This updated version of the product is recognizable by the word BIO appearing above the term COMBIOTIK. Stage 2 is intended for babies 6+ months of age, whereas Stage 3 is intended for babies 12+ months of age. In addition to offering us guidance, he also directed us to the USDA's published recommendations (see References). It's ingredients let us know we were providing our child the best thing. They did a nice job blending easily with water, and any bubbles setted quickly. We also love what the UK HiPP formulas do NOT have, including maltodextrin, food starches, and other unfortunate ingredients such as corn syrups or other added sugars. In general, yes, but with some exceptions. So here is the summary of what we loved, and what we didn't like about HiPP Combiotik from The Netherlands: ✔️ High quality organic formulation. HIPP Combiotic Pre HA baby formula is perfect for babies from birth to 6 months who show signs of allergies. The AI is set at a level assumed to provide nutritional adequacy. We also thought the nutritional profile of the Stage 3 formula was very lacking, especially in comparison to the Dutch HiPP Stage 3. Most people don't want to read this entire article to see what we found. Become a member and save even more. Stage 3 also adds in soy lecithin, which some believe can trigger a food allergy in infants and toddlers. We tested Stage 1 and Stage 2 varieties in three infants, one aged 3 months (Stage 1), one 4 months (Stage 1), and one 8 months months (Stage 2). Stage 3 omits whey, fish oil (Omega-3, DHA), and two amino acids (L-tyrosine, L-cystine). Možné je ihneď podávať z fľaštičky bez nutnosti ohrievania. Spoiler alert: we think Dutch is the best HiPP version, with UK and German versions coming in second and third place in comparison to each other. ✔️ Gluten-free.✔️ Soy-free (Stage 1). 40°-50°C abkühlen*. Shipping costs. HiPP HA Pre Combiotik milk is the latest generation tailored to the particular nutritional requirements of infants threatened with allergies. HiPP Combiotik formulas have been near the top of our best organic baby formulas list for several years now, and we were excited to do an updated and more thorough review of the Dutch variety. HiPP Hypoallergenic Pre Combiotik is suitable from birth onwards and is formulated to meet the needs of children who are at risk of allergies. In general, yes, especially assuming you'll be supplenting with additional carbohydrate and fat sources in a toddler over 12 months old. The HiPP Baby HA Stage PRE Combiotic formula contains hydrolyzed cow milk proteins which divide the milk proteins into small fragments. ✔️ Omega-3 and Omega-6. ✔️ Prebiotics in all Stages. We never publish any content related to the health or well-being of your child without first consulting with expert pediatricians, midwives, therapists, OB/GYNs, and other specialists as appropriate. We like to get things out of the way right up front! Hipp Stage PRE Organic Bio Combiotik Formula - 6 Pack - German. It goes beyond most US brands, however, in its inclusion of prebiotics and probiotics. This is not added by the manufacturer, but appears in trace amounts (for example < 0.005mg per 100mL) due to the water used during manufacturing. Only the Dutch (Netherlands) version appears on our list of the best organic baby formulas. HiPP's UK Combiotic formulas have been near the top of our best organic baby formulas list for several years now, and we were excited to do an updated and more thorough review of the UK variety. We cannot recommend this approach and there are actual reasons even the US FDA recommends pre-boiling tap or distilled water instead. Here is a table comparing the USDA recommendation for 6-12 months to what the Dutch HiPP Stage 3 provides (approximately, in 100g of formula): In terms of macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), you'll notice that your growing baby will get sufficient protein, but will definitely need supplemental carbohydrates and fat. Always read the packaging and instructions, and consult with your child's pediatrician before making nutritional and feeding decisions. We found the best prices on Dutch HiPP Combiotik, shipped from the US directly to your door, at Sale. All of our test babies took the Dutch HiPP formula without any issues, and continued feeding with it willingly. Same goes for conspitation and bowel movements, which the parents reported proceeded as usual after a day of feeding with UK HiPP. This updated version of the product is recognizable by the word BIO appearing above the term COMBIOTIK. Here are the USDA's AIs (per day) for infants aged 0-6 months, and 6-12 months. Here are the ingredients in each of the UK HiPP Combiotic baby formulas: UK HiPP Stage 1 Ingredients: Organic Skimmed Milk, Organic Whey Powder (Partially