The average household size was 1.87. [82], Within Germany, Cologne is known as an important media centre. Since the second half of the 16th century the majority of archbishops were drawn from the Bavaria Wittelsbach dynasty. Green areas account for over a quarter of Cologne, which is approximately 75 m2 (807.29 sq ft) of public green space for every inhabitant. Among the insurance companies based in Cologne are Central, DEVK, DKV, Generali Deutschland, Gen Re, Gothaer, HDI Gerling and national headquarters of AXA Insurance, Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group and Zurich Financial Services. The city was not only an entertainment center, but also an important port of transshipment. The Cologne University of Music and Dance is the largest conservatory in Europe. [45] Irenaeus of Lyons claimed that Christianity was brought to Cologne by Roman soldiers and traders at an unknown early date. Köln 2001, page 193. By 1300 the city population was 50,000–55,000. Cologne-Bonn Airport is the second largest freight terminal in Germany. [42] Mit der U-Bahn in die Römerzeit. Galerie Karsten Greve, one of the leading galleries for postwar and contemporary art. After this had been reintegrated into the official empire, two officers, Bonosus and Proculus, tried to create a new independent empire, based on Cologne (280-281). The French modernised public life, for example by introducing the Napoleonic code and removing the old elites from power. However, the so-called "Tolle Tage" (crazy days) do not start until Weiberfastnacht (Women's Carnival) or, in dialect, Wieverfastelovend, the Thursday before Ash Wednesday, which is the beginning of the street carnival. Early medieval Cologne was part of Austrasia within the Frankish Empire. In the 1980s and 1990s Cologne's economy prospered for two main reasons. By the end of the 12th century, the Archbishop of Cologne was one of the seven electors of the Holy Roman Emperor. [59] The city also has the most pubs per capita in Germany. Initially, there were two legions stationed on this site (the Nineteenth was one of them). Several bridges cross the Rhine in Cologne. This included torture, the sentence for which was only allowed to be handed down by the episcopal judge known as the "Greve". With slightly over a million inhabitants (1.09 million) within its city boundaries, Cologne is the largest city on the Rhine and also the most populous city of both the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolitan Region and the Rhineland. The Napoleonic code remained in use on the left bank of the Rhine until 1900, when a unified civil code (the Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch) was introduced in the German Empire. Archbishop Sigfried II von Westerburg was forced to reside in Bonn. The second was the permanent improvement of the diverse traffic infrastructure, which made Cologne one of the most easily accessible metropolitan areas in Central Europe. Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium (kurz CCAA, deutsch: Claudische Kolonie und Opferstätte der Agrippinensier, frei übersetzt: Stadt römischen Rechtes und Stadt der Agrippinenser, unter Kaiser Claudius gegründet am Ort des Altars für den Kaiserkult) ) war der Name der römischen Kolonie im Rheinland, aus der sich die heutige Stadt Köln entwickelt hat. Cologne – Remains of an old city[20], Cologne was taken by the American First Army in early March 1945. 163 people in Cologne were over the age of 100. [2] Today, the Cologne trade fair (Koelnmesse) ranks as a major European trade fair location with over 50 trade fairs[2] and other large cultural and sports events. The main airport for the Rhine-Ruhr region is Düsseldorf Airport. Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium bei Bedeutung, Definition, Synonyme, Übersetzung, Herkunft, Rechtschreibung. Cologne lost its status as a free city during the French period. In 1874, during the Kulturkampf, Archbishop Paul Melchers was imprisoned before taking asylum in the Netherlands. [70] The largest employer in Cologne is Ford Europe, which has its European headquarters and a factory in Niehl (Ford-Werke GmbH). Bezirksregierung Köln: Topografische Karte 1:50.000 (TK 50), Blatt L 5108 Köln-Mülheim. The intersection of these trade routes were the basis of Cologne's growth. Colonia Claudia Ara Aggipinensium! The destruction of 95% of the city centre, including the famous Twelve Romanesque churches such as St. Gereon, Great St. Martin, St. Maria im Kapitol and several other monuments in World War II, meant a tremendous loss of cultural treasures. In addition, Cologne enjoys a thriving Christmas Market (Weihnachtsmarkt) presence with several locations in the city. Mit der The record high temperature of 40.3 °C (105 °F) happened on 25 July 2019 during the July 2019 European heat wave in which Cologne saw three consecutive days over 38.0 °C (100 °F). Cologne was also an important hotbed for electronic music in the 1950s (Studio für elektronische Musik, Karlheinz Stockhausen) and again from the 1990s onward. The praetorium