Und zwar noch vor Stranger Things. The Little Things (2021 film) 8:39. Winden Power Plant being decommissioned due to Germany's staggered plan to phase out Nuclear energy sites. Two bullies show up and take his tutor money. Jonas wakes up in the bunker to the string wall and hears aircraft above the bunker. send Adam, #31 departure to 2020 via Apparatus/Cave - Jonas and Claudia re-open cave passage, #3 arrival from 1921 via God Particle Portal Twin - Teen Noah goes to bunker to survive apocalypse, #4 arrival from 1921 via God Particle Portal Twin - Adam to kill Martha and circle calendar, #31 arrival from 1987 via Apparatus/Cave - Jonas and Claudia after re-opening cave passage, #36 departure to 1888 via Leather Bag Apparatus - The Stranger, Bartosz, Magnus, Franziska, #37 departure to 2053 via Plant Portal - Charlotte, #38 departure to 1987 via Winden Caves - Katharina. Helge grab him from behind putting a cloth over his nose and mouth, Jonas wakes up in the child themed bunker with the chair in the middle of the room, The Stranger visits Jonas at the bunker and reveals they are both Jonas Kahnwald, Older Helge crashes car into Helge's car hoping to stop is younger self, but the Older Helge dies, The Stranger attempts to destroy cave wormhole activating apparatus, but ends up just closing the passage, Ines takes Mikkel home to the Kahnwald house, Jonas in bunker sees a portal open before his eyes, Jonas dreams he wakes up but young Mikkel in his bed with him. As what regards the Origin World, the season takes place in November 8 of 1971, 1974, June 21 of 1986 and 2019. A chronological timeline of events in Dark. Bildkärtchen zum ausdrucken zur klärung von familienverhältnissen und der begriffe: Noch heute zum familienhistoriker werden. A high-school senior named Hae Min Lee disappeared one day after school in 1999, in Baltimore County, Maryland. „Dark“ Staffel 1 - Alle Songs aus dem Netflix-Original By KINO.de. Young Helge playing at the shack and bunker sees the dates written on the bunker wall. Aleksander goes to Plant to ask Claudia for a job that Regina said she might help with, Helge tells Noah he doesn't want to kill anymore in the bunker while adjusting chair, Alexsander is hired by Claudia to weld the door between plant and cave with yellow barrels, Hannah pulls down a tin box in her kitchen that contains the bag with Aleksander's gun and Boris Niewald passport, Charlotte gets Ulrich's voicemail before he went into the cave. Helge (1986-87 adult version) 3. Tronte rolls his sleeve up and reveals what looks to be fresh cigar burns on his left arm, H.G Tannehaus find Ulrich's coat and hangs it up but finds his cell phone and is able to turn it on, Ulrich sits in the dark on the ground outside the bunker's closed door. Stammbäume aller familien in dark der jeweiligen staffeln. He also shows him the broken apparatus or time machine and asks him to fix it. - Noah to talk with Mikkel at hospital, #20 arrival from 2019 via Cave - The Stranger to talk with Old H.G Tannhaus, #47 arrival from ? via ? via ? Maratha tells him he has changed and is hiding something. But instead discovers Hannah was to one to report the rape in 1986 not Regina as he thought, Old Tronte & Peter at the shack and bunker check the Triquetra notebook which matches the time Jonas left for 1986, Aleksander discovers Regina has breast cancer, Ulrich confronts Hannah about accusing him of raping Katharina back in 1986, Martha breaks down during the school play Ariadne talking about death and thinking of Mikkel and Katharina goes on stage to comfort her, Jonas enters the passage and the lights in Winden begin to flicker, Charlotte feels the ground shaking outside the plant fence. Helge is seen dragging Erik's body on a tarp through the forest with his distinct red hair, Mikkel comes out of the cave alone and goes to Nielsen family home where he sees his teen father Ulrich and his teen mother Katharina and a newspaper on the porch dated November 5th, 1986, Mikkel goes inside the Nielsen family house and sees his grandmother Jana watching TV, a Raider commercial previously on. https://dark-netflix.