Demineralized), Organic Vegetable Oils [Organic Palm Oil, Rapeseed Oil, Sunflower Oil], Organic Lactose, Prebiotic Fibers (Galacto-oligosaccharides from Lactose), Whey Protein, Potassium Citrate, Calcium Chloride, Long-chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (LCPs Oils) [Fish Oil, Vegetable Oil from Mortierella Alpina], L-tyrosine, Sodium Citrate, Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Sulfate, Calcium Orthophosphate, Vitamin Mix [Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Thiamin (Vitamin B1), Vitamin B6, Pantothenic Acid, Niacin, Vitamin E, Folic Acid, Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Biotin, Vitamin B12], L-tryptophan, Iron Sulfate, Zinc Sulfate, Stabiliser (Lactic Acid), Inositol, Copper Sulfate, Potassium Iodate, Manganese Sulfate, Sodium Selenate. Milk protein may be a critical factor that triggers allergies, so HiPP uses hydrolyzed protein and ultrafiltration to split the milk into simple molecules, to help prevent and reduce the risk of allergies triggered by milk protein. Because these three versions of Combiotik are so different in ingredients and nutritional profiles, we've divided this review into three sections. Groeimelk: This means Growth Milk in Dutch, meaning that it is intended to be used from 12 months onward (vanaf de 12e maanden). The Dutch version does not include Starch as a carbohydrate in any Stages. Stage 2 is intended for babies 6+ months of age, whereas Stage 3 is intended for babies 12+ months of age. Stellungnahme zu Kritikpunkten. Some ingredients we didn't appreciate: All of the stages use Palm Oil, which isn't ideal. Made with carefully selected ingredients and the latest generation of HiPP organic quality milk. Je vhodné na raňajky, do müsli, či na večeru. ✔️ High quality organic formulation. Those US formulas are basically the same as German HiPP for fat content (about 27g in 100g formula), and carbohydrate content (about 55g in 100g formula). Everything as expected. Dutch HiPP Stage 2 versus Stage 3: There are some large differences between Dutch HiPP Stages 2 and 3. ✔️ High infant acceptance, good taste. All of the HiPP formulas, including the German variety, are not as thick and creamy as something like Holle Pre, but instead have a consistency and taste that is a bit more like breastmilk, making it a thinner and better flowing formula (through slow flow nipples). ✔️ Omega-3 and Omega-6. HiPP doesn't make any grand claims about Demeter-certified Biodynamic farming (like Holle formula) or Bioland farming (like Lebenswert formula). First, they state that they follow best nutritional practices backed by research in pediatrics, agriculture, and nutrition sciences. Expiry date is good. Added prebiotics and probiotics improve baby’s gut health and help to prevent constipation, while added omega-3 (DHA and ALA) and omega-6 help with baby’s brain and eye development. HiPP baby formulas have been around for nearly 100 years, starting from humble beginnings in Pfaffenhofen, Germany (in the Bavaria region), and continuing in that location to this day. It smells and tastes more like breastmilk than any of the US brands. Those US formulas are basically exactly the same as Dutch HiPP for fat content (about 27g in 100g formula), and carbohydrate content (about 55g in 100g formula). ❌ No probiotics in any Stages.❌ Stage 3 lacking in nutrition. Hipp Bio Combiotik Pre - infant milk 500g - from birth. HiPP Combiotik formulas have been near the top of our best organic baby formulas list for several years now, and we were excited to do an updated and more thorough review of the German variety. Second, HiPP goes far beyond the EU's statutory regulations for organic farming. It is low on carbohydrates for this age range (6+ months). ✔️ Probiotics in Stages 1-2. Opvolgmelk: This means Follow-On Milk in Dutch, meaning that it is intended to be used from 6 months onward (vanaf 6 maanden). Stage 1 suggests an average of about 750mL of prepared formula per day for the first 6 months. They mixed just like the Dutch HiPP versions, mixing easily with water, and any bubbles settling quickly. Probiotička kultura L. fermentum (prirodna kultura mliječne kiseline) koju sadrže HiPP Combiotik mliječne formule češće se nalazi u majčinom mlijeku od ostalih probiotičkih kultura. It contains natural … Moving along to our review of Germany's version of HiPP Combiotik. Here is a table comparing the USDA recommendation for 6-12 months to what the German HiPP Stage 2 provides (approximately, in 100g of formula): Similar to Stage 1, the Stage 2 German HiPP has great nutritional content in terms of both macronutrients and micronutrients. Most product links lead directly to an affiliate partner. I get to sleep longer at nights. As a father, I spent so much time on finding the right formula for my newborn. Zuigelingenmelk: This means Infant Milk in Dutch, meaning that it is intended to be used from birth onward (usually up to 6 months). We used this daily serving to derive estimates of how much nutrient a baby would receive each day while using UK HiPP Combiotic Stage 1. