The CD runs up and down in our car and in the children's room. Eieiei | 05. The songs are great to perform with the whole body. Soeben habe ich das Original Cocopelli Schlagzeug auf we make it zu einem Sensationspreis angeboten. - 28. Dear Mai Cocopelli, as always a great CD with lots of great songs and lyrics. We heard one of your songs on KiRaKa at that time and were immediately blown away. Dear Mai, thanks for your great CD. Beers/Cider On Tap Beer On Tap 350ml 500ml Heineken(5%) Smooth, nicely blended bitterness, clean … Beverages Menu Read … The sequence of songs on the CDs is varied - both in rhythm and lyrics. 16,00 € Number. We especially like the caring lyrics, which give you positive feelings and stimulate your desire for life. You are simply fascinating, funny, positive, exciting and colorful. Jaaaaaaa, sie ist da! Dazu holst du dir deine Benutzerdaten, oder hast sie bereits in einer Mail von mir erhalten und kannst in Zukunft alle Leadsheets, die ich zur Verfügung stelle aus der Cocopelli Bibliothek gratis downloaden! Das allerschönste Piratenlied der Welt, der allerbesten Kinderliedmacherin Mai Cocopelli: Die Piratenparty kann kommen... LE.LI.LO. Not as stiff as some others. The current CD "Im Musikzimmer 2" is a lot of fun and should not be missed (especially for older children / school children)! (C) 2015 COCOPELLI MUSIC. The CD is beautiful and animates not only my children but also me to sing and move.☺️I can't wait until there is a new CDfrom Mai to buy. Members receive a $20 complimentary voucher for their birthday. Sendung "Im Musikzimmer" eröffne ich den neuen LOG IN Bereich auf meiner Website. Sie musiziert mitten in die Herzen von Kindern und Eltern. After listening two times my children could already sing along. Zahlreiche Preise, unzählige ausverkaufte Konzerte, ein Publikum, das jedes Mal wieder vor Freude tobt, wenn die Mary … This album focuses on singing together. I especially like the songs that structure the daily school routine. We work together with more than 1500 Networking Operators and over 3000 stocking resellers worldwide. Unfortunately....or luckily....danger of addiction ;-) Bernadette and Fridolin, On the cd are great songs to sing. Gruseliges aus dem Cocopelli Musikzimmer. Within 24 hours we know if a specific type of item is available or requested … There are harmonious melodies and in-depth lyrics, my children love them! Es ist Zeit | 11. Fondée en 1999 par Dominique Guillet, elle s'oppose à toute réglementation sur les semences. Monster in mir | 03. Forgot account? Site title of is Mai Cocopelli: Kinderlieder von Mai Cocopelli. [F C Gm G Am Dm] Chords for Neues Cocopelli-Martinslied "Sankt Martin" | Kinderlieder zum Mitsingen with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. Eure Mai Text und Musik: Mai Cocopelli Gesang: Rosa Wimmer, Mai Cocopelli Gitarre: Stephan Bormann: Klavier: Reentko Cello, Aufnahme: Mohi Buschendorf Gesang, Flöte: Mai Cocopelli. The music is also very high quality and a pleasure for every ear. I like the mix of the songs and the ease is wonderful. This year again we had a lot of fun shooting a video for you and taking part in your competition. 1" mainly has lyrics that are perfect for singing along with small children. My daughter got a couple of catchy tunes about it. Kokopelli est une association française, fondée en 1999, qui distribue des semences, libres de droits et reproductibles, issues de l'agriculture biologique et de l'agriculture biodynamique dans le but de préserver la biodiversité semencière et potagère. The songbook is full of entertaining songs. Also the melodies of the songs are very beautiful and sounding. Créez gratuitement votre compte sur Deezer et écoutez Mai Cocopelli : discographie, top titres et playlists. This site uses cookies. Auf Wiedersehn | 14. IP is on Apache works with 1281 ms speed. Mai Cocopelli präsentiert ihr Lieblingslied Engel im Video mit Hannah und Ciara. My son bounces with every song and loves to go round and round in circles. In singing the children experience themselves as a valuable part of a community. :). We have now bought a second one for a friend of ours as a warm-up for a Cocopelli concert. & Rafa-Rose … We are only promoting and selling parts