on in horror. Nachtmahr's musical style is best characterized as Techno Body Music. Copyright © 2021 Cinevue. Der Nachtmahr Filter. For more coverage, follow this link. With Carolyn Genzkow, Sina Tkotsch, Wilson Gonzalez, Arnd Klawitter. Der Nachtmahr. Language German. Der Nachtmahr (2015), the directorial debut of German multi-disciplinary artist Akiz, begins with a title card requesting that the following film is “played loud, okay?”.This immediately suggests that the sensory experience will be as key to gaining understanding as intellectual … Johann Heinrich Füsslis „Der Nachtmahr“ steht im Mittelpunkt einer Ausstellung im Freien Deutschen Hochstift – Frankfurter Goethe Museum und dem Deutschen Museum für Karikatur und Zeichenkunst Hannover. Recommended. Der Nachtmahr ist ein Film von Achim Bornhak aus dem Jahr 2015. Der Nachtmahr Trailer German Deutsch (Deutschland 2015) Abonniere uns! Liga 01 created the horrifying and creepy “Nachtmahr” character. Like most teenagers, Tina is troubled, self-centered, irresponsible, and confused. The blind and grotesque creature seems most logically interpreted as a manifestation of Tina’s isolation and detachment from her social circle. DER NACHTMAHR ist der erste Teil des filmischen Triptychons "Geburt-Liebe-Tod" von AKIZ. 2,541 votes Genres Drama, Mystery. IMDb Score 6.6. What Are Some of the Influences “Der Nachtmahr” Draws From? If anything, it’s an unconventional coming-of-age film about the teenage transition to adulthood and the need for acceptance and belonging in a word of dismissive social attitudes. A perfect symmetry of setting exists in the frame, and centered within is a bright red light, a la HAL 9000. Get all the lyrics to songs by Nachtmahr and join the Genius community of music scholars to learn the meaning behind the lyrics. Der Nachtmahr is neither horror nor science fiction. : Der Nachtmahr erhebt sich von seinem Lager in den Sümpfen. Der Nachtmahr’s ending doubles-back to the opening car crash and offers yet another interpretation of the event. noun nominative ein der Nachtmahr: die Nachtmahre: genitive eines des Nachtmahres, Nachtmahrs: der Nachtmahre: dative einem dem Nachtmahr, Nachtmahre 1: den Nachtmahren: accusative einen den Nachtmahr: die Nachtmahre: 1 Now uncommon, see notes. The most potent clue comes in a sequence at school when Tina is asked for her interpretation of a poem by Blake that other students have claimed is about birth. Soon, the scene she watched on the phone becomes her own; she’s struck by a car when crouching in the road. This immediately suggests that the sensory experience will be as key to gaining understanding as intellectual engagement, and so proves to be the case. On a formal level, the only thing that really distinguishes Der Nachtmahr is the thermonuclear sound design, which blows up every time the characters enter an underground night club. This is particularly true for a character such as Tina (fantastically embodied by Carolyn Genzkow) who is suggested to have a history of psychological concerns. Rating: 8.0/10 Eine Ausstellung im Frankfurter Goethe-Museum widmet sich der Wirkungsgeschichte des berühmten Gemäldes "Der Nachtmahr" von Johann Heinrich Füssli. Date. Réžia: Akiz. At the same time, the questioning begins: Is she just having a breakdown, or does this thing exist? What is unquestionable is that it makes for creepily affecting viewing. On a formal level, the only thing that really distinguishes Der Nachtmahr is the thermonuclear sound design, which blows up every time the characters enter an underground night club. The conceit allows viewers to develop their own theories on whether or not the creature is real, Tina is alive or dead, or the whole thing is just a crazy dream, which will certainly prove frustrating for some. Ben Nicholson of CineVue notes, “the audience must constantly decide what they believe to actually be happening. Nachtmahr lyrics with translations: Heile mich, Tanzdiktator, I Hate Berlin, Die Fahnen unserer Väter, Матушка Россия, Alle Lust will Ewigkeit, Mütterchen Russland The lingering questions may frustrate the more rigid, fact-seeking viewers but those willing to dig around within Akiz’s rich subtext are to be treated with something immaculately strange and inexplicably affecting. Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF. But even when others openly respond to the creature’s existence, it’s hard to be completely sure what they’re seeing is the same thing Tina (and the audience) sees. But that vagueness doesn’t provide any answers, and the power of the film lives in its oddity and ambiguity. While Genzkow is very watchable in the role, it’s perhaps a shame that the visuals settle into familiar territory after a bold start, but Der Nachtmahr is ultimately a stylish and disquieting debut from Akiz, and a bizarre twist on the classic coming of age yarn. Liga 01. All rights reserved. After attending a rave party, a teenage girl forms a bond with a strange monster as she suffers a slow chaotic mental breakdown. Directed by Akiz. 6.4K likes. The rave, or perhaps something that she has taken during it, spark a vision of her own death which plays in real-time before being revealed as some kind of hallucination. Ein vollkommener Nachtmahr aus Blumen und Düften. A later scene in the film finds Tina in English class for the film’s sole English-language scene. Der Nachtmahr 2015. There are pregnancy metaphors, near-death experiences, the possibility of a languished nightmare (it is the title, after all), ideas of purgatory, and the ever-present and oft-suggested possibility of mental illness. After all, her friends do seem pretty uninterested in everything, including each other. It’s right after this experience that Tina starts seeing a small creature in her home. Or is the film not suggesting any of those things at all? Der Nachtmahr is neither horror nor science fiction. : It's a perfect nightmare of flowers, and scents. She concurs that it’s a birth, but of an abstract and growing “feeling that has no name.” Although the film has no intention of defining what this little monster is, Tina is encouraged by her psychiatrist to make physical contact with it and it’s these interactions that provide the most tense and tender moments. Der Nachtmahr. At the party, a guy shows Tina video footage of a girl being struck by a car as she crouches in the street. Not saying it's the best thing ever, but it seems like Nightmare 2005 is worse, at least from the reviews. Tina offers neither explanation, proposing it’s about an intense emotion that has no definition, indicating her own loss of control over life. Der Nachtmahr (GER 2015, 88 min.) Media open/close filter. Feature film / Trailer. Directed by Akiz. Film "Der Nachtmahr" 17 year old Tina has it all - good looks and cool friends. Read more. It’s not quite a drama and doesn’t have the thrills to be a thriller. Akiz places them firmly within the perspective of Tina, and Clemens Baumeister tries keep the visuals disorientating despite the fact that their nightmarish energy is really confined to a handful of instances. Details. Are we witness to a woman’s looming guilt over an unseen abortion? My Tasks “Der Nachtmahr” is a feature film project from the director AKIZ. def. The NightmareIt’s a hot, humid and sweaty summer. Rather, it saunters up to our line of sanity and gladly tiptoes past.”, Amanda Waltz at The Film Stage agrees, saying the experience of the film is more important than understanding its message: “While AKIZ supplies plenty of formalist stimulation, he’s not so keen on providing any clues to the story’s ultimate meaning. So zeigt das Gemälde eine schlafende Frau - hilflos über das Ende ihres Bettes drapiert - und den Inhalt ihres "Alptraums". Take the film’s penultimate scene, for example, when Tina and the creature are surrounded by folks responding in horror to the sight of the figure by her side. If anything, it’s an unconventional coming-of-age film about the teenage transition to adulthood and the need for acceptance and belonging in a word of dismissive social attitudes. 