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Prebiotics and probiotics can do a nice job counteracting any constipation experienced from certain fats (like palm oil) and iron content. Links between Protein Intake and Childhood Obesity, Consulting Dietician Nutritionist (Mr. John Anderson), EU Legislation Requirements for Infant Formula Composition, Consulting Food Sustainability Expert (Dr. Alexi Ernstoff), United States FDA Infant Formula Nutrient Requirements, United States USDA Infant Nutritional Needs & Recommendations, Published Analysis of Nutritional Contents of European Baby Formulas. The difference is where the formula is packed, and the ingredients. Also notice that the protein levels are basically exactly on the USDA recommendations. Using the scoop provided with your box of formula (note that spoon sizes vary by brand and even lot), add the correct number of leveled scoops of powder (1 leveled scoop of powder per 1oz / 30ml of water). Hipp Pre German. With our DD, we tried every formula on the American market to no avail. Hipp Pre HA Combiotik, Hypoallergenic Infant Formula - from birth, 500g Currently unavailable. This EU certified organic formula contains only lactose as a sweetener (as opposed to corn syrup or other non-lactose sweeteners often found in US brands). HiPP makes some of the absolute best European baby formulas on the market, including the popular HiPP Combiotik (Combiotic in UK), and other hypoallergenic, comfort, and anti-reflux formulas. There are many mothers that regularly use distilled water without boiling it, apparently with no negative consequences. It is very likely that your toddler will be eating many solid foods, and this toddler formula will serve as merely a supplemental food source. ✔️ Gluten-free. Please note that it is always advisable to consult a … Because the Dutch HiPP packaging is in Dutch (and French), here are a few important translations. The one who rejected it was solely breastfed for her entire life (5 months), and her mom reported that she had rejected several other formulas too. ✔️ No maltodextrin. Besides minor changes to the packaging, this new formulation has been improved to better conform with the EU Baby Formula Directive that went into effect in February 2020; hence, you will see minor differences in terms of DHA and vitamin/mineral content. Nothing really worked for my son. Additionally, you will see improved solubility, which means easier and simplified preparation. The carbohydrates and fats are very close to USDA recommendations; remember that these are averaged over 6 months, which means that these levels are a bit high for newborns and a bit low by 6 months. Their commitment to biodynamic and organic farming practices insure that your baby is getting the purest, most nutritious products available. The hydrolyzation helps babies with digesting the milk easily. 2/3 des bereitgestellten Wassers ins Fläschchen geben. This includes being one of the only European baby formula brands that places prebiotics, probiotics, Omega-3, and Omega-6 fatty acids into most of their formulas. First, Stage 1 includes choline, which is an essential nutrient also in breast milk, but Stage 2 omits it. ✔️ No maltodextrin or starch. We loved the progressive macronutrient and micronutrient contents, including the presence of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, the prebiotic and probiotic contents of Stages 1 and 2, and the fact that the nutritional contents met USDA recommendations. In general, yes, especially assuming you'll begin supplementing with additional carbohydrates, such as rice cereal or oatmeal cereal. ✔️ No gas, indigestion, or constipation. Both of our test babies took the UK HiPP formula without any issues, and continued feeding with it willingly. HiPP Combiotik Stage PRE is formulated to be tender on baby’s stomach and is intended for use in the first three months of life. Hipp Bio Combiotik Pre - infant milk 500g - from birth Product No. The German version does as well, but the UK version doesn't include probiotics in any Stages. Hypoallergenic formula does not contain any starch like the later stages, so your baby can feed more. : 03501E Shipping time: Ready to ship 1-3 working days (abroad may vary) Honeypoints: 10. German HiPP Stage 1 versus Stage 2: There are a few minor differences between Stages 1 and 2. ✔️ Gluten-free. We make no guarantees regarding the accuracy or timeliness of the information. Stage 1 is intended for babies 0-6 months of