2; and manuscripts of Brahms's Symphony No. Der Jerusalem Academy Chamber Choir hat 32 Mitglieder, hauptsächlich Studenten und Absolventen der Jerusalemer Akademie für Musik und Tanz. In 1924, the foundation purchased the Vanderbilt family guesthouse at 49 E. 52nd Street, and established the Juilliard Graduate School. Die Juilliard School of Dance ist eine weitere weltberühmte Bildungseinrichtung, die 1905 eröffnet wurde und schnell den hohen Standard in der künstlerischen Ausbildung schuf. The collection includes autograph scores, sketches, composer-emended proofs and first editions of major works by Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Schumann, Chopin, Schubert, Liszt, Ravel, Stravinsky, Copland, and other masters of the classical music canon. in the USAAmerican Academy of Dramatic Arts New York is a very small not-for-profit college fully dedicated to the theatre major and located in New York City, New York.The college was founded in 1884 and is currently offering associate's degrees in Acting. Albin Fries wurde 1955 in Steyr/Oberösterreich geboren. In addition to Fuschi, directors of Juilliard's Pre-College Division have included composer Dr. Andrew Thomas. The catalog for Juilliard's continuing education program, the Evening Division, is also here. Mike Heiter wurde mit Love Island bekannt, nach Love Island Partner der Mitinsulanerin Elena Miras und Vater. Die gebürtige Südkoreanerin Bomsori erhielt ihren Bachelor-Abschluss an der Seoul National University, wo sie bei Young Uck Kim studierte. Die jungen Absolventen der Juilliard School New York und der Universität der Künste Berlin stellen Alte Musik beeindruckend in einen neuen Kontext. November 2007 gründete Hartmut Selicko in Magdeburg die Stiftung zur Förderung hochbegabter Kinder und Jugendlicher. The current director of the Pre-College Division is Yoheved Kaplinsky. Seitdem konzertierte er mit allen bedeutenden amerikanischen Orchestern und auf den Bühnen u. a. der Carnegie Hall, des Lincoln Center, der Chicago Symphony Hall und des Kennedy Center. Januar 2021 um 16:33 Uhr bearbeitet. Available degrees are Bachelor of Music or Diploma, Master of Music or Graduate Diploma, Artist Diploma and Doctor of Musical Arts. Er studierte Dirigieren, Komposition, Philosophie und Sprachen an der renommierten Juilliard School sowie an der Yale University, wo er als einziger europäischer Vertreter in das Förderprogramm für zukünftige Musikdirektoren aufgenommen wurde und mit Dirigenten wie Lorin Maazel, Wolfgang Sawallisch und Kurt Sanderling arbeitete. New juilliard school careers are added daily on SimplyHired.com. 2019 setzte er seine TV-Karriere unter anderem im Sommerhaus der Stars fort Name: Mike HeiterGeburtstag: 13.05.1992Alter: 28 JahreSternzeichen: StierBekannt als: Reality-TV-Star.Im September gaben Elena Miras (28) und Mike Heiter (28) ihre Trennung bekannt. In 1968, Mennin hired John Houseman to manage a new Drama Division, and in 1969 oversaw Juilliard's relocation from Claremont Avenue to Lincoln Center. Die stiftungseigene „Juilliard Graduate School“ schloss sich 1926 mit dem Institute of Musical Art zusammen. 2004 Klarinettenstudium an der Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität Professor: Mag. Sie erhielt ihr Stipendium vom Ex-Absolventen Robin Williams, ohne ihm je begegnet zu sein. Als Absolvent eines der größten amerikanischen Musikkonservatorien werde ich oft gefragt: "Welches ist die beste Musikschule in Amerika?" The event raised $90,000 to establish a Pre-College Parents' Association Scholarship Fund. 4. The Music Division is the largest of the school's divisions. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 22. String, brass and woodwind players, as well as percussionists, also participate in orchestra. The 75th percentile accepted into Juilliard in 2012 had a GPA of 3.96 and an SAT score of 1350.[21]. The School's name was changed to The Juilliard School to reflect its broadened mission to educate musicians, directors, and actors.