occupied a surface area of about 3½ hectares and must have been one of the largest buildings in Germania Inferior. The Rhine-Ruhr S-Bahn has 5 lines which cross Cologne.The S13/S19 runs 24/7 between Cologne Hbf and Cologne/Bonn airport. Cologne functioned as the capital of the Roman province of Germania Inferior and as the headquarters of the Roman military in the region until occupied by the Franks in 462. With Bonn being chosen as the provisional federal capital (provisorische Bundeshauptstadt) and seat of the government of the Federal Republic of Germany (then informally West Germany), Cologne benefited by being sandwiched between two important political centres. Exhibitions range from local ancient Roman archeological sites to contemporary graphics and sculpture. Social housing projects were considered exemplary and were copied by other German cities. [85], The city has hosted several athletic events which includes the 2005 FIFA Confederations Cup, 2006 FIFA World Cup, 2007 World Men's Handball Championship, 2010 and 2017 Ice Hockey World Championships and 2010 Gay Games.[6]. Today, the church of St Maria im Kapital still stands on the artificial hill on which the Roman sanctuary was built. Numărul locuitorilor Coloniei este estimat, prin aproximare, la circa 15 000 de persoane în secolele al III-lea - al IV-lea , în afară de cei circa 5.000 locuitori din vecinătatea apropiată. Castellum Divitia - römisches Kastell in Köln-Deutz. Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium. Of the twelve medieval city gates that once existed, only the Eigelsteintorburg at Ebertplatz, the Hahnentor at Rudolfplatz and the Severinstorburg at Chlodwigplatz still stand today. [85] The first golf club in North Rhine-Westphalia was founded in Cologne in 1906. Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium was the name of the Roman colony in the Rhineland out of which the German city of Cologne developed. The main literary figure connected with Cologne is the writer Heinrich Böll, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. [41] The population density was 2,641/km2 (6,840/sq mi). Due to the free status of Cologne, the archbishops were usually not allowed to enter the city. Motiv 'CCAA Köln - Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium' auf Männer Premium Tanktop, Farbe Schwarz + weitere, Größe S-5XL bei Spreadshirt » personalisierbar einfache Rückgabe Cologne has a railway service with Deutsche Bahn InterCity and ICE-trains stopping at Köln Hauptbahnhof (Cologne Main Station), Köln Messe/Deutz and Cologne/Bonn Airport. The city is "Germany's capital of TV crime stories". Besides the three magi Cologne preserves the relics of Saint Ursula and Albertus Magnus. It is also one of the cloudiest cities in Germany, with just 1567.5 hours of sun a year. The reconstruction lasted until the 1990s, when the Romanesque church of St. Kunibert was finished. The famous Roman-Germanic Museum features art and architecture from the city's distant past; the Museum Ludwig houses one of the most important collections of modern art in Europe, including a Picasso collection matched only by the museums in Barcelona and Paris. The first was the growth in the number of media companies, both in the private and public sectors; they are especially catered for in the newly developed Media Park, which creates a strong visual focal point in Cologne's city centre and includes the KölnTurm, one of Cologne's most prominent high-rise buildings. The Roman author Suetonius reports that among the objects kept in this temple was Caesar's sword.note[Suetonius, "Vitellius" 8.]. also Köln A city of western Germany on the Rhine River north of Bonn. Craftsmanship was organised by self-administering guilds, some of which were exclusive to women. ", "Cologne Cathedral is perhaps the single most famous tank duel? To the best of our current knowledge, this was the only real theater in Germania Inferior. [21][22] By the end of the war, the population of Cologne had been reduced by 95 percent. Düsseldorf is also linked by S-Bahn trains, which are operated by Deutsche Bahn. It remained just below that until mid-2010, when it exceeded 1 million again. During World War II, Cologne was a Military Area Command Headquarters (Militärbereichshauptkommandoquartier) for the Military District (Wehrkreis) VI of Münster. Köln, city , North Rhine–Westphalia, W Germany, on the Rhine River. Near the river port must have been a sanctuary of the river god Rhenus (Rhine) and Portunus, the god of river trade and ports. In January, the mean temperature is 3.0 °C (37 °F), while the mean temperature in July is 19.0 °C (66 °F). Historically, Cologne has always been an important trade city, with land, air, and sea connections. Today, original Eau de Cologne is still produced in Cologne by both the Farina family, currently in the eighth generation, and by Mäurer & Wirtz who bought the 4711 brand in 2006. Show place in AWMC's Antiquity À-la-carte, Google Earth, or Pelagios' Peripleo. Cologne hosts 1. The sheltered climate in southeast Northrhine-Westphalia