age, whereas Stage 2 is intended for babies 6+ months of age. Die HiPP Pre BIO Anfangsmilch zählt zu den besten und konnte sich die Gesamt-Bewertung "gut" sichern. The Dutch version includes lactose as a primary carbohydrate in all Stages. No use of antibiotics other than to treat infection. ✔️ Prebiotics in all Stages. To gather insights into whether the UK version of HiPP Combiotic meets stringent US nutritional recommendations by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and American Academy of Pediatrics, we gathered insights from a dietician nutritionist with expertise in infant feeding. Of course, by the time you're at stage 3 you're likely supplementing with starter foods (cereals, fruit and vegetable purees, yogurts, etc), so the probiotics aspect may not be as important for you. Some parents might be interested to learn that Stage 1 and 2 UK HiPP formulas contain trace levels of fluoride. These inspections result in an annual certificate being issued for conforming products. Given that the Stage 1 HiPP formula is intended for use from birth to 6 months, we evaluated its nutritional content against the USDA 0-6 month recommendations. Dutch vs UK vs German HiPP: Which is Best? with better ingredients. Our baby enjoys and thriving with HiPP PRE. 10% tax excl. If you want to jump down to our review of the UK or German HiPP versions, use the Table of Contents (above) to quickly navigate the article. 750mL prepared formula equates to about 100g of powdered formula per day. First, Stage 2 omits Mortierella Alpina-Oil, which is an Omega-3 fatty acid (ARA), but still contains a different Omega-3 (ALA). It also means conforming to the most recent science regarding macronutrient contents and ratios. ❌ Palm Oil as a fat source. HiPP BIO Combiotik Stage PRE is the newly released version of HiPP PRE German. Popis HIPP Junior Combiotik 1+ nápoj s mliekom pre batoľatá (od 1 roka) 6x470 ml (2820 ml): Batoľacie mlieko v tekutej forme. Instead, they publish information about Adequate Intaks (AI), which are used when there is not enough evidence to make a formal RDA. It is formulated with all the required minerals and vitamins for your baby to grow strong and healthy, such as iron, Vitamin A, C, and D. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and bone growth. Folgemilch: This means Follow-On Milk in German, meaning that it is intended to be used from 6 months (stage 2) or 10 months (stage 3) onward. They mixed easily with water, and any bubbles that formed settled very quickly. If you're debating between HiPP and Holle, check out our full HiPP versus Holle formula comparison! Made in Germany HiPP Hypoallergenic Combiotik Stage Pre formula is suitable from birth and is ideal for supplementing with breast milk or for exclusive bottle-feeding. German HiPP Stage 2 versus Stage 3: Stages 2 and 3 are nearly identical. FAST AND FREE SHIPPING | BUY IN BULK AND SAVE 15-40%. Overall, we give the German HiPP Combiotik formula a solid 3nd place in the comparison between Dutch, UK, and German versions. Also, Stage 2 does include a couple additional amino acids relative to Stage 1, namely L-tyrosine and L-cystine. In terms of micronutrients, the UK Stage 3 formula appears to be lacking in several key nutrients. German HiPP Stage 2 Ingredients: Skim milk *, vegetable oils * (palm oil, rapeseed oil *, sunflower oil *), whey product *, lactose *, Starch *, galactooligosaccharides * from lactose *, fish oil, calcium carbonate, emulsifier lecithins (soy) *, potassium chloride, calcium orthophosphates, calcium chloride, L-tyrosine, L-tryptophan, magnesium carbonate, vitamin C, L-cystine, iron sulfate, sodium chloride, natural lactic acid culture (Lactobacillus fermentum hereditum®3), vitamin E, niacin, zinc oxide, Copper sulfate, pantothenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, potassium iodate, folic acid, sodium selenate, vitamin K, vitamin D, manganese sulfate, biotin. Since we started this site in 2009, over 100 million parents and parents-to-be have trusted us to provide honest and well-researched information on the topics of pregnancy, parenting, and baby and toddler gear reviews. Certified organic by EU standardsPrint English InstructionsView Original German-Language Labels. Hipp Stage PRE Organic Bio Combiotik Formula - 3 Pack - German. This is equivalent to about 0.2 mg of fluoride in a liter of prepared formula, which is about half of what is found in typical bottled water (about 0.4mg per liter), and way less than found in fluoridated tap water (about 5mg per liter). ✔️ Soy-free (Stages 1-2). Overall, we give the UK HiPP Combiotic formula a solid 2nd place in the comparison between Dutch, UK, and German versions. It goes beyond most US brands, however, in its inclusion of prebiotics and probiotics. It is low