owned and keept in stock by our clients and partners. En 1997, le Groupement national interprofessio… Wir treffen uns im Kreis | 11. Log In. Nebelkind | 07. I find both - the first and the second - "Musikzimmer" songbooks including the CD, really very useful. Meanwhile we have already infected many children and also mamas with it. I like to play them when the students paint pictures to stories. Create New Account. *Points are not accumulated for Daily Rituals. See more of Mai Cocopelli on Facebook. On the CD are excellent songs, which are funny and are sung up and down all day long. incl. Ohne Kitsch, aber mit jeder Menge Gefühl. The joy of singing and boundless love of life, which is transferred in no time at Cocopelli's … Mai Cocopelli präsentiert im Musikzimmer neue Kinderlieder zu Themen, die in Kindergarten und Schule Anklang finden. WOW....From the first to the last note full professionality, joy, enthusiasm ....funky sound, great brass arrangements, surprise guests that do not sound like a children's choir ;-) ...simply great! The songs are catchy and invite them to dance and move around. The CD 'Im Musikzimmer Nr.1' contains really appropriate music for a child in kindergarten - the lyrics are well composed, the melody very loving and varied! I like the conscious choice of words in the lyrics, the rhythmically harmonic sounds and you notice that there is always a lot of love in the songs. Download von Text und Akkorden: Mai Cocopelli präsentiert im Musikzimmer neue Kinderlieder zu Themen, die in Kindergarten… I like lyrics and melodies. Aufräumzeit | 09. Elle a ouvert des antennes en Europe, mais également en Amérique du Sud et en Inde. CD "Im Musikzimmer" Nr. Please let your enthusiasm and the fire for children continue to shine! Playback-Versionen. Find out at which radio station you can hear Mai Cocopelli - Engel. They are easy to learn, although they sometimes require some tongue acrobatics and a certain sense of tact, e.g. My kids especially love the 'Piratenlied', 'Ja, das klappt and 'Monster in mir'. I already saw the Monster song live in summer, now I finally have it on CD. Mit der 2. 2 is our favourite CD of the three 'Im Musikzimmer' CDs. Playback-Versionen, I have to congratulate you on this very successful production! Bitte teilt unser Video mit euren Freunden! :). The songs really come from the heart and touch the hearts as well. We cannot image being without our Cocopelli CDs anymore. This is "Musikzimmer Log In_Kurz" by Mai Cocopelli on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. This site uses cookies. Friedrich Zitterfeld | 06. Auf dass es … Vielleicht schreibe ich das nächste Lied für dich! The music is catchy, the kids really love it. Über Mai: Mai Cocopelli ist eine engagierte Kinderliedermacherin. This album is perfect for kindergarten and primary school teachers who want to sing new songs. :). Springginkerl | 12. A great children cd that parents also like to listen to! Drachentanz | 06. Wunderbar | 02. The charset for this site is utf-8. Great songs! Schreib im Kommentar welchen Song du gerne hören möchtest und inspiriere mich! Die neue Musikzimmer CD samt Liederheft freut sich darauf in die Welt geschickt zu werden. The songs are suited for everyone. This is sent on the 1st of the birthday month and valid for the month. We hope that you will continue to organize such great competitions, in which we can again be fully involved. Log In. Übers Meer | 13. It begins in the morning, when we sing your song "Mit Riesenschritten..." (With giant steps...), in order to make our way to the kindergarten with our big one. Frühling | 10. Especially amazing are the playback melodies at the end of the CD. Mai Cocopelli - Piratenlied (Playback) (LE.LI.LO. This music is great for teaching! I tried a lot in kindergarten as well as in elementary school and everything was very well received by the children! The music and lyrics are as usual very beautiful and easy for children to understand. Audio sample; Information; Customer review; Shipping; 1 Der Herbst jagt den Sommer 2 Sommer, ade! Mai Cocopelli - Piraten ['Musikzimmer 2' Original Song] 3. As a primary school teacher, I am particularly pleased that I can now use the previous music in my classroom. Your