[8][9]. William Schuman graduated from Columbia's Teachers College (BS 1935, MA 1937) and attended the Juilliard Summer School in 1932, 1933 and 1936. [10], In 2006, Juilliard received a trove of precious music manuscripts from board chair and philanthropist Bruce Kovner. Similarly, pianists must study piano performance. Die Stiftung Am 6. Das Juilliard Chamber Orchestra. The Juilliard Vocal Arts department now incorporates the former Juilliard Opera Center. [18] For the fall semester of 2009, the school had an 8.0% acceptance rate. Ihr erster Leiter wurde John Erskine von der Columbia University. Please note: The email address you provide will be the primary method of communication used throughout the application process. Der Chor, 1969 von Avner Itai gegründet, wurde schon unmittelbar nach seiner Gründung als einer der besten Chöre des Landes gewürdigt. Mennin made significant changes to the L&M program—ending ear training and music history and hiring the well known pedagogue Renée Longy to teach solfège. At Juilliard you will learn to interpret music of any period — to nurture it, refine it, give it life, and make it your own. CD-Einspielungen des Ensembles sind veröffentlicht durch Sony Music und Deutsche Harmonia Mundi Labels, darunter das Debüt "Vivaldi: The New Four Seasons" (2012) sowie zuletzt "Sampling Baroque/Handel" (2016). Er studierte bei Joel Smirnoff an der New Yorker Juilliard School und gewann 2016 die Goldmedaille beim Internationalen Violinwettbewerb von Indianapolis. All students study solfège and music theory in addition to their primary instrument. The president of the school at that time was William Schuman, the first winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Music. Sie ist neben dem Curtis Institute das führende Konservatorium und die führende Schauspielschule der Vereinigten Staaten. The Juilliard School (/ ˈdʒuːliɑːrd /) is a private performing arts conservatory in New York City. The Juilliard School has a variety of ensembles, including chamber music, jazz, orchestras, and vocal/choral groups. The Lila Acheson Wallace American Playwrights Program, begun in 1993, offers one-year, tuition-free, graduate fellowships; selected students may be offered a second-year extension and receive an Artist Diploma. Olegna Fuschi served as director from 1975 to 1988. Der Präsident der Schule war zu dieser Zeit William Schuman, einer der ersten Gewinner des Pulitzer-Preises für Musik. Die Stiftung ist fördernd tätig. The pre-college has two orchestras, the Pre-College Symphony (PCS) and the Pre-College Orchestra (PCO). Später studierte er Dirigieren an der Juilliard School of Music New York, zeitgenössische Musik in Darmstadt sowie Renaissance- und Barockmusik an der Schola Cantorum Basel. Musikalischer Direktor ist Stanley Sperber. Hier treffen sich Angebot & Nachfrage auf Europas größtem B2B-Marktplatz! 35 juilliard school jobs available. For other uses, see, Learn how and when to remove this template message, New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, List of Juilliard School people § Notable teachers, List of Juilliard School people § Notable alumni, "Still 'best reputation' for Juilliard at 100", "Lifetime Honors: National Medal of Arts", "Juilliard Names Damian Woetzel as Its New President", "Juilliard Pre-College at The Juilliard School", "Voice, Bachelor of Music: Application & Audition Requirements", "College Admissions Rates Drop For The Class Of 2015", "New Gifts—and New Venue Names—for Juilliard", https://www.juilliard.edu/campus-life/tuition-financial-aid/tuition-fees-and-expenses, The Juilliard School – its history at 100, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Juilliard_School&oldid=1001647636, Educational institutions established in 1905, United States National Medal of Arts recipients, Private universities and colleges in New York (state), Articles needing additional references from July 2019, All articles needing additional references, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz place identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with multiple identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Approximately 850 college, approximately 290 pre-college, This page was last edited on 20 January 2021, at 17:10. Die Juilliard School ist ein Konservatorium und eine Schauspielschule (performing arts conservatory) in New York City, benannt nach dem US-amerikanischen Geschäftsmann Augustus D. Juilliard (1836–1919). American Academy of Dramatic Arts New York is expensive: tuition is about $33,000 a year. Es eröffnete seine Tanzabteilung im Jahr 1951 und ist dafür bekannt, dass es nur die Besten akzeptiert - … Der 1919 kinderlos verstorbene Augustus D. Juilliard hinterließ in seinem Testament 1920 der Schule die hohe Summe von fünf Millionen US-Dollar mit dem ausdrücklichen Zweck zum „Fortschritt der Musik“. Seit 1969, dem Umzug in das Lincoln Center, trägt die Schule ihren jetzigen Namen. Course catalog for The Juilliard School, a performing-arts college in New York City offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in dance, drama and music. Sie wurde und unter der Registriernummer LSA-11741-195 vom Landesverwaltungsamt Sachsen-Anhalt genehmigt und … In addition, Juilliard resident ensembles, which feature faculty members, perform frequently at the school. The Drama Division was established in 1968 by the actor John Houseman and Michel Saint-Denis. Ihr Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Unterstützung von Hochbegabten aus überwiegend einkommensschwachen Familien. 