on carbohydrates for this age range (6+ months). ✔️ No gas, indigestion, or constipation. In addition to offering us guidance, he also directed us to the USDA's published recommendations (see References). HiPP makes three versions of their Combiotik baby formula, the Dutch version, UK version, and German version. In general, yes, very similarly to US-made baby formulas. Hipp HA Pre Combiotik 600g - from birth. Dutch HiPP is not as thick and creamy as something like Holle Pre, but instead has a consistency and taste that is a bit more like breastmilk, making it a thinner and better flowing formula (through slow flow nipples). It was a game changer! Note that the US FDA also publishes minimum infant formula nutritional requirements (see references), but all of the infant formulas we reviewed met these published standards, and they are only relevant for 0-6 months. PRE is often used to supplement breastfeeding during the first three months, but it is just as often used for newborn infants when breastfeeding is not an option. However, the UK is the one exception to the probiotics inclusion: there are no probiotics in the UK HiPP formulas, which is one of the primary differences between HiPP UK versus Dutch or Germany. These characteristics make the HiPP Combiotik (especially the Dutch version) a popular choice among healthcare facilities, such as neonatal intensive care units. Im Einklang mit der Natur - seit 30 Jahren mit milden Bio-Zutaten in unserer besonderen HiPP Bio-Qualität. By comparison, the United States USDA organic certification process has a 95% minimum. Stage 3 contains soy lecithin, which some parents avoid because it's a possible allergen, and stage 3 doesn't contain probiotics (only prebiotics). Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 39.90 $ 27.90. Two of our three test babies took the German HiPP formula without any issues, and continued feeding with it willingly. Does UK HiPP Stage 2 Meet USDA Nutritional Recommendations? This is equivalent to about 0.05 mg of fluoride in a liter of prepared formula, which is about a tenth of what is found in typical bottled water (about 0.4mg per liter), and way less than found in fluoridated tap water (about 5mg per liter). We loved the progressive macronutrient and micronutrient contents, including the presence of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, the prebiotic contents, and the fact that the Stage 1 and 2 formulas met USDA nutrition recommendations. Click this link to use our OrganicStart coupon code: mommyhood101 for a 10% discount! Read more about the. You can always check our monthly chart that details the best current prices on European baby formulas. Qty. While many other European baby formula companies have been scrambling to add Omega-3 to their formula, HiPP has included it for many years. HiPP BIO COMBIOTIK ® – Natur und Forschung Hand in Hand Über 50 Jahre Sorgfalt und Erfahrung – nach neuesten Erkenntnissen der Milchnahrungsforschung. Neither does the UK version, but the German version uses Soy in Stages 2 and 3. It is suitable for exclusive formula feeding or as a supplement for breast milk, and is the best formula for milk protein allergy-prone babies. UK HiPP Stage 2 versus Stage 3: There are some large differences between UK HiPP Stages 2 and 3. HiPP PRE Stage has been specifically formulated to be soft on an infant’s stomach and can be used with breastfeeding. Here is a table comparing the USDA recommendation for 0-6 months to what the Dutch HiPP Stage 1 provides (in 100g of formula): Notice how close all of those numbers are to each other. 10,45 EUR 20,90 EUR per 1kg incl. The USDA does not publish recommended daily allowances (RDAs) for infants between 0-6 months. Hipp stage PRE Combiotik Formula – Suitable from birth. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock. Better Organic Formula offers finest organic and non GMO formulas which help infant and toddlers to grow strong. ✔️ First ingredient is skim milk. Here are the specific organic regulatory criteria: Overall, to use the EU certified organic label, products must meet a stringent 98% organic content (by weight). ✔️ Omega-3 and Omega-6. Those US formulas are basically the same as Dutch HiPP for fat content (about 27g in 100g formula), and carbohydrate content (about 55g in 100g formula). However, it's important to realize that this formula is intended for babies 12+ months, whereas these USDA recommendations are for babies 6-12 months. The biggest drawback of UK HiPP versions, in our opinion, is the absence of probiotics. ✔️ First ingredient is skim milk. Watch this video for more insight into this topic. The European Union (EU) has a strict system of organic controls that are enforced through an annual inspection process. As always, very reliable and