Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics is an English language program. Talented students can continue the Master’s research phase seamlessly with a doctoral project, speeding up their academic career. : +49.8161.71.3169 Telefonische Erreichbarkeit Montag bis Donnerstag von 12 bis 14 Uhr Fachstudienberatung Plasma physics -- including topics such as plasma physics, fusion research, kinetic plasma physics, magneto hydrodynamics, turbulence in neutral fluids and plasmas. Bachelor of Science, Master of Science / B.Sc., M.Sc. Im letzten Jahr des Masterstudiums der Physik haben Sie die einmalige Gelegenheit an spannenden Themen zu forschen. In these students from a broader background are educated at the frontiers to neighboring disciplines. Our Master programs cover all aspects of modern Physics. The Master's degree program in Physics (Applied and Engineering Physics) is a two-year international graduate program, designed to give students an insight into current research trends and new developments in modern physics. Die vier Masterstudiengänge bauen auf dem grundständigen Bachelorstudiengang Physik auf. PH2160 ist ein Semestermodul in Englisch auf Master-Niveau das im Sommersemester angeboten wird. Experimental techniques and numerical methods - including topics such as physics with neutrons, modern x-ray physics, advanced materials analysis with synchroton radiation, magnetic measurement methods. Soft matter science -- including topics such as polymer physics, nanostructured soft materials. Im Gegensatz zur präparativen Chemie liegt der Studienschwerpunkt in der physikalischen Chemie auf der möglichst genauen Charakterisierung der Eigenschaften von Stoffen und deren Umwandlung. Studienplan Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung Mathematik-Physik Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die aktuellen Studienpläne, nach denen wir das Studium koordinieren. The "Direct Track" combines the advantages of the traditional model with the speed of a "Fast Track" – without the disadvantages like a (formally) missing Master’s degree. TUM School of Life Sciences Campus Office Weihenstephaner Steig 22 85354 Freising Anfragen am besten an: campusoffice.wzw[at] Tel. The three German language programs represent the three research areas within the Physics Department. Spezifischer Spezialfachkatalog Physik der kondensierten Materie Join us to learn more about the nuclei inside atoms down to the most elementary building blocks of matter! Conversely, physical intuition supplies mathematics not only with relevant problems but can also suggest paths to new answers. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics is an English language program. Master programs at the Physics Department of TUM. Unterrichtssprache Deutsch Studienbeginn Der Studiengang kann zum Winter- und Sommersemester aufgenommen werden. Double Degree oder auch Doppel-Abschlüsse genannt bieten qualifizierten Studierenden die Möglichkeit, sowohl einen Abschluss an der TUM als auch an der entsprechenden Partnerhochschule zu erlangen. Dabei stehen Ihnen eine Vielzahl von Arbeitsgruppen und Projekten zur Auswahl. ICL - TUM Mathematical Sciences Hub Advanced Optimization in a Networked Economy (AdONE) IGDK Munich - Graz Studium Studiengänge Bachelor Mathematik Master Mathematik Master Mathematics in Data Science Master Mathematical Finance and The exam and study regulations form the legal basis for your studies. QLB@TUM Teach@TUM Team Master Berufliche Bildung Integriert Curriculumentwicklung: Kompetenzorientierung und Kooperation Team Biologie Chemie Technik Außerschulisches Lernen Abgeschlossene Projekte Physik Mathematik Toolbox Lehrerbildung Das Masterstudium gliedert sich in eine auf dem Bachelorstudium aufbauende Vertiefungsphase , welche die ersten zwei Semester umfasst, und eine Forschungsphase . The M. Sc. Astronomie und soll Sie … The M. Sc. The Master program Quantum Science & Technology starts in WS 2020/1 jointly at the two Physics departments of Technical University Munich (TUM) and Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich (LMU). Already during their research phase these students may join the Department Graduate Center Physics and participate in the program of TUM Graduate School. Energy sciences -- including topics such as fuel cells, energy conversion, reactor physics and nuclear technology, nonlinear dynamics and complex systems, renewable energy. Students can specialize in one or more areas of their choice: A mentor can give you advice in choosing the specific courses. That is why I chose the Master in Management program offered by TUM School of Management in Heilbronn. The Elite Master program Theoretical and Mathematical Physics is offered in cooperation with Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) within the framework of the Elite Network of Bavaria. Talented students can continue the Master's research phase seamlessly with a doctoral project, speeding up their academic career. Sie möchten den Master Physik studieren? The M. Sc. Are you a newcomer at TUM in the Summer Semester? The English language program in Applied and Engineering Physics covers research topics in Physics related to applications and engineering aspects from all three research areas. Master - Physik Allgemeine Informationen Zulassungsvoraussetzungen Bewerber aus Deutschland und der EU Bewerber aus Übersee Struktur des Studiums Aufbau des Studiums und Modellstudienpläne Lehrveranstaltungen Vorlagen Kontakt M.Sc. Zulassungsvoraussetzungen für die Physik-Masterstudiengänge sind: Sie haben die TUMonline-Bewerbung vollständig und fristgerecht durchgfeführt (Hochladen aller zulassungsrelevanter Dokumene). In the study program description the program is described extensively for the QM system of TUM. Tum master physik Das Physik-Department der TUM ist eine der forschungsstärksten Adressen für Physik in Europa und verknüpft Spitzenforschung mit einzigartigen Physik-Department. If you are interested in a given research area, it may be helpful to choose a mentor working in it (e.g. Its aim is to foster the development of new methods for better prevention, diagnostics or therapy of human diseases. We look forward to meeting you there! Study and examination regulations as well as the module handbook and the official description of the study programs are available in the FAQ. Questions about the project can be directed to Informationen zu Studieninhalt und Bewerbung finden Sie auf unserem Profil. Quantum Science & Technology is an English language program. eingebunden. Um die stark interdisziplinäre und forschungsorientierte Ausrichtung des Studiengangs zu gewährleisten, wird er in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der MSB durchgeführt. Studienziel und zukünftige Arbeitsfelder Das Masterstudium Physik ist forschungsorientiert. Students benefit from the research environment provided by the excellence cluster Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST). All four Master programs convey the academic width which is typical for a physicist. geeignet als Bachelorarbeit Physik Masterarbeit Physik der kondensierten Materie Masterarbeit Applied and Engineering Physics Themensteller(in): Karsten Reuter Die Physikalische Chemie ist auf dem Grenzgebiet der Chemie und Physik angesiedelt und somit ein wichtiger Brückenkopf zwischen den beiden klassischen Naturwissenschaften. Nanosciences -- including topics such as nanosystems, nanomaterials, nanostructured soft materials, surface and nanoscale science. D. Talented students can continue the Master's research phase seamlessly with a doctoral project, speeding up their academic career. Alle Masterstudiengänge der TUM … The study offers at Physics Department is completed by interdisciplinary Master programs. Discover the amazing power of physics through its applications! Umweltingenieurwesen Der Bachelorstudiengang Umweltingenieurwesen hat das Ziel, die Studierenden mit den nötigen Kompetenzen eines interdisziplinär arbeitenden Ingenieurs auszustatten, der die gesamte Bandbreite des Umweltingenieurwesens auf einem grundständigen Niveau beherrscht und bereits Ansätze einer Spezialisierung zeigt. Those at home in both worlds who have acquired a broad education can form fruitful connections and explore promising innovative approaches. see the lecturers of the courses). Physics (Condensed Matter Physics) is a German language program. Explore with us the fascinating frontier of modern Physics far away from chemical and thermodynamical equilibrium. Learn all about lasers, super strong magnets, solar cells, biosensors and more. Master Physik Das Masterstudium vermittelt eine allgemeine Ausbildung in angewandter, experimenteller und theoretischer Physik bzw. The M. Sc. The study program of the first year of studies can be organized individually. Er vermittelt ein vertieftes Verständnis von den elementaren molekularen Komponenten einer Zelle und dem Zusammenwirken selbiger auf der Systemebene. Welcher TUM-Bachelor zu welchen TUM-Masterstudiengängen führen kann, erfahren Sie in der Studienberatung oder auf dem jährlich stattfindenden Master's Day. The Physics programs are completed by interdisciplinary programs. The M. Sc. In the week before the semester starts you can learn more about student life in Munich, get to know other students and get useful tipps. Two programs in cooperation with Munich School of Bioengineering (MSB) and two programs in cooperation with Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU). Our Master