allows these birds to survive through the winter, and in some cases, they are displacing native species. Im Mittelalter waren die Bezeichnungen Coellen und Coeln (am Rhein) bzw. Colonia Claudia Ara Agripinnensium (CCAA), erromatar kolonia Agripina Gaztea 15. urtean jaio zen Kolonian. )[15][16] By 1939 the population had risen to 772,221 inhabitants. For other uses of Köln, see, Residents of Cologne with foreign citizenship, Kirsten Serup-Bilfeld, Zwischen Dom und Davidstern. Hundreds of thousands of visitors flock to Cologne during this time. Kölner Dom - Ausgrabungen aus römischer Zeit. [62] The Renaissance-style loggia and tower were added in the 15th century. Konrad Adenauer, the mayor of Cologne from 1917 until 1933 and later a West German chancellor, acknowledged the political impact of this approach, especially since Britain had opposed French demands for a permanent Allied occupation of the entire Rhineland. Claudia Ara Agrippinensium (Cologne, Germany) was a key site of the Germanic Ubii that became a Roman colony in the first century AD. The city did not really recover, although it remained an important center of Late Roman civilization. In the city, the population was spread out, with 15.6% under the age of 18, and 17.6% were 65 years of age or older. Precipitation is spread evenly throughout the year with a light peak in summer due to showers and thunderstorms. There are frequent ICE trains to other German cities, including Frankfurt am Main and Berlin. The cathedral, started in 1248 but abandoned around 1560, was eventually finished in 1880 not just as a place of worship but also as a German national monument celebrating the newly founded German empire and the continuity of the German nation since the Middle Ages. At about the same time, the praetorium was built, the headquarter of the army of the Lower Rhine. The observation deck has been closed since 1992. This was a big city. Häfen und Güterverkehr Köln (Ports and Goods traffic Cologne, HGK) is one of the largest operators of inland ports in Germany. In 716, Charles Martel commanded an army for the first time and suffered the only defeat of his life when Chilperic II, King of Neustria, invaded Austrasia and the city fell to him in the Battle of Cologne. The tradition of these troops is preserved as a military persiflage by Cologne's most outstanding carnival society, the Rote Funken.[11]. As the largest city in the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region, Cologne benefits from a large market structure. [85] The city offers the most options and top events in Germany. 6 likes. Ein Handbuch zu den archäologischen Ausgrabungstätten rund um den Bau der Nord-Süd Stadtbahn. Cologne was one of the most heavily bombed cities in Germany during World War II, with the Royal Air Force (RAF) dropping 34,711 long tons (35,268 tonnes) of bombs on the city. The town wall of Cologne, which was built in the first decade of the first century, was 2½ meters wide and eight meters high, and had nine gates and twenty-one towers. During the 19th and 20th centuries, Cologne absorbed numerous surrounding towns, and by World War I had already grown to 700,000 inhabitants. [28] The city of Cologne lies within the larger area of the Cologne Lowland, a cone-shaped area of the central Rhineland that lies between Bonn, Aachen and Düsseldorf. The public radio and TV station WDR was involved in promoting musical movements such as Krautrock in the 1970s; the influential Can was formed there in 1968. This legal situation lasted until the French conquest of Cologne. This was considered to be a replacement for the loss of the University of Strasbourg on the west bank of the Rhine, which reverted to France with the rest of Alsace. It then grew steadily, exceeding 1 million for about one year from 1975. [12] It was turned into a heavily armed fortress (opposing the French and Belgian fortresses of Verdun and Liège) with two fortified belts surrounding the city, the remains of which can be seen to this day. [3] Cologne is shown on the 4th century Peutinger Map. Cologne was occupied by the British Army of the Rhine until 1926, under the terms of the Armistice and the subsequent Versailles Peace Treaty. The rebuilding of those churches and other landmarks such as the Gürzenich event hall was not undisputed among leading architects and art historians at that time, but in most cases, civil intention prevailed. He decided to use the house number given to the factory at Glockengasse during the French occupation in the early 19th century, 4711. [52] She was re-elected in a runoff election on 27 September 2020, where she received 59.27% of the vote. These conflicts alienated the Catholic population from Berlin and contributed to a deeply felt anti-Prussian resentment, which was still significant after World War II, when the former mayor of Cologne, Konrad Adenauer, became the first West German chancellor. The master plan took into consideration the fact that even shortly after the war a large increase in automobile traffic could be anticipated. Cologne was also an important production center. Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium var en romersk koloni i Rheinland, vilken är ursprunget till staden Köln i Tyskland. [77] Ports include Köln-Deutz, Köln-Godorf, and Köln-Niehl I and II. [2] The city has five Rhine ports,[2] the second largest inland port in Germany and one of the largest in Europe. The devastation was recorded by Hermann Claasen from 1942 until the end of the war, and presented in his exhibition and book of 1947 Singing in the furnace. This loss was mainly caused by a massive evacuation of the people to more rural areas. [60] The largest three Kölsch breweries are Reissdorf, Gaffel, and Früh. Thus this region later became part of Napoleon's Empire. Many little phials, which must once have contained perfume, attest that the city already produced eau de Cologne. The city is also home of the ice hockey team Kölner Haie, in the highest ice hockey league in Germany, the Deutsche Eishockey Liga. Safe as it was, Cologne was, in the third century, the only town in Germania Inferior that continued to grow. gave RheinEnergieStadion a bronze medal for "being one of the best sporting venues in the world". As of 2015, 35.5% of the population belonged to the Catholic Church, the largest religious body, and 15.5% to the Evangelical Church. In 1837 the archbishop of Cologne, Clemens August von Droste-Vischering, was arrested and imprisoned for two years after a dispute over the legal status of marriages between Protestants and Roman Catholics (Mischehenstreit). [5] The bombing reduced the population by 95%, mainly due to evacuation, and destroyed almost the entire city centre. [14] In 2015, there were 557,090 households, of which 18.3% had children under the age of 18; 50.6% of all households were made up of singles. 2,537 people acquired German citizenship in 2015. This has often led to an unusual proportional distribution in the city government and degenerated at times into corruption: in 1999, a "waste scandal" over kickbacks and illegal campaign contributions came to light, which led not only to the imprisonment of the entrepreneur Hellmut Trienekens, but also to the downfall of almost the entire leadership of the ruling Social Democrats. Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium est une colonie romaine capitale de la Germanie inférieure, l'actuelle ville de Cologne (Köln, en allemand), en Allemagne. Explanation of Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium The city was the capital of a Roman province until it was occupied by the Ripuarian Franks in 462. Christianity must have arrived in the late third or early fourth century. [68] In competition with Düsseldorf, the economy of Cologne is primarily based on insurance and media industries,[69] while the city is also an important cultural and research centre and home to a number of corporate headquarters. Zülpicher Strasse and its surroundings, Neumarkt square, Heumarkt and all bars and pubs in the city are crowded with people in costumes dancing and drinking in the streets. Roughly at the same time, a city centre bypass (Stadtautobahn) was planned, but only partially put into effect, due to opposition by environmental groups. Even after the collapse of Roman power in the Rhineland in the early fifth century, Roman commanders considered the city as theirs, and it was only in 456 that general Aegidius was forced to admit that the city had become Frankish. [6] Considerable Roman remains can be found in present-day Cologne, especially near the wharf area, where a 1,900-year-old Roman boat was discovered in late 2007. The city became–and still is–home to a number of federal agencies and organizations. Besides being prince elector, he was Archchancellor of Italy as well, technically from 1238 and permanently from 1263 until 1803. Industrialisation changed the city and spurred its growth. Its eastern wall was close to the Rhine and must have been very impressive, showing the Germanic tribes on the opposite bank the power of Rome. The airport is shared with the neighbouring city of Bonn. [66] The rivalry has been described as a "love–hate relationship". Liga (third division) and the Regionalliga West (fourth division) respectively. The town also boasted of shrines dedicated to Mars, the god of fertility and war, and to the oriental light god Mithras. She was born in Cologne in 15 or 16. [18] This raid lasted about 75 minutes, destroyed 600 acres (243 ha) of built-up area (61%),[19] killed 486 civilians and made 59,000 people homeless. It was the capital of the Roman province of Germania Inferior and the headquarters of the military in the region. After Russian immigration increased the Jewish population, the school reopened in 2002. According to the 2011 census, 2.1% of the population was Eastern Orthodox, 0.5% was member of an Evangelical Free Church and 4.2% belonged to further religious communities officially recognized by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (such as Jehovah's Witnesses). After reunification in 1990, Berlin was made the capital of Germany.