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline?oldid=15720, Helge - previously via the cave wormhole passage and the upgraded chair, Old Claudia - previously via the cave wormhole passage and the apparatus, The Stranger - previously via the cave wormhole passage and the apparatus, Jonas - via the cave wormhole passage, God Particle portals, and the apparatus, Bartosz - previously via the leather bag apparatus. Some characters have time traveled but it was not depicted: Other dates yearly column may contain info for events that occurred between it and the following yearly columns. Hier findest du den kompletten Familienstammbaum von DARK: https://dark.netflix.io/ Melden. The Stranger takes the original with him, Older Helge confronts Helge at the the Doppler shack and tells his younger self to stop working for Noah and believing his lies, While standing in the church graveyard, Noah tells Helge Jonas Kahnwald is next, Jonas talks with teen Charlotte in the forest about bringing someone back from the dead, she thinks he is crazy, Jonas goes to Mikkel's room at the hospital, to find Noah sitting over a sleeping Mikkel. She feels guilty about being to harsh on him about his pats and maybe he just ran away. Download Subtitles For Dark Season 1 Episode 8 For Different Languages French, English, Spanish and many more , Dark S01E08 - my-subs.co via Cave - Helge with police tape across cave entrance, #45 arrival from ? Familienstammbaum Zum Ausdrucken - Einen Stammbaum Ausdrucken - Stammbäume aller familien in dark der jeweiligen staffeln.. Damit jeder immer weiß, wer wann einen termin hat, kannst du dir hier einen familienkalender gestalten, generieren und ausdrucken. Mason takes matters into his own hands. Beispiel: "Dark Staffel 1 folge 10 xCine" Sie können jetzt Filme über den VIP-Server ansehen, indem Sie diesen Film teilen. Old H.G Tannehaus freaks out and asks him to leave. DARK 1.Sezon 1.Bölüm 1080p Full HD izle, DARK 1.Sezon 1.Bölüm Full izle, DARK 1.Sezon 1.Bölüm Türkçe Altyazılı izle Dark Staffel 2 startet heute bei NETFLIX und für den perfekten Überblick hab ich Euch einen Familien-Stammbaum angefertigt. Claudia visits Bernd at the Doppler Estate wanting to know exactly what happened during the incident over the summer and who was involved. Folgen. Charolotte tells her she suspended Ulrich and thought he was with her, Magnus and Franziska having sex in Magnus's room. - Noah to give Elisabeth pocket watch, #46 arrival from ? He convinces her he in Jonas, Elisabeth finds the Sic Mundus photo from 1921 and book at the clockmaker's shop, Martha finds Ulrich's police files in Mikkel's room and shows Magnus, Magnus follows Bernadette from Franziska secret tin to the trailer, assumes Franziska is a sex worker, Elisabeth finds photo of Sic Mundus with Noah in an old book at H.G. He is seen to keep an Aleksander Köhler's passport as his own, then buries a plastic bag. He tells Egon to find his son at all cost and nothing else matters, not the plant or anything else, Young Claudia smitten with young Tronte says he looks like James Dean. Some events of other years are shown: 1890, 1904, 1910, 1911, 1986, 2021, 2023, 2040, 2041, 2052. He says he is sorry, Regina enters The Stranger's room #8 and finds all the papers on the wall. Part II ... Cora's memories begin to emerge under hypnosis, sending her to a dark place. - Jonas arrives at Claudia's house and she has to come with him to the future, #15 arrival from 2020 via Apparatus - Hannah midway to see Ulrich via stolen apparatus, #15 departure to 1954 via Apparatus - Hannah departure to see Ulrich via stolen apparatus, #15 departure to 1987 via Apparatus - Hannah departure to see Ulrich via stolen apparatus, #3 departure to 2020 via God Particle Portal Twin - Teen Noah to bunker, #4 departure to 2020 via God Particle Portal Twin - Old Magnus and Old Franziska? Helge tries to run but Ulrich grabs him. Alle Songs der Netflix-Original-Serie „Dark“. Teen Hannah talks with teen Katharina at the high school asking about teen Ulrich and her. Tannhaus, #21 arrival from 2019 via Cave - Jonas first time travel, #21 departure to 1986 via Cave - Jonas first time travel at 21:17, #7 arrival from 1986 via Chair - Yasin's corpse, #48 