1946 erfolgte die Umbenennung in „The Juilliard School of Music“. Admission to The Juilliard School is highly competitive. While attending Juilliard Summer School, he developed a personal dislike for traditional music theory and ear training curricula, finding little value in counterpoint and dictation. To get started, select whether you are a returning or first-time user and follow the instructions given. The Pre-College Division was established in 1969 with Katherine McC. In April 2009, it was announced that the Music Advancement Program (MAP) would be curtailed due to budget reductions. Anstehende Konzerte. Placement is by age and students may elect to study conducting, chorus, and chamber music. In past performances, the Juilliard Electric Ensemble has used interactive technology to expand the range of their instruments, control audio and visual elements with electronic tools, shape video and projection design in real-time by moving through a virtual field, and interact with artists and computers around the world via the web. Straße. It moved in 1910 to 120 Claremont Avenue in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, onto a property purchased from Bloomingdale Insane Asylum. Januar 2008, http://www.scpa.sandi.net/HTML/arts_dance.html#DFACULTY, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Juilliard_School&oldid=207946031, Musikhochschule in den Vereinigten Staaten, Private Hochschule in den Vereinigten Staaten, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Die Juilliard School ist ein Konservatorium und eine Schauspielschule (performing arts conservatory) in New York City, benannt nach dem US-amerikanischen Geschäftsmann Augustus D. Juilliard (1836–1919). [17] A limited number of applicants are then invited to a live audition,[16][17] sometimes with additional callbacks. The Juilliard Second Century Fund aims to raise $300 million to enable the Juilliard School to sustain its eminence in performing arts education well into the school's next century. Studium 2012 Diplomprüfung „Master of Arts“ mit Auszeichnung 2008 Masterstudium Klarinette an der Konservatoium Wien Privatuniversität Professor: Mag. Trockeneis getränk giftig Trockeneis - Wer liefert wa . [16] After auditions, the school invites select applicants to meet with a program administrator. Unter Schuman erfolgte die Erweiterung der Schule 1951 durch eine Abteilung für Tanz unter der Leitung von Martha Hill. O dva roky neskôr došlo k zlúčeniu oboch škôl a bola vytvorená "Juilliard School of Music". [3], 40.773871-73.983178Koordinaten: 40° 46′ 25,9″ N, 73° 58′ 59,4″ W, https://www.juilliard.edu/faculty/woetzel-damian, Juilliard.edu Alumni News – Drama 1980s, abgerufen am 6. Juilliard's orchestras include the Juilliard Orchestra, the New Juilliard Ensemble, the Juilliard Theatre Orchestra, and the Conductors' Orchestra. Peter Mennin, another composer with directorial experience at the Peabody Conservatory, was elected as his successor. All applicants to The Juilliard School in New York and The Tianjin Juilliard School must create an admissions account before beginning an application for a specific program. Established in 1905, the school trains about 850 undergraduate and graduate students in dance, drama, and music. Dr. Joseph W. Polisi became president of Juilliard in 1984 after Peter Mennin died. Erskines Nachfolger wurde 1937 Ernest Hutcheson, der das Amt bis 1945 ausübte. Juilliard admits both degree program seekers and pre-college division students. In 2007, the school received 2,138 applications for admission, of which 162 were admitted for a 7.6% acceptance rate. Die Schule wurde 1905 als „Institute of Musical Art“ von Frank Damrosch gegründet, mit der Absicht, auch eine Ausbildungsstätte in Amerika für Musiker zu haben, die den europäischen Konservatorien ebenbürtig war. See salaries, compare reviews, easily apply, and get hired. Non classé; Aucun commentaire It is widely regarded as one of the world's leading drama, music and dance schools, with some of the most prestigious arts programs.