shipping speed is the best. Note that two of these babies were exclusively breastfed until this point, and one was formula fed for the past 3 months. UK HiPP Stage 2 Ingredients: Organic Skimmed Milk, Organic Vegetable Oils [Organic Palm Oil, Rapeseed Oil, Organic Lactose, Organic Whey Powder (Partially Demineralized), Fiber [Galacto-oligosaccharides from Lactose), Calcium Carbonate, Vitamins (Vitamin C, Niacin, Vitamin E, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin A, Thiamin (Vitamin B1), Vitamin B6, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Folic Acid, Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Biotin, Vitamin B12], Ferrous Sulfate, Potassium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, L-tryptophan, Zinc Sulfate, Magnesium Carbonate, Copper Sulfate, Potassium Iodide, Manganese Sulfate, Sodium Selenite. Does German HiPP Stage 1 Meet USDA Nutritional Recommendations? We tested Stage 1 and Stage 2 varieties in two infants, one aged 2 months (Stage 1), one 7 months (Stage 2). UK HiPP is not as thick and creamy as something like Holle Pre, but instead has a consistency and taste that is a bit more like breastmilk, making it a thinner and better flowing formula (through slow flow nipples). Not only is HiPP world-renowned for their high quality organic ingredients, they are also unique in their inclusion of prebiotics, probiotics, and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. In general, no. Also, not only does German HiPP use starch, it uses it as the primary carbohydrate instead of lactose, which is unfortunate. What are hypoallergenic formula? Not only do they source all dairy products (whey, milk, lactose) used in their Combiotik formulas from certified organic farms, every single ingredient they use is repeatedly tested before it goes into any product. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . The Dutch version does not include Soy in Stages 1 or 2. Stage 1 is intended for babies 0-6 months of age, whereas Stage 2 is intended for babies 6+ months of age. Note that in 2020, the EU passed (well, it was passed in 2016, but enforcement started February 2020) a requirement that baby formulas include Omega-3. Just like the Dutch and UK versions, the German HiPP formulas mixed really nicely, and were not clumpy or bubbly. best current prices on European baby formulas, OrganicStart coupon code: mommyhood101 for a 10% discount, Lebenswert Baby Formula Reviews and Analysis, 1968 S. Coast Hwy, #1103, Laguna Beach, CA 92651. $109.95 $111.00 You Save 0% ($1.05) . HiPP Hypoallergenic (HA) PRE Combiotic is suitable from birth onwards and is formulated to meet the needs of children who are at risk of allergies. The UK version does as well, but the German version uses starch instead of lactose in Stage 1. This is not added by the manufacturer, but appears in trace amounts (< 0.02mg per 100mL) due to the water used during manufacturing. The Dutch version includes both prebiotics and probiotics in Stages 1-2. After couple of feeding with HIPP PRE, he was significantly better. HiPP Bio Combiotik Stage Pre formula is suitable from birth and is ideal for supplementing with breast milk or for exclusive bottle-feeding. We tested Stage 1 and Stage 2 varieties in three infants, one aged 3 months (Stage 1), one 5 months (Stage 1), and one 11 months (Stage 2). We used the same process for Stages 2-3. Here is a table comparing the USDA recommendation for 6-12 months to what the UK HiPP Stage 3 provides (approximately, in 100g of formula): In terms of macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), you'll notice that your growing baby will get sufficient protein and fats, but will definitely need supplemental carbohydrates. 13,75 EUR incl. We also love what the UK HiPP formulas do NOT have, including maltodextrin and other unfortunate ingredients such as corn syrups or other added sugars. We found the best prices on UK HiPP Combiotic, shipped from the US directly to your door, at We offer 10% off on subscription. ❌ No probiotics in Stage 3. Watch this video for more insight into this topic. 1. ✔️ No gas, indigestion, or constipation. German HiPP Stage 3 Ingredients: Skim milk *, vegetable oils * (palm oil, rapeseed oil *, sunflower oil *), lactose *, starch *, whey product *, Galactooligosaccharide * from lactose *, fish oil1, Calcium carbonate, emulsifier lecithins (soy) *, potassium chloride, calcium orthophosphate, sodium chloride, magnesium carbonate, L-tryptophan, vitamin C, iron sulfate, L-cystine, natural Lactic acid culture (Lactobacillus fermentum hereditum®3), vitamin E, niacin, zinc oxide, pantothenic acid, copper sulfate, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, potassium iodate, folic acid, sodium selenate, vitamin K, vitamin D, manganese sulfate, biotin.