arrival from ? Part I 46m. He and a coworker wearing hazmat suites look over an old cooling pool talking about transporting the yellow barrels, Hannah pulls out the gun from the tin and points it then brings it back to below her chin ready to pull the trigger just as someone unlocks the door. letztes Jahr | 34 Ansichten. Versuchen Sie es jetzt!. Greta then gives Helge shorts to put on, The pathologist Udo Meier, tells Daniel and Egon he has never seen burn marks like the boys have, their ears are destroyed, 1986 coins around their necks, clothes made in China, one looks Mediterranean or Arabic and the red head has a strange tatoo. Staffel der Netflix-Serie verrät, wie viele Staffeln noch kommen; … via ? Season 1 takes place on June 21 and November 4-12 of 1953, 1986, 2019, and 2052. Boris Niewald (Teen Aleksander) on the run in the forest with a masks on and appears to be shot. Teen Hannah spies on Teen Aleksander in the forset. They both enter the cave. via Cave - Helge arrival from 1986 no police tape, #18 departure to 1986 via Cave - Mikkel goes missing at 10:13pm, taken by Jonas to 1986, #19 departs from 1986 via Cave - Jonas takes Mikkel through cave to 1986, #17 arrival from 1986 via Chair - Mads corpse falls through rift in bunker seen by Peter, #32 arrival from ? Zuschauer der ersten beiden Staffeln kritisierten oft die Komplexität der Serie. Martha gets a text and has to go. Ulrich asks about the box and Helge shows him the dead birds. Egon drives past Ulrich on the road and chases him to the cave. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Film Kino Trailer. Tannhaus about device plans, #41 arrival from ? Familienstammbaum 1.4 download auf freeware.de. Teen Hannah suggests that teen Regina told the cops about it since Egon Tiedemann is her grandfather, Old Egon talks with teen Ulrich in his jail cell telling him he knows that stare and the he is hiding something, Claudia descends rope into the cave again to check on the yellow barrels, but hears something in the cave. Katharina bursts into her police office demanding to know where Ulrich is. - The Stranger goes to Old H.G. Home Before Dark. She quickly puts the gun away. Tannhaus about time, Charlotte tells Elisabeth Yasin went missing and Charlotte confronts Peter about is whereabouts on the night Mike went missing, Bartosz gets a call from who he thinks is Erik's dealer but it is Noah who knew it was Bartosz that answered, Hannah brings Katharina some food, but Katharina begins to suspect Ulrich and Hannah are having an affair, The Stranger leaves a package at the front desk with Regina to be delivered in the evening to Jonas Kahnwald. The Stranger tells him he is from the future travelling through a wormhole. Helge stops him saying "You must be Yasin. Agnes and Young Tronte rent room from Egon & Doris Tiedemann, Young Ines and young Jana come to pick up Daniel Kahnwald's watch at the Clockmaker shop. Ulrich confirms he is Helge Doppler and shows him the pfennig coin on a red string and asks if he has seen it before. Young Claudia tutors young Helge at her house, but he is late and says he forgot the money at home and will bring it next time. Anges is looking for Egon Tiedemann's house, Ulrich goes the Clockmaker shop, shows him the book asking if the same HG Tannhaus as the author, but he says no. The Stranger will be gone a few days but wants to keep his room for when he returns, Jonas and Bartosz smoke a bong and play video games talking about Martha and a meeting with Erik's dealer, Ulrich breaks affair off with Hannah, but she won't let him go, Charlotte explains the 33 year cycle to Ulrich, the solar-lunar cycle, Jonas meets The Stranger at the Church graveyard where he says knew his father, Martha performs the leading role of the school play Ariadne, Jonas and Martha kiss backstage when he blew off Bartosz, Bartosz meets Noah, with the Triquetra notebook, in a car on the railroad bridge where Noah tells him what happens in the next few days, Katharina asks Ulrich if he is cheating on her, and he says he could never do that, Jonas receives package from The Stranger with the orb light, Geiger counter, and reads the suicide note learning