[2][3][4]. The low-stress way to find your next juilliard school job opportunity is on SimplyHired. In der Amtszeit von Peter Mennin kam 1968 die Fakultät für Schauspiel hinzu, deren erster Leiter John Houseman war. [11] In 2010, philanthropist James S. Marcus donated $10 million to the school to establish the Ellen and James S. Marcus Institute for Vocal Arts at the school. Mike heiter geburtsdatum. Since then, the program has expanded to include a wide offering of classes such as, Introduction to Music Technology, Music Production, Film Scoring, Computers In Performance and an Independent Study In Composition.[26]. The general mandate was "to give the student an awareness of the dynamic nature of the materials of music." [7] In 1926, the Juilliard School of Music was created through a merger of the Institute of Musical Art and the Juilliard Graduate School. The Axiom Ensemble is a student directed and managed group dedicated to well-known 20th-century works. Reinhard Wieser 2008 Diplomprüfung „Bachelor of Arts“ mit Auszeichnung. Die in Augsburg lebende Sopranistin Golda Schultz spricht darüber, wo und bei wem sie sich was aneignete, um jetzt an ersten Häusern der Welt gefeiert zu werden. The Juilliard School (/ˈdʒuːliɑːrd/)[1] is a private performing arts conservatory in New York City. The two schools shared a common board of directors and president (Columbia University professor John Erskine) but retained their distinct identities. 2001 richtete Juilliard außerdem ein Jazz-Training-Programm ein. [23] Until 2006, when James Houghton became director of the Drama Division, there was a "cut system" that would remove up to one-third of the second-year class. [19] In 2011, the school accepted 5.5% of applicants. Together with the Willson Theater, the Music Technology Center is the home of interdisciplinary and electro-acoustic projects and performances at the Juilliard School. 2. In September 2005, Colin Davis conducted an orchestra that combined students from the Juilliard and London's Royal Academy of Music at the BBC Proms, and during 2008 the Juilliard Orchestra embarked on a successful tour of China, performing concerts as part of the Cultural Olympiad in Beijing, Suzhou, and Shanghai under the expert leadership of Maestro Xian Zhang. 1910 war der Hauptsitz in der Claremont Avenue. David Aaron Carpenter (* 5.April 1986 in New York City) ist ein US-amerikanischer Bratschist.. Carpenter begann im Alter von sechs Jahren eine Violinausbildung bei Nicole DiCecco.Elfjährig wechselte er zur Viola und war am Precollege der Juilliard School und der Manhattan School of Music Schüler von Toby Appel, Lewis Kaplan, Isaac Malkin und Christina Khimm. In 1999, the Juilliard School was awarded the National Medal of Arts. Junge, talentierte Studenten möchten wissen, welcher Wintergarten ihnen den goldenen Schlüssel für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft bietet. Dort hat sie das Publikum mit Rollen aus TOSCA, LA FORZA DEL DESTINO und DON GIOVANNI bezaubert. Sie war damals in der Fifth Avenue und in der 12. Vocal majors must also study diction and performance. Im ersten Jahr hatte das Institut 500 Studierende. The collaborative piano, historical performance, and orchestral conducting programs are solely at the graduate level; the opera studies and music performance subprograms only offer Artist Diplomas. Außerdem erwarb sie ihren Master of Music und ihr Artist Diploma an der Juilliard School als Vollstipendiatin und studierte bei Sylvia Rosenberg und Ronald Copes. The school offers courses in dance, drama, and music. Die Absolventen finanzieren ihr Studium aus unterschiedlichen Geldquellen, haben aber nach vier Jahren im Durchschnitt 18.000 Dollar Schulden. Als Shakespeare-Fan entschied sie sich für einen dramatischen Monolog aus Romeo und Julia als Vorsprechprobe zur Aufnahme bei der Juilliard School. Dr. Weaver (Organ ’59) was a member of the Curtis faculty for more than three decades, from 1971 to 2003. stanford university aufnahmebedingungen décembre 26, 2020. The Music Technology Center at the Juilliard School was created in 1993 to provide students with the opportunity to use digital technology in the creation and performance of new music. These groups include the Juilliard String Quartet and the American Brass Quintet. Soon after being appointed as president of the Juilliard School of Music in 1945, William Schuman created a new curriculum called the Literature and Materials of Music (L&M), designed for composers to teach. A Juilliard School (popularmente identificada somente como Juilliard) é uma escola de Ensino superior de Música, Dança e Dramaturgia localizada em Nova Iorque, nos Estados Unidos. After strong opposition to the reductions, the program, which helps inner-city children get music lessons, was then reinstated