children's songs are simply unique and matched to the children's interests. The songs are just great! | 08. We love your music! Find out at which radio station you can hear Mai Cocopelli - Pirates. & Rafa-Rose DJane 'Musikzimmer 2' Party Mix) 2. Cocopelli is know for its one-of-a-kind service and delicious gourmet pizza, pastas and salads. Mai Cocopelli - Piraten (LE.LI.LO. Ja, das klappt | 04. "Im Musikzimmer Nr.2" (German Version) animates the musical everyday life in elementary school with songs for children from 6 to 9 years old. Kommt der Bär | 10. The CD "Im Musikzimmer Nr. 2" I like the fact that so many children participate and that so many different instruments can be heard. Das Halloween-Lied wurde mit dem Deutschen Kinderliederpreis 2018 ausgezeichnet. That's cheerful children's music with clear lyrics. or. In no time I knew the lyrics by heart and they are really fun. Besides, we got a new delivery from Mai immediately and without any problems after the post office brought us a broken package. Wonderful, this "monster in me". They bring fun and also relaxation. Your music accompanies us since the 1st year of our children's life. Keep it up, I'm looking forward to something new! The CD has a varied design so that you can run it more than once and adults can also enjoy it. I also like the playbacks. Web site description for is Kinderlieder von Mai Cocopelli gehen unter die Haut. 3 Glückssterne 4 Leise fallen alle Blätter 5 Hey ho, spann den Wagen an 6 Kleine Laterne 7 Und der Herbst sagt 8 Komm, geh mit mir 9 Sankt Martin 10 Wie ein Stern 11 Kannst du mich sehn? Attention catchy tune! The tidying up song gives a feeling for togetherness, songs about the weather offer various possibilities of musical realization and dance songs provide a colorful mixture on this CD for children from 3 to 7 years old. Gesang: Mai Cocopelli und Ciara Gitarre: Georg Wild, Mai Cocopelli Keyboard: Oliver Kerschbaumer E-Bass: Michael Wittner Schlagzeug: Hans-Jürgen Bart Tontechnik: Tobias Pröll Kamera: Peter Müller Kamera: bySahlia GoPro: Maximilian Kienesberger Tonbearbeitung: Wolfger Buchberger CD PRÄSENTATION im Herbst 2013 (C) COCOPELLI MUSIC. Freunde für immer | 13. As a customer I felt really royally treated! Mit Riesenschritten | 02. The songs are rousing, full of funny lyrics and guaranteed to catch your ears! Kinder, Kinder! Na, wie gehts euch mit Halloween? - 26. Me and my children love them. Full dinner menu is … Selbst manch … Your children's songs are just loving and that is exactly what sets you apart from other children's music. What customers say about our products: see >Customer reviews<, Songlist 01. Choose from a variety of wines, spirits, beers and cocktails, or enjoy a mocktail, soft drink, iced drink, tea or speciality coffee. Our family likes the "Monster in Me" and the "Pirate Song" best. 12 Ich sag Danke 13 Der … You have the right nose!!! The playback versions are very helpful. In addition to movement songs (Monster in Me, Pirate Song, Springginkerl), this CD also contains songs for singing in the morning, in breaks and for queuing in two rows. Apfelmäuschen | 08. Meine Lieben. Every song and every text is simply unique and invites us to sing and dance along. Hampelmann | 03. Your children's music is simply charming and the songs never get boring - Keep it up!!! Die erste CD der Serie "Im Musikzimmer" ist fertig für den Einsatz in Kindergärten und Schulen! I have added many songs for my crawling group rituals and the kids love it. Ab jetzt können Monster und Gespenster zu Halloween singend von Haus zu Haus ziehn! "Eine kleine Kerze" hab ich gerade mit meiner Familie gesungen. or. See more of Mai Cocopelli on Facebook. legal VAT. Your children songs are great and crazy at the same time. The song on " Im Musikzimmer Nr.2" -"Guten Morgen" is now heard almost every morning on the way to kindergarten :-), The CD contains beautiful songs , which not only encourage the children to join in. Beverages Menu Beverages Menu Cocopelli cater for all drink preferences with an extensive beverages menu. Create New Account. The CD is made with absolute love and this is what reaches the listener. Your songs fit well into the ears and are a lot of fun for the little ones as