Michael is Mikkel, Jonas exits the cave and goes to the bus stop where he see missing posters of Mads, Teen Hannah and her father pull up in the dry cleaning van, they say its late to be walking home alone and Jonas shouldn't be in the rain because of Chernobyl, offering him a ride, but he declines after realizing it is his mother, Hannah, Regina dreams of being tied up to a tree by Ulrich and Katharina near the cave entrance, Ulrich pulls Mads case files from 1986, and listens to Egon's audio cassette about Jana saying that she, Ulrich, and Tronte were waiting at home for Mads to return, Jonas discovers the map has been marked up in red ink, follow the signal. Example #1: 1. Katharina is all geared up to continue exploring the cave to find where Ulrich & Mikkel went, Martha bikes to the bridge where Bartosz is waiting. Ulrich tells him he changed things because Helge is dead. Aleksander calls Wöller to help with Ulrich and they will move the truck in a few days, Martha waits for Jonas at the Kahnwald home in the rain since Jonas has been avoiding her calls and texts. Unless otherwise stated, the named person is either the adult version of themselves or as we know them from their original timeline. Bernd tells Egon he thinks it was a coal plant worker conspiracy, Young Claudia is showing young Tronte around near the cave . Jonas leaves, Jonas goes home and tells Hannah everything will be fine, seemingly saying goodbye, Peter and Old Tronte are in the bunker with the triquetra notebook saying everything has happened in the last 8 days as written in the notebook, Charlotte researching when Helge was kidnapped in 1953. Adam also circles June 27 on the calendar, Katharina goes into the caves and finds the, The Stranger takes the leather bag apparatus and finds Bartosz, Magnus, Franziska at the Nielsen house, The yellow barrel is open and a God Particle is formed, stabilizes, then disappears and turns into a portal in the plant, Adult Elisabeth from 2053 is seen through the portal and Charlotte and her touch, Apocalyptic time event occurs over Winden Nuclear Power Plant (end of second cycle? He goes outside to a snowy cold war-torn Winden near the intersection, Silja, among Winden survivors seemingly waiting for him, tells Jonas "Welcome to the future" and knocks him out. Tannhaus with plans to build the apparatus or time machine. In der ersten Staffel verschwinden Kinder spurlos, während andere mysteriöse Ereignisse in der Kleinstadt Winden feststellen. Ova. Familienstammbäume Staffel 1 Familienstammbäume Staffel 2 Familienstammbäume Staffel 3 (In Arbeit) Bartosz meets Noah again at the railroad bridge and tells him his predictions came true and he has thought about his offer. As what regards Eva's World, the season takes place on November 4-8 of 1986, 2019 and 2052. She kisses him and asks if this is wrong. Staffel von Dark für Dich zusammen. Tanhauss realizes it is a time machine. She says she was married 15 years to a pastor, but not a man of faith and he wasn't a good person. Greta asks Bernd if someone did the same thing to Helge as the boys from the construction site. via ? Folge 3: Gestern und Heute Es ist das Jahr 1986 und Ulrichs Bruder Mads wird seit einem Monat vermisst. Mit diesen stammbaum vorlagen erstellen sie ihren familienstammbaum im handumdrehen. Wer mit wem verwandt ist, erfährst Du im Stammbaum zur Netflix-Serie DARK. via ? 42:46. via ? She finds a scrap of kids wall paper, Helge leaves the nursing home to go to the cave, Jonas returns home and ask his mom if she believes in fate? Staffel der Mysteryserie Dark startet am 27. They pray togethor. June 20th: Michael suicides and leaves the note "Do not open until 10:13pm November 4, 2019. He tries to revive Mads. Ulrich confronts Tronte about Jana lying to police that Tronte was home the night Mads disappeared. Created by Baran bo Odar, Jantje Friese. Syed has always said he had nothing to do with … Dark Matter – Die komplette 1. Helge says he didn't kill them but they are beautiful when dead. When a young girl and her family move back to the small town her father left behind, her pursuit of the truth leads to the unearthing of a long-buried cold case.