after several donors pledged money to support it. Among the items are the printer's manuscript of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, complete with Beethoven's handwritten amendments, that was used for the first performance in Vienna in 1824; Mozart's autograph of the wind parts of the final scene of The Marriage of Figaro; Beethoven's arrangement of his monumental Große Fuge for piano four hands; Schumann's working draft of his Symphony No. [6] In 1920, the Juilliard Foundation was created, named after textile merchant Augustus D. Juilliard, who bequeathed a substantial amount of money for the advancement of music in the United States. In 2009, the Music Technology Center moved to a new, state of the art facility that includes a mix and record suite and a digital "playroom" for composing and rehearsing with technology. Die Juilliard-School allein unterhält fünf verschiedene Freundeskreise. Bassposaunist Sinfonieorchester Basel (CH), SlideSticks Trio, Haag bass trombone «CatBone» Haag contrabass trombone «45BV» Polisi.[14]. Schuman established the Juilliard String Quartet in 1946 and the Dance Division in 1951, under the direction of Martha Hill. In 1937, Hutcheson succeeded Erskine as president of the two institutions, a job he held until 1945. The Juilliard admissions program comprises several distinct steps. Musica Sequenza begleitet namhafte Solisten wie Rolando Villazon, Kenneth Weiss, Lionel Party und Daniel Bubeck. In 1946, the Institute of Musical Art and the Juilliard Graduate School completely merged to form a single institution. [12], On September 28, 2015, The Juilliard School announced a major expansion into Tianjin during a visit by China's first lady, Peng Liyuan, the institution's first such full-scale foray outside the United States, with plans to offer a master's degree program. Die Privatuniversität ist im Lincoln Center, Manhattan beheimatet und hat derzeit etwa 700 eingeschriebene Studenten in den Fächern Musik, Tanz und Schauspiel. Its acting programs offer a Bachelor of Fine Arts, a Diploma and, beginning in Fall 2012, a Master of Fine Arts. The latter enter a conservatory program for younger students to develop their skills;[15] All applicants who wish to enroll in the Music Advancement Program, for the Pre-College Division, must perform an audition in person before members of the faculty and administration and must be between ages 8 and 18. Juilliard offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in dance, drama, and music. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. All Bachelor and Master courses require credits from the Liberal Arts course; Joseph W. Polisi is a member of the Liberal Arts faculty. V roku 1951 sa zameranie školy rozšírilo o tanečný odbor a v roku 1968 o odbor dramatický, čo malo za následok zmenu v názve na "The Juilliard School". Founded in 1905, The Juilliard School is a world leader in performing arts education. Sie war Solistin an den Städtischen Bühnen Münster von 1996 bis 2001. Fundraising specifically targeted to the Pre-College Division began during 2004 with a benefit concert given by the Park Avenue Chamber Symphony. The entire collection has since been digitized and can be viewed online. Juilliard won't mollycoddle you, but it may make you famous. Anschließend war er in New York Schüler von Sascha Gorodnitzki (Juilliard School), darüber hinaus besuchte er einen Meisterkurs bei Jorge Bolet. Complementing your work with your primary teacher will be collaborative experiences in chamber music and large ensembles, not only with other musicians, but also with the school’s talented dancers and actors. The Juilliard Electric Ensemble was created in 2003 to provide students from all three of Juilliard's divisions (dance, drama, and music) with an opportunity to use new technology in the creation and performance of interactive and multi-disciplinary work. Applicants must submit a complete application, school transcripts, and recommendations;[16] some majors also require that applicants submit prescreening recordings of their work, which are evaluated as part of the application. The Dance Division was established in 1951 by William Schuman with Martha Hill as its director. The quality and degree of each student's education in harmony, music history, or ear training was dependent on how each composer-teacher decided to interpret this mandate. The Andrew W. Mellon Artist Diploma Program for Theatre Directors was a two-year graduate fellowship that began in 1995 (expanded to three years in 1997) this was discontinued from autumn 2006. There are over 