well as for us! And of course I also have the Halloween song now and can sing along very well :) Maybe I'll come to one of your concerts again soon! Heut ist Halloween | 14. Das bestätigen Kinder und Eltern, die ihre Konzerte erleben.. The children discover themselves and also the everyday life in the songs, such as the little monster. The 'Im Musikzimmer' No. Wer zu einem Mai Cocopelli Konzert geht, der bekommt Kindermusik mit Qualität, Rhythmus und Niveau. Piratenlied | 15. It is great fun to listen to you and to dance to your songs. Download our App to become a member of the Cocopelli’s Loyalty Club and to earn 10% of your purchases in points. What customers say about our products: see >Customer reviews<, Songliste 01. Wetterfrosch | 04. The best I find is "Springginkerl", the "Pirate Song" and "Monster in Me". With an excellent outdoor area and a warm, intimate interior, Cocopelli is the perfect choice for all occasions. 1 und 2" please me and my children very much. You are immediately under the fascination and sing along with joy. Your music has a different rhythm! Even as an adult, it is great fun to dance and listen to them! It is perfect for everyday life in school and kindergarten (beginners). My little daughter and I love the music, we love to sing and dance to it. Through the CD the songs are easy to remember. The lyrics are easy to remember. Keep up your great work! It is sung with so much love and simply brings good mood. It is for everyone who enjoys new children's songs for lessons. Some of them I immediately sang with my crawling children. This is "Freunde_Arabisch_Persisch_Musikzimmer_2016" by Mai Cocopelli on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Lasst ihr eure Kinder gehen und wer singt in diesem Jahr mein Lied? We also like to buy the CD as a present! The lyrics appeal to the children and they are therefore easy to inspire. & Rafa-Rose DJane neue Piraten2 Single 1. By continuing to use this website, you agree to our policies regarding the use of cookies. It makes me really happy to hear the music! with the song: "Wetterfrosch". Hello Mai! On the CD "Im Musikzimmer Nr. "Im Musikzimmer Nr.1" (german version) is ideal for singing together in kindergarten and elementary level 1. The sun just rises! TEILE die gespenstische Nachricht mit deinen Freunden. We aim to please! Hampel und Strampel | 12. In this way we can focus 100% on the specific needs of our clients. She immediately declared the CD to be her new favourite CD. Für alle, die sich auf das neue Liederbuch freuen kommt hier ein Video zum Teilen. Whether it's one of their signature cocktails and a cold beer after work, or a special family gathering, Cocopelli caters for all groups large or small. Wie selten jemand versteht sie es die Kinder zum Singen zu begeistern. Great mood! Find out at which radio station you can hear Mai Cocopelli mit Flubbdance. By continuing to use this website, you agree to … We are amazed by the whole band and their cheerful charisma. Guten Morgen | 07. Super Playbacks! Cocopelli do not stock any parts of our own. (We have ALL the Cocopelli CD's and we don't want to miss a single one!). Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Flip Flap Zauberei - wir gaben die Noten zum Druck schon frei! This site uses cookies. I was already drawn to the cover. Dorf ABC | 05. Moving to the music is important to me and I enjoy hearing these songs very much. Show more Has been played on. There are also some quiet songs which can be used in class. * Terms & Condition Apply. By continuing to use this website, you agree to our policies regarding the use of cookies. The musician and teacher is a master of children's music with heart and soul, and this is officially confirmed: Mai Cocopelli's CD "Im Musikzimmer Nr. Music event in Vienna, Austria by Haus der Musik and Mai Cocopelli on Sunday, October 18 2020 with 130 people interested. 2" with the " Monster Song" has been put on the recommendation list "Good Music for Children" by the Association of German Music Schools in 2019. Best regards. I have all CD's and I'm thrilled! We love to listen to them. 3. 1, 2, 3 | 09. The CD´s "Im Musikzimmer Nr. Mai Cocopelli singt, was Kinder fühlen. The songs also animate you to reflect.