University of Oxford, Master in European and Comparative Law, M.Jur. jur. (Oxford) Partner Rechtsanwalt. T +49 40 37630 363. He undertook additional legal studies at the London School of Economics and the Renmin University of ⦠jur. A petition to remove Emeritus Professor of Law and Legal Philosophy John Finnis from teaching has attracted three hundred and fifty signatures in five days. Finnis co-teaches a series of seminars for [â¦] ), St. Cross College, University of Oxford > 2012 - 2015 Research assistant at the Department of Political Science and Legal Theory and at the Department of Public Law at the University of Freiburg > 2011 - 2014 Additional Study Program âEuropean, International and Foreign Lawâ of the University of Freiburg CMS Hasche Sigle Stadthausbrücke 1-3 20355 Hamburg Germany Languages German, English . Dr. Markus Schöner, M.Jur. Oxford's Faculty of Law is the largest law school in the United Kingdom. First State Exam. Vanessa has law degrees from Erasmus University Rotterdam (LL.M 2001, cum laude) and from the University of Oxford (M.Jur 2002, with distinction; M.Phil 2003; D.Phil 2006), where she obtained her D.Phil on Performance-Oriented Remedies in European Sale of Goods Law (published with Hart Publishing, 2009). 1998-2004 Undergraduate and postgraduate studies in law, Universities of Passau, Lausanne, Bonn, and Oxford (M.Jur. Prof. em. Contact. (Harvard) Lecturer Chair of Private Law, Intellectual Property and Competition Law LMU Munich. One year graduate course in Law (Magdalene College) 01/2001. Jur. Rudolf Streinz. The British government's 2008 Research Assessment Exercise showed that substantially more top-rated research activity went on in Law at Oxford from 2001-2007, than in any other university in the UK. Although there were 55 M Jur candidates, for the purposes of these statistics, the candidate who did not appear is excluded, leaving 54 M Jur candidates. 2004 born 1978 in Vienna Interview on legal aspects of doing business in China : Veit Öhlberger in conversation with Prof.(FH) Dr. Doris Kiendl-Wendner, University of Applied Science FH Johanneum equivalent)âUniversity of Oxford, United Kingdom. 10/1995 â 07/1999 University of Vienna (Dr iur 2004), University of Oxford (M Jur 2004). 06/1999. )âUniversity of Konstanz, Germany. CMS Hasche Sigle Stadthausbrücke 1-3 20355 Hamburg Germany Languages German, English . F +49 40 37630 40565. Doctor of Laws (Dr. Diana Liebenau, LL.M. Markus Schöner is a specialist for EU and German antitrust law, including merger control. Magister Juris (LL.M. Dr. jur. Law DegreeâUniversity of Konstanz, Germany. 2004) 2006 PhD, University of Bonn Research Assistant at the University of Bonn (with Prof. Daniel Zimmer) and at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg (with Prof. Klaus J. Hopt) Topic of thesis: Rechnungslegung und DRSC. In 2020 it was ranked as the world's second best law by the QS worldwide league table. Dr. Tim Reher, M.Jur. Finnis has been accused of having âa long record of extremely discriminatory views against many groups of disadvantaged peopleâ, including the LGBTQ community. Contact. (Oxford) Partner Rechtsanwalt. Dr. Hans Christian Mayer, M. Jur (Oxford) Taskforce Corona-Pandemie Bavarian Ministry for Health and Care. Tim Reher advises companies on all aspects of competition law, with a focus on fine proceedings and civil law damages claims. Magister Juris (M. T +49 40 37630 365. As with previous years, the percentage number of candidates obtaining a distinction in the MJur was significantly lower than BCL candidates, at 24% (13). F +49 40 37630 40534. Master studies at the University of Oxford (M.Jur) MBA at the Educatis Graduate School of Management, Switzerland; Obtained legal law doctorate in Heidelberg; Legal traineeship, Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt a.M. and at the international corporate law firm Herbert Smith in Shanghai and Beijing Emeritus Ass.