programs build the natural continuation to our Bachelor program in physics. Science of light -- including topics such as quantum optics, ultrafast physics and attosecond science, various light sources from infrared to X-rays, optoelectronics, ultra cold quantum gases. Medical engineering -- including topics such as image processing in physics, biomedical physics. The following study programs show examples of how the first year of the Master's degree program Applied and Engineering Physics could look like. Deadline for Re-Enrollment for Summer Semester 2021 is 2021-02-15, Coronavirus : Current information on studies, teaching and exams, Mentoring Program for Physics Students in the First Years, Exam Registration in TUMonline between 2020-12-07 and 2021-01-15, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU). Die breit gefasste Ausbildung erlaubt es, dass sie das erworbene Wissen in ihrer anschließenden beruflichen Tätigkeit auch auf andere Bereiche sowie Forschungsthemen anwenden können. Did you ever wonder why metals are shiny, why some materials are magnetic while others are not, how electrical currents can flow forever without resistance and how nano machines and devices can be constructed remarkable quantum mechanical functionality? Das Modul ist Bestandteil der folgenden Kataloge in den Studienangeboten der Physik. Special emphasis is put on the scientific play instinct and explorative thinking out-of-the-box and stimulating the combination of new technologies. Physik (national und international) (Master, konsekutiv) Das Studium der Physik im forschungsorientierten Master-Studiengang, mit dem Abschluss Master of Science (M.Sc.) „Direct Track“ from a Master Program to a Ph. Our Master programs cover all aspects of modern Physics. Wird Ihnen vom Referat für Internationale Angelegenheiten die Zulassung erteilt an der LMU München studieren zu dürfen, können Sie sich mit dieser Zusage und der Zusage der Fakultät für Physik immatrikulieren. What is Life? Die Bescheinigung über die Zusage der Fakultät für Physik für das Masterstudium muss unmittelbar nach Erhalt dem Referat für Internationale Angelegenheiten nachgereicht werden. Master student in Management at TUM Campus Heilbronn I have always been passionate about finance and business management because it essentially governs everything that we all do on a daily basis. Mathematics is the universal language of theoretical physics that is fundamental for an understanding of our world at the smallest and largest scales. Physics (Biophysics) is a German language program. Der Standort des Studiums ist Garching bei München. High energy physics -- including topics such as particle detectors, particle physics with highest energy particle colliders, computational physics, data analysis and Monte Carlo methods. This is a perfect first step for starting a Ph. The Master program Matter to Life teaches students the multi-disciplinary background, the practical skills, and the social competencies necessary in order to act as creative innovators within the research area of molecular bioengineering. D. Physics (Applied and Engineering Physics), more information on the Master program Physics (Applied and Engineering Physics), Curriculum of the Master programs Physics, Application and admission in the Master programs Physics, more information on the Master program Physics (Condensed Matter Physics), Physics (Nuclear, Particle, and Astrophysics), more information on the Master program Physics (Nuclear, Particle, and Astrophysics), more information on the Master program Physics (Biophysics), Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, more information on the Master program Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, Curriculum Master program Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, Application and admission in the Master program Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich (LMU), excellence cluster Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), more information on the Master program Quantum Science & Technology, Curriculum in the Master program Quantum Science & Technology, Application and admission in the Master program Quantum Science & Technology, more information on the Master program Matter to Life, Curriculum in the Master program Matter to Life, Application and admission in the Master program Matter to Life, Elite Master program Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (TMP), more information on the Elite Master program Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Information on the TUM offers within the Elite Master program Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Application and admission in the Elite Master program Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.