3 people found this helpful. All image (17) video (2) Provider open/close filter. This is Der Nachtmahr (The Nightmare) (2017), where a teen girl goes to a party and then starts seeing this little monster guy everywhere. It seems Akiz intends Der Nachtmahr to be the first in a three-part library known as The Demonic Trilogy, dealing with “birth, love, and death.” If that’s the case, perhaps we need to wait for him to paint the full picture before it’s possible to attempt much understanding of all the strokes involved. However, the film allows for speculation. The painting depicts a pale woman lying on a divan, head and arms hanging over the edge, as a smirking incubus rests on her back. At first, we aren’t privy to this witness, having to take Tina’s word for the existence of whatever she sees. I did the lighting, rendering and compositing of some shots. : The Nightmare arises from its lair in the swamps. With Carolyn Genzkow, Sina Tkotsch, Wilson Gonzalez, Arnd Klawitter. Like the best surrealist horrors, Der Nachtmahr feels no pressure to make you understand its off-kilter tango. Certainly two Kubrickian references in one shot must be on purpose, but what do they mean? Der Nachtmahr’s most basic inspiration, however, comes from a famous piece of 18th-century art by Swedish painter Heinrich Füssli that shares the same name. If so, it’s a delightful twist on an old genre staple. Language open/close filter . Are we on the frontlines of a schizophrenic onset? Genzkow doesn’t try to transform her into a plucky heroine and the movie is far better for it. How does the sensory assault in “Der Nachtmahr” serve the film. Or are we just privy to a long history of careless drug abuse taking its hallowed toll? What is Jean-Luc Godard’s “Goodbye to Language” Actually About? Worse, maybe they’re not seeing it all but responding to Tina’s madness, and we’re part of Tina’s Fight Club-esque slanted perspective of her surroundings. If Der Nachtmahr is a journey towards self-acceptance, it’s a relatable road for anyone who has survived their teenage years. When the homunculus is finally revealed—a gray, hunchbacked little beast that is an ugly lovechild of Harry Potter’s Dobby, Lord of the Rings’ Gollum, Basket Case’s Belial with a little of Mac and Me’s Mac thrown in—we still don’t know whether it’s really there or Tina is simply imagining it, and the film is just letting us in on her delusions. The journey towards self-acceptance, whoever you are, is at the heart of most teen films and the notion that Tina must befriend this externalised manifestation of her pubescent anxiety and the fear of social rejection is a fascinating twist on a genre mainstay. Like every year, this season seems likely to become one endless, sexy and gorgeous party under the open sky. Some students in the class respond by saying he’s writing about life; others, death. From this moment on the line between fantasy and reality is all but gone, and the audience must constantly decide what they believe to actually be happening. He constructs a deliberately confusing, Donnie Darko-esque narrative strewn with more questions than answers. Minutes later, she’s back on her feet, unharmed, with her friends saying she simply passed out. Company. Tina and her friends are living the dream of a whole generation of decadent Berlin-party-kids. One thing is for sure: he looks a lot like that jarred fetus she saw the night of her maybe-maybe not car accident. Year open/close filter. Der Nachtmahr war eines der ersten Gemälde, das nicht ein Ereignis, eine Geschichte oder eine Person, sondern eine Idee darstellte. Eventually, after much dismissal of Tina’s visions and the growing assumptions of insanity, other people witness the figure. On the other side of the fence, could everything we see indeed be real? Euer Hass hat mich geschmiedet Getauft in rotem Wein Wo Mitgefühl und Gnade war schlägt nun ein Herz aus Stein Ausgegrenzt und abges 6.6. Transplanting Johann Heinrich Füssli’s famous painting of the same into the setting of modern Berlin’s party scene is a canny move by the filmmaker. : Der Nachtmahr ergreift nur Besitz von Bösewichtern, um sie noch schlimmer zu machen. “Pretty hardcore,” she tells the guy approvingly, but her expression disagrees. The Toronto International Film Festival takes place from 10-20 September 2015. While Tina’s buddies high-five the macabre find, Tina finds it as uncomfortable as the audience. Since 2007, Austrian artist Thomas Rainer's project Nachtmahr has