35 juilliard school careers waiting for you to apply! (previous page) 0–9. Established in 1905, the school trains about 850 undergraduate and graduate students in dance, drama, and music. In 2001, the school established a jazz performance training program. Juilliard School is a private institution that was founded in 1905. Many of the manuscripts had been unavailable for generations. In 1905, the Institute of Musical Art, Juilliard's predecessor institution, was founded on the premise that the United States did not have a premier music school and too many students were going to Europe to study music. The conductor and music-educator Frank Damrosch continued as the Institute's dean, and the Australian pianist and composer Ernest Hutcheson was appointed dean of the Graduate School. American performing arts conservatory in New York City, "Juilliard" redirects here. Sie wird auch kurz „Juilliard“ genannt und ist berühmt für die aus dem Institut hervorgehenden herausragenden Musiker und darstellenden Künstler. [2] Daraufhin wurde die Stiftung „Juilliard Musical Foundation“ (JMF) gegründet. Tracklisting Mitwirkende 1. >> Official Website. The Fuschi/Mennin partnership allowed the Pre-College Division to thrive, affording its graduates training at the highest artistic level (with many of the same teachers as the college division), as well as their own commencement ceremony and diplomas. The Juilliard School, NEW YORK CITY. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Alumni of Juilliard School Pages in category "Juilliard School alumni" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,156 total. L&M was a reaction against more formal theory and ear training, and as a result did not have a formal structure. This list may not reflect recent changes . During 2005, Juilliard produced its own benefit concert for the Pre-College Division featuring its own students directed by faculty member Itzhak Perlman and hosted by entertainer Bill Cosby to add to this fund. [20] For Fall 2012, 2,657 undergraduate applicants were received by the college division and 7.2% were accepted. Polisi's many accomplishments include philanthropic successes, broadening of the curriculum and establishment of dormitories for Juilliard's students. Since its debut, the Electric Ensemble has performed works by over 50 composers including Joan La Barbara, Kenji Bunch, Eric Chasalow, Sebastian Currier, Avner Dorman, Jonathan Harvey, Jocelyn Pook, Steve Reich, Daniel Bernard Roumain, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Morton Subotnick, Alejandro Viñao, Jacob ter Veldhuis, David Wallace, Mark Wood, and Peter Wyer. [27] The tuition for 2019-20 is $47,370 for the school year, with total expenses of $69–73,500. Juilliard School in New York und dem Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. [13], In May 2017, retired New York City Ballet principal dancer Damian Woetzel was named president, replacing Joseph W. Ellis as its first director. Sie wird auch kurz „Juilliard“ genannt und ist berühmt für die aus dem Institut hervorgehenden herausragenden Musiker und darstellenden Künstler. [28] Expanded and renamed on Juilliard's 100th anniversary, the fund supports six components that help Juilliard continue to recruit the world's best young artists and faculty, offer educational programs that maintain the quality of a Juilliard education, and increase the size and functionality of Juilliard's physical plant. William Schuman resigned as president of Juilliard after being elected president of Lincoln Center in 1962. [5] The Institute opened in the former Lenox Mansion, Fifth Avenue and 12th Street, on October 11. The American Academy of Dramatic Arts - Los Angeles - Niche [24], The Pre-College Division teaches students enrolled in elementary, junior high, and high school. Er studierte an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Wien Musikpädagogik und Konzertfach Klavier bei Alexander Jenner. The Pre-College Division is conducted every Saturday from September to May in the Juilliard Building at Lincoln Center.[25]. Academic majors are brass, collaborative piano, composition, guitar, harp, historical performance, jazz studies, orchestral conducting, organ, percussion, piano, strings, voice, and woodwinds. Präzise und einfache Suche nach Millionen von B2B-Produkten & … 2 and Piano Concerto No. The Pre-College Division began as the Preparatory Centers (later the Preparatory Division), part of the Institute of Musical Art since 1916. Its tuition and fees are $49,510. It offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts or a Diploma.[22].