achieved worldwide chart breaking success with his other projects L’AME IMMORTELLE and SIECHTUM in the past 11 years, he returns to his roots: the boiling dancefloors of industrial and goth clubs alike. singular plural indef. Zentrale Figur ist die 17-jährige Tina, die nach einer ausschweifenden Party von Alpträumen heimgesucht wird, in denen sie einem missgestalteten Wesen begegnet. : The phantasm only possesses bad guys to make them worse. Since 2007, Austrian artist Thomas Rainer's project Nachtmahr has achieved worldwide chart breaking success with his other projects L'AME IMMORTELLE and SIECHTUM in the past 11 years, he returns to his roots: the boiling dancefloors of industrial and goth clubs alike. Randall Lotowycz at Think and Code wonders, “should we view Tina as a corrupted youth like Clockwork‘s droogs? Der Nachtmahr is strange and interesting at the same time, mixing elements of a coming-of-age story with sci-fi and teen-angst drama. Der Nachtmahr, despite its achievements in style, would be nothing without the central performance of Carolyn Genzkow. In the car on the way there, a friend has taken her photo and edited it together with that of a jarred fetus from biology class. The final shot is puzzling—the cerebral type that lingers in the back of the viewer’s mind inviting ongoing analysis. Der Nachtmahr. Der Nachtmahr proves as much of a film about clubbing and music as it is a sci-fi/ horror. 2015. This is where Der Nachtmar’s (2015) cerebral experiment begins, and isn’t the last time we visit the scene. But after one excessive night, she’s haunted by a mysterious ugly creature which visits her in her nightmares. The sensory assault, that comes from the ear-splitting electronic soundtrack and strobe lighting at the opening rave sequence, perfectly aligns with the heightened – somewhat overwhelming – emotions of adolescence. 2013-2015. noun def. They also seemingly interact with it, often violently, which Tina psychosomatically endures through a strangely symbiotic, stigmatic relationship with the beast. But was she? Rock musician Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth) has a cameo as an English poetry teacher. Electronica music, lyrics, and videos from Vienna, AT on ReverbNation Matt Oakes at Silver Screen Riot isn’t sure we’re intended to understand exactly what Der Nachtmahr’s message is: “One can waffle back and forth over the intent of visual-artist-turned-director Akiz‘s vague but scalding narrative. The goblin is small, slow, helpless, and ugly—much the way teens fighting to understand their own being feel. Nachtmahr is the solo project of Thomas Rainer (also known for his other projects: L'Âme Immortelle and the now defunct Siechtum). Der Nachtmahr (2015), the directorial debut of German multi-disciplinary artist Akiz, begins with a title card requesting that the following film is “played loud, okay?”. Nachtmahr m (genitive ... Declension of Nachtmahr. History. Sonic Youth’s Kim Gordon plays Tina’s teacher, who asks the class for their interpretation of William Blake literature. Der Nachtmahr, Bornhak's stylistic ... Fortunately, Bornhak loops the story into itself like an ouroboros, leaving Der Nachtmahr, at least in part, open to interpretation. Das Projekt mit mehr als 150 Exponaten wird von der Kulturstiftung der Länder gefördert. A monster is not an unreasonable metaphor for the anxiety and fear of social rejection adolescents endure, and Tina seeing herself as that monster may be what the film is about. Videos (2 Results) Der Nachtmahr. The Nightmare (German: Der Nachtmahr) is a 2015 German drama and psychological horror film directed by Achim Bornhak []. Does the creature and its almost parasitic relationship with Tina represent a new form of life like the Star Child in 2001? What this does mean, though, is that when the homunculus arrives it seems, to all intents and purposes, to be real. It’s not quite a drama and doesn’t have the thrills to be a thriller. Scenár: Akiz Kamera: Clemens Baumeister Hudba: Akiz, Steffen Kahles, Christoph Blaser Hrajú: Carolyn Genzkow, Kim Gordon, Julika Jenkins, Arnd Klawitter, Wilson Gonzalez Keď idete do kina na